St. Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School


Summer Term Issue 2


Friday 28thINSET Day School Closed


Friday 5thFirst Mass of the Summer Term 9:30 a.m. in Church led by School Council

P.T.A. Karaoke and Curry Evening

Monday 8thS.A.T.’s Week

Monday 15thSafeguarding Week

Y6 Cycle Training

Tuesday 17thE-Safety Information Evening for Parents 6:30 p.m.

Thursday 25thMufti Day Gifts/NearlyNew

Night of the Proms 6:30 p.m.

Friday 26thINSET School Closed

Monday 29thMay – Friday 2nd June



Tuesday 6thSinging Festival Rose Theatre

Wednesday 7thBorough Sports

Friday 9thMufti Day Toys/Nearly New/Gifts

Saturday 10thFirst Holy Communion

Friday 16thMufti Day Bottles/Gifts

Saturday 17thFirst Holy Communion

Friday 23rdMufti Day Home Produce/ Nearly New

Saturday 24thSummer Fair

Friday 30thSports Day


Friday 7thDress Rehearsal Y6 Production 1:30 p.m.

Wednesday 12thY6 Production 7 p.m.

Thursday 13thY6 Production 7 p.m.

Monday 17thY4 & Y5 World Para Athletic championship

KS2 Disco6- 8 p.m.

Tuesday 18thInduction Evening for New Reception Parents

Friday 21stLeavers’ Mass 1:30 p.m. in Church

Thursday 27th April 2017

Dear Parents

As well as the newsletter you should have received your child’s topics for the Summer Term. I hope that you will find this information useful for the busy term ahead.

Old Fashioned Evening

We are looking forward to our next P.T.A. event, the Old Fashioned Evening on Friday 5th May 2017 and hope to see lots of you there. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.

Come and enjoy a sociable evening with a few drinks, a delicious curry and karaoke for those so inclined. The rest of us can enjoy a relaxing evening after our busy week in the company of friends and a boogie too.

Tickets cost £10 which includes supper and are available from the reps or via WisePay.

Thank you.

Well done to the children listed below for using their Big Hearts and Minds this week:
Penguins Lowri Jefferies
Matilda Pellegrini
Olive Stokes
Lemurs Nuala Harrington
Dolphins Thomas Harrison
Falcons Grace Parletti
The Whole Class
Swans Evie Puddephatt
Huskies Lucy Barton
Owls Georgia Gowland
Lions Vittoria Jordao
Eagles Isobel Swords

WisePay- School Meals

Please ensure that your child’s school meal account is in credit. Meals need to be paid for a week in advance. Can we also remind you that we need a week’s clear notice to change from packed lunch to school meals and vice versa?

Packed Lunch Policy

As some of your children have switched over to packed lunches for the Summer Term we would like to remind you of our Packed Lunch Policy. A copy is attached for your information. This Policy is part of our status as a Healthy School and operates in the best interests of our children at school and for off- site visits. Thank you for your co-operation.


We ask that you remember that school is a completely nut free zone. This includes before and after school snacks and school trip packed lunches. Thank you!

Family Fun Run

The annual St. Mary Magdalen’s Family Fun Run will take place on Saturday 20th May 2017. Please book via WisePay and also return your booking form. We need to know how many to cater for.

Active Kids Vouchers

Thank you to all who have brought in their Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers.These will only be issued until 2nd May 2017 so there are only seven more days to collect them. Please continue to bring them in and put them in the box on the window sill outside Reception Class. Thank you!

Head Teacher’s
All the children in our school are stars but those listed below shone a little brighter over the last week:
Year 1
Matilda Barton
Rosie O’Connell

Bikes For Sale

Two mountain bikes for sale - £100 each - amazing condition.

Felt Mountain Bike

20" wheel

Front suspension, white red and black

Excellent condition. £250 new.

Scott Mountain Bike
20" wheel
Front suspension, green and black
Excellent condition. £250 new.

Call or text Áine on 07796 - 512745 for more info.

Have a lovely long weekend with your children.

Mrs Frostick
