Great Bentley Parish Council
held on 4 June 2015 at Great Bentley Village Hall
Present / Cllr J. Hills (Chair), Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr K. Plummer, Cllr C. Warder, Cllr R. Taylor, Cllr P. Balbirnie and Cllr L. McWilliams.
Also in attendance were 16 members of the public.
Public Questions None
06.15.196 / Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Cllr G. Wright and Cllr L. Edwards (conflicting engagement).
06.15.197 / Minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2015:
Cllr McWilliams proposed the minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2015, Cllr Herbert seconded them and they were agreed as a true record of proceedings.
06.15.198 / Declarations of Interest:
The Chairman reminded members of the need to declare any interests. Cllr McWilliams registered an interest in item 201e.
06.15.199 / Information & Reports: No reports were received.
06.15.200 / County and District Councillors Reports:
a) County Councillor: A. Goggin expressed surprise at findings of the railway crossing survey. He advised that there considerable animosity about ECC’s Home-School transport changes.
b) District Councillor: L. McWilliams reported about a pothole outside the school. It was rectified very quickly. She confirmed since the recent elections she is now on TDC’s Planning Committee and has a seat in the Cabinet.
06.15.201 / Other Reports:
a) PCSO; The Chair read out PCSO Cox’s report and thanked for her efforts with the recent hit and run incident.
b) TDALC; Cllr R Taylor advised that he has been reelected as Chair of TDALC.
c) Transport; Mr P Harry is hopeful that the work to raise the Railway Station platform will take place this month.
d) Footpaths; Mr D Gollifer read his report advising that three of the local footpaths require strimming.
e) Caretaker; Mr B McWilliams provided a brief written report.
f) Village Events for GBPC/Police consideration: Nothing of note to report.
06.15.202 / Correspondence:
Flower Festival Invitation. No enthusiasm to accept the invitation.
06.15.203 / Parish Clerk Report:
The Clerk made a brief report is attached as Appendix A.
06.15.204 / Finance Report:
a) The report of expenditure for the previous month attached as Appendix B was proposed by Cllr Balbirnie, seconded by Cllr Warder and agreed.
b) A summary of the end of year accounts (Appendix C) was tabled together with the annual governance statement. An explanation of both was provided by the Clerk. The 2014/15 year end budget and the annual governance statement were proposed by Cllr Warder, seconded by Cllr Plummer and agreed.
c) The Internal Audit Report prepared by Heelis and Lodge is attached as Appendix D. It was proposed by Cllr Balbirnie to accept the report with the recommendations to be used as a basis for an action plan. This was seconded by Cllr Warder and agreed.
06.15.205 / Village Green Working Party:
Cllr Herbert advised that there was no Working Party meeting during the past month. It was agreed that he should obtain a quotation for a new framework building on new allotments.
The Clerk was asked to report the poor motorist sight-line on the right when leaving Heckford’s Road on to the A133.
06.15.206 / Review of PCSO Service:
In Cllr Wright’s absence, Cllr Hills reported the outcome of the review of the PCSO service. The members involved in the review indicated that they are satisfied that the PCSO service is benefiting the village. Members take the view that it is important that PCSO Cox is seen by residents going about her business. While she needs to spend time on the estates, it is important she is seen in other parts of the village in particular the village centre. Councillors agreed to make an effort to make more contact with PCSO Cox in the course of her duties.
06.15.207 / New Allotments Site;
Resolved: To obtain a quotation for a portable metal frame structure suitable for holding a 1000 litre water tank.
06.15.208 / Rebuilt Electricity Pole:
Cllr Taylor outlined the reason for the need to invest further in Lamp No. 9136. Cllr Warder proposed, Cllr Herbert seconded and it was Resolved: To agree fit a new pole bracket and an NXT 24 LED lantern to street lamp No. 9136 adjacent “Casa Mia” Sturricks Lane at a cost of £578.90.
06.15.209 / Forge Lane Drainage:
The Clerk advised that he has yet to receive a response to his letter to ECC Highways. The Chair asked that this issue is kept on the monthly agenda.
06.15.210 / Future Agenda Items:
Forge Lane Drainage.
Public Questions:
1) Cllr Goggin offered his compliments about how well the Annual Parish Meeting appeared to go.
2) Mr Drew clarified the misperception about his railway crossing report.
3) A complaint about motorists parking on double yellow lines and a request to get traffic wardens to police thee area occasionally.
