MATH 123
Precalculus (3 credits)
Spring 2012 Syllabus
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Kristine Roinestad
Office: ASC 119
Phone: (502) 863-8099
Office Hours: Monday: 9-10 a.m. & 11-11:30 a.m.
Tuesday: 1-2 p.m.
Wednesday: 9-10 a.m. & 11-11:30 a.m.
Thursday: 2-3 p.m.
Friday: 9-10 a.m.
And by appointment
TEXTBOOK: Precalculus: Functions and Graphs by Swokowski and Cole, 12th edition, Brooks/Cole 2012.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: A survey of algebraic and trigonometric techniques and functions. Topics include a review of algebra; exponential and logarithmic functions; trigonometric functions; analytic trigonometry; applications of trigonometry; if time we will also cover systems of equations, conic sections and/or polar coordinates. This course is a preparation for calculus. Not applicable to a major or minor in mathematics.
PREREQUISITE: Math ACT subscore of at least 22, or consent of instructor.
GENERAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES: As a member of the Georgetown College academic community, you will cultivate skills in inquiry and analysis, critical and creative thinking, and quantitative literacy. This course will help you learn to think mathematically and prepare you for future academic and real-world pursuits.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students who pursue the study of mathematics are trained to solve problems and to communicate such solutions effectively. After completing this course, you should be able to demonstrate basic content knowledge of polynomial, rational and trigonometric functions, applications and analysis of trig functions as well as solving systems, conic sections and polar coordinates of equations on homework, quizzes, and exams. You will also be able to apply problem-solving skills to arrive at correct solutions on homework, quizzes, and exams and improve critical thinking skills and written communications skills.
GRADING: The following percentages will be used in grading:
75% Tests (5 Tests—15% each, lowest exam score is dropped)
20% Comprehensive Final Exam
NUMBER to Letter Grade Scale: A: 93–100; A/B: 88–92; B: 83–87; B/C: 78–82; C: 70–77; D: 60–69; F: below 60. I reserve the right to adjust this scale slightly.
Note: this grading scale does not add up to 100%. I will either drop your lowest test grade or your homework grade. For your homework grade to be dropped, you must have a MINIMUM of 50% on homework with at most three scores of zero on assignments.
CLASS: Every student in MAT 170 will attend three 50-minute sections each week. The class will be in the scheduled classroom, ASC 131, and will be the same days each week.
ATTENDANCE Policy: Attendance is required. I will take attendance daily. You will be allowed 2 unexcused absences. If you miss a class for an event sponsored by Georgetown College, I need to be informed IN ADVANCE. It is your responsibility, not your coaches, for example, to let me know when you will be missing class. I also require all work to be made up in advance. Only in rare instances will I accept make-up work after a class is missed.
HOMEWORK: Homework will be due at the beginning of class and collected. I will only accept ONE late homework assignment. Any other homework assignment turned in after the start of class on the due date will not be accepted. Homework may be worked on in groups; however, all work turned in must be written up by you and you alone. You must attempt every problem and show work for every problem to receive credit for your assignment. Homework will be graded as follows: two to three questions will be graded for correctness for a total of 6 points; completeness will earn 4 points (i.e., you did every problem, correct or not). If you have homework questions that you want to discuss in class (after the homework has been turned in), you must e-mail me by 8 a.m. on the day of the class. This gives me the ability to allot a certain amount of time to homework questions. As always, you can come to me ahead of time to discuss homework before it is due.
TESTS: Five tests will be given throughout the semester. I will inform you of the exams at least one week in advance. Excused absences consist of documented medical issues or emergencies. You must notify me of the nature of the situation PRIOR to the test to receive my approval of the absence. In the case of a DOCUMENTED excused absence, I will most likely replace the test score with the grade of your final. Unexcused absences will result in a zero score.
FINAL: There will be a cumulative final. If you miss the final for anything other than a DOCUMENTED EMERGENCY, you will receive a score of ZERO. The final exam is Monday, May 14, 2012, from
9‒11 a.m. in our usual classroom.
Cell Phone/MP3 Player/iPod/Pager Policy: Use of a cell phone or any other electronic communication device in class is disruptive, distracting, and inconsiderate to other students. Therefore, your cell phone/MP3 player/iPod/pager (or any similar device) must be turned off in class (or during an exam or quiz).
WEB RESOURCES: Announcements, course information, homework assignments, review sheets, etc., will be posted on Moodle. It is your responsibility to check for any updates before each class.
HELP: There are three main sources for you to get help. First and foremost are your fellow classmates. I encourage you to work together on your homework assignments as well as studying and learning the material in groups. The second source is your instructor. Please come to the posted office hours. If you cannot make any of the office hours, you may schedule an appointment. The third source is your peer tutor. Information on tutoring will be discussed during the first weeks of class and reminders given throughout the semester. If you ever need one-on-one help from a tutor, please speak with me and arrangements will be made.
ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY: I take cheating very seriously. If you are caught cheating, you will most likely end up with a failing grade. Students should read the Academic Honesty Policy in the Honor System section of their Georgetown College Catalog.
Test 1:
2.4- Definitions of Functions (1 Day)
2.5 Graphs of Functