Course Description: Over the course of this school year, we will be reading a variety of literature and writing often. We will be working to master the Common Core Standards for English/Language Arts ( which focus on grammar, vocabulary, and composition with a special emphasis on reading skills. Students will develop narrative, literary, persuasive, and analytical writing skills. They will also read short stories, poems, novels, drama, and non-fiction from selected world literature. In addition to the regular sophomore curriculum, students in Pre-AP English II will read six novels and plays independently. They will also be introduced to skills and concepts that will prepare them for the End of Course Assessment for English II and that will be necessary for the AP Language and Composition and AP Literature courses.

Note: The focus of this class is depth rather than breadth. While every effort will be made to address all aspects of the syllabus, time constraints, student absences, and unforeseen circumstances may require revisions to the syllabus as the year unfolds. The learning goals of each unit should be addressed; however, some pieces may be removed or revised.

Course Outline:

Summer Reading/ Unit 1:The Road & Dystopian Literature

Unit 2: Greek Drama / Antigone

Independent Reading – A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

*Argumentative Writing Piece

Unit 3: Gothic Literature/ Project Research

Short Stories

Independent Reading – Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

MLA citation

*Research/Project Writing

Unit 4:Othello/Shakespeare

Persuasive Appeals

Tragic Hero Essay

Unit 5:Novel Unit: Lord of the Flies

Focus on Diction, Tone, Syntax, Theme, Characterization, Conflict, Allegory

Independent Reading – A Separate Peace by John Knowles

Unit 6:Holocaust/ Night/ Memoir Writing

Unit 7: Poetry and Poetic Devices

Focus on Annotation and Analysis

EOC Practice and Review

Independent Reading – Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

*Literary Analysis Essays

Unit 8: Informational Reading/Satire

Various Informational Texts

Satirical Texts, Cartoons, Video Clips, Music, Articles, etc.

  • Grammar skills, vocabulary, literary elements, annotation, literary analysis, and thesis development will be covered throughout the course.
  • All texts will be provided for students unless they are highlighted on the course outline.


  • Summer Reading: Students enrolled in this class are expected to have read The Road by Cormac McCarthy over the summer in order to prepare for the first unit. A comprehensive test on the summer reading will be completed sometime during the first weeks of school.
  • Independent Reading: All Pre-AP English II students will read 5 novels and/or plays recommended by the AP College Board independently this year. Students will be responsible for obtaining their own copies of Frankenstein and Things Fall Apart.
  • Schoology: All Pre-AP English II students need to create an account at This is the site that I use to post class information, homework assignments, and on-line discussions. The class codes are listed on the front of this sheet.
  • End Of Course Assessment: A state-mandated exit exam will be given at the end of the school year to ALL English II and Pre-AP English II students. This exam will account for 20% of the student’s final grade in the course.

Supply List

Three Ring Binder (preferably with pockets on the inside covers)

8 Divider Tabs (one for each unit)

Loose Leaf Notebook Paper (College-Ruled)


Blue or Black Ink Pens

Highlighters (at least three colors)

Flash Drive (may be used for all classes)

Donations: Students use many consumable items during the school year. If you can donate any of the following items to the Media Arts Village for student use, we would greatly appreciate your contribution! Thank you

Tissues Paper Towels Hand Sanitizer Disinfecting Wipes Pencils Printer Paper

Grading System:

Grades will be determined by cumulative points on the following scale:


B84-91 C 76-83 D 68-75 F 67 and Below

Our grade reporting system will be consistent with the format used by Scott County High School. Assessment will include evaluation in seven areas of concentration:

  1. Content: This grade reflects the student’s mastery of core content.
  2. Work Ethic/Effort: This grade reflects the student’s commitment to complete assignments and participate in class.
  3. Collaboration/Teamwork: This grade reflects the student’s ability to work in a group.
  4. Critical Thinking: This grade reflects the student’s ability to analyze and synthesize information.
  5. Writing Mechanics: This grade reflects the student’s mastery of grammar, spelling, and literary content.
  6. Integrated Projects: This grade reflects the student’s progress and completion of class projects with appropriate research.
  7. Presentation Skills: This grade reflects the student’s ability to present information effectively to audiences.

Anyone caught cheating (sharing your work or copying someone else’s work) or plagiarizing (stealing or borrowing another’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own) will be subject to penalty as outlined in the student handbook.

Mrs. McIver’s Classroom Expectations and Rules

End Of Course Assessment: A state-mandated exit exam will be given at the end of the school year to ALL English II and Pre-AP English II students. This exam will account for 20% of the student’s final grade in the course.

Make-Up Work Policy:

When you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask me what activities and work you missed that day. If you missed an assignment, you will have as many days as you were absent to make up the assignment. For any missed tests, you will have one week to make it up. You will have to make arrangements with me to take the test outside of class time (before or after school) to avoid missing more instruction.

Late Work: If you miss a deadline (late work) for daily work, I will accept the assignment for 50% credit until the end of that current unit. After this, you will not be allowed to earn any credit for the assignment. This does not apply to Schoology assignments. They must be complete by the due date. Projects and essays will be accepted late, but will be deducted a letter grade for each day late (1 day = 1 letter grade, 2 days = 2 letter grades, 3 days = 3 letter grades, etc.). This means that after four days you cannot earn a passing grade.

Leaving Class & End of Class: If you need to leave class to use the restroom or go to the office, ask permission and return promptly. Remember that the teacher dismisses you from class. Do not “pack up” materials or get out of your seat until I allow you to do so.

Textbooks and Novels: If a TEXTBOOK or NOVEL is lost or damaged, YOU will be expected to PAY to replace the textbook BEFORE you receive another one. If a novel is lost or damaged, YOU will be expected to REPLACE the novel before another one will be issued.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be an active, engaged learner. Keep a positive attitude 
  2. Respect others and their property (This includes my desk).
  3. Observe appropriate times for talking and listening. There should be absolutely no talking when I am talking to the whole class or delivering instruction.
  4. Cooperate with and help others to succeed.
  5. Keep cell phones, iPods/MP3 players, and other electronic devices off and out of sight during instructional time and during assessments. I am sure these items are important to you, so avoid getting them confiscated by only having them out at appropriate times when you have permission.
  1. BE ON TIME. You should be in YOUR seat when class begins.
  2. Be prepared (Bring your binder, pencils/pens, and other materials to class every day).
  3. Know and follow class routines and procedures.
  4. Use class time wisely and complete and turn in all of your assignments.
  5. Place all trash in trash cans. This classroom belongs to you and your classmates. Take care of it
  6. When using laptops, iPads, and classroom supplies, return all items to where they belong at the end of class in an organized manner. Take care of technology utilized in our classroom.
  1. Refrain from horseplay in the classroom.
  2. Ask for permission if you need to be out of your seat for any reason.
  3. Keep your personal property to yourself.
  4. Stay in your assigned seat.

Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what is right.

Theodore Roosevelt

If You CHOOSE to Break a Rule

  1. Be familiar with the school’s discipline matrix. If you break a classroom or school rule, your consequence will follow the matrix.
  2. If you choose to be disrespectful and/or disruptive in my classroom, then the following steps will be taken.

First Time = Verbal Warning and often a Phone Call Home

Second Time = Office Referral with additional consequences adhering to the discipline matrix.

  • Severe Disruptions = If you cause a severe disruption or create an unsafe environment for fellow students, you will be automatically removed from the classroom without the privileges of the first and second offenses
  • It is your responsibility to behave in a manner that does not threaten, interfere with, or deprive other students of their right to an education!

Pre-AP English II Guidelines and Expectations Signature Sheet

Please sign and return the following page by ______for 25 points.

I have read and understand the outlined policies for Mrs. McIver’s Pre-AP English class. I will make an honest effort to follow the class expectations, policies, and procedures on a daily basis. I also understand the consequences stated for failure to abide by these policies.

I understand that the English II end of the course assessment will count as 20% of my overall grade for this course.

Please check this box if you have internet access at home.

Student Name (please print) ______

Student Signature: ______

Class Period: ______

Parent or Guardian Contact Information:

Parent / Guardian Name (please print): ______

Parent / Guardian Signature ______

Relationship to Student: ______

Phone: Home ______

Cell ______

E-mail ______

I prefer to be contacted by:

Home Phone

Cell Phone


Please check this box to indicate that you understand that the English II end of the course assessment will count as 20% of your child’s overall grade for this course.

Please check this box if you would be interested in volunteering in our village this year.

  • Please use the space below to communicate any comments, questions, or concerns.