4) The damaged highways sign opposite Lufkins Farm has now vanished completely.
5) The Clerk agreed to write to all properties adjacent the grassed amenity space on Larksfield Road to ask that motorists refrain from parking on the grass.
6) Reminder that Aviva Women’s Tour (cycle race) takes place on Thursday 18 June and will pass through Gt Bentley.
4 June 2015
1. Double Kerbstone Project Quotations on Southside :
Further to the last monthly parish council meeting, I have asked the contractors to submit/resubmit quotations. The submission deadline is 12 June 2015 and I shall report to the 2 July meeting.
2. Highway Verges:
The Parish Council’s contractor completed a cut of all the highway verges including the conservation verges between 16 and 18 May 2015.
3. The Michael Wright Room, Village Hall
Further to the Parish Council agreeing to grant fund a new set of blinds for the Michael Wright Room, arrangements have been made and I am advised that the new blinds will be fitted shortly.
4. Annual Internal Audit Inspection
The usual flurry of work has been undertaken during the past month to close the Parish Council’s annual accounts prior to the annual audit inspection. The inspection was completed by the Council’s internal auditor, Heelis and Lodge on 29 May 2015. A report was prepared, a copy of which has been circulated to members. The report includes eight relatively minor recommendations’ that need to be acted upon. Subject to the Council agreeing the annual accounts at this meeting, the annual return to the external auditor will be made by the 30 June 2015 deadline.
5. Parish Clerk’s Summer Holiday
I wish to remind to members that the Parish Clerk is taking a longer summer break than usual and will be unavailable from 9-30 August 2015.
Kevin Harkin
Clerk to Great Bentley Parish Council
Annual Financial Summary for Year 2014/15What we paid out in 2014/15
Payments / Actual 2011/12 £ / Actual 2012/13 £ / Actual 2013/14 £ / Budget 2014/15 £ / Actual 2014/15 £
Administration / 17993 / 17906 / 21785 / 26670 / 30687
Property and Footpaths / 9569 / 10138 / 13875 / 12800 / 7412
Play Areas / 703 / 490 / 7492 / 1000 / 555
Capital Projects / 2318 / 10621 / 5989 / 3560 / 1068
Allotments / 740 / 453 / 831 / 1200 / 1173
Footway Lighting / 6646 / 4167 / 9284 / 5700 / 4371
Grants / 2200 / 2737 / 2650 / 3370 / 8541
Total Outgoings / 40169 / 46512 / 61904 / 54300 / 53807
VAT / 3033 / 3943 / 5974 / 4000 / 2180
Total Payments / 43202 / 50455 / 67879 / 58300 / 55987
Note 1; Budgetted £3000 for NNDR on car park, not paid in 2014/15
Note 2; Includes 9 months payments for PCSO totalling £8574.
What we received in 2014/15
Receipts / Actual 2011/12 £ / Actual 2012/13 £ / Actual 2013/14 £ / Budget 2014/15 £ / Actual 2014/15 £
Other Income / 7649 / 9099 / 7220 / 5090 / 4995
VAT Reclaim / 1722 / 0 / 3127 / 4000 / 4021
Bank Interest / 246 / 391 / 143 / 350 / 261
Other Grants / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Sub Total / 9617 / 9490 / 10490 / 5440 / 5256
TDC Precept Payment / 54041 / 55068 / 46591 / 46585 / 46585
Total Receipts / 63658 / 64558 / 57081 / 52025 / 51841
Bank Reconciliation
Balance at 31 March 2012 / Balance at 31 March 2013 / Balance at 31 March 2014 / Budget 2014/15 £ / Balance at 31 March 2015
Current Account / 52,625 / 66,538 / 56,375 / 55,491
Deposit Account / 18898 / 19,157 / 19,281 / 19,420
Sub Total / 71,523 / 85,695 / 75,656 / 74,911
Less: unpresented cheque / -69 / -828 / -208
Net balance as at 31 March / 71,523 / 85,626 / 74,828 / 74,703
Cash Book
Opening Balance on 1 April / 51067 / 71,523 / 85,626 / 74,828
Add: receipts in the year / 63658 / 64,558 / 57081 / 55862
Less: payments in the year / 43202 / 50,455 / 67879 / 55987
Closing balance at 31 March / 71,523 / 85,626 / 74,828 / 74,703
Local Council Services • Internal Audit
Internal Audit Report for Great Bentley Parish Council – 2014/15
Income: £55,862 Expenditure: £55,987 Reserves: £74,703
Annual Return Completion:
Section One: No
Section Two: No
Section Four: Yes
The following Internal Audit was carried out on the adequacy of systems of control. The following recommendations/comments have been made:
Proper book-keeping Cash Book, regular reconciliation of books and bank statements. Supporting vouchers, invoices and receipts
All were found to be in order. VAT payments are tracked and identified within the year end accounts. The cashbook is referenced providing a clear audit trail. Supporting paperwork is in place and well referenced.
Recommendation: To identify LGA1972 s137 expenditure within the minutes, cashbook and year end accounts.
Financial regulations Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
Appropriate payment controls including acting within the legal framework with reference to council minutes
Identifying VAT payments and reclamation
Cheque books, paying in books and other relevant documents
Standing Orders in place: Yes Reviewed: 10/5/2013
Financial Regulations in place: Yes Reviewed: 10/5/2013
VAT reclaimed during the year: Yes Registered: No
General Power of Competence: No
Financial Regulations and Standing Orders in place. Standing Orders are currently being reviewed.
Recommendation: To minute the power used to pay grants and donations to other organisations.
Risk Assessment Appropriate procedures in place for the activities of the council
Risk Assessment document in place: Yes
Data Protection registration: Yes
Insurance was in place for the year of audit. The Risk Assessment was reviewed on 3/7/2014.
The Risk Assessment is comprehensive and covers all activities of the Council.
An annual play area inspection has been undertaken and action taken on the matters arising from the report.
The Council have good internal financial controls in place. Cheque stubbs and invoices are initialled by signatories. The Clerk provides financial reports to council meetings. Councillors are provided with information to enable them to make informed decisions.
Recommendation: To ensure that if inspections are undertaken that a written record is kept of the inspection in order to provide the evidence that the inspection was carried out.
Fidelity Cover: £150,000
The level of Fidelity cover is within the recommended guidelines of year end balances plus 50% of the precept.
Budgetary controls Verifying the budgetary process with reference to council minutes and supporting documents
Precept: £46,585 Date: 5/12/2013
Good budgetary procedures are in place. Whilst the budget was agreed in full council and the precept decision and amount have not been minuted, however, the precept amount is recorded in the budget. The Clerk ensures the council are aware of responsibilities, commitments, forward planning and the need for adequate reserves. Budget papers are prepared to ensure councillors have sufficient information to make informed decisions.
Recommendation: To clearly minute the precept decision and amount.
Income controls Precept and other income, including credit control mechanisms
All were found to be in order. Income controls were checked and income received and banked cross referenced with the Cash Book and bank statements.
Allotment rents were reviewed on 31/7/2014.
Petty Cash Associated books and established system in place
A satisfactory expenses system is in place with supporting paperwork.
Payroll controls PAYE and NIC in place where necessary.
Compliance with Inland Revenue procedures
Records relating to contracts of employment
PAYE System in place: Yes
The Council are operating RTI in accordance with HMRC regulations. Payments are made quarterly to HMRC.
Recommendation: To keep payroll information on file.
Asset control Inspection of asset register and checks on existence of assets
Cross checking on insurance cover
A separate asset register is in place. The cost value/purchase price of assets are recorded as a total amount and it has been suggested to the Clerk that these are recorded individually.
It is noted that a review of asset insurance values will be taking place.
Bank Reconciliation Regularly completed and cash books reconcile with bank statements
The accounts reconcile. The year end bank balance for the Fixed Rate Deposit account was obtained verbally from the bank, as was the accrued interest figure.
Year-end procedures Appropriate accounting procedures are used and can be followed through from working papers to final documents
Verifying sample payments and income
Checking creditors and debtors where appropriate.
End of year accounts are prepared on a Receipts and Payments basis but were not available for the audit. Sample audit trails were undertaken and all were found to be in order.
Sole Trustee The Council has met its responsibilities as a trustee
The Council is not a sole trustee.
Internal Audit
Procedures The Council reviewed the effectiveness of the internal audit at a meeting held on 3/7/2014.
Recommendation: Whilst there is no longer a requirement to minute the review of the effectiveness of the Internal Audit, it is recommended that either a minute of the review is recorded or a clear statement in the Risk Assessment relating directly to the review to ensure clarity that the review has been carried out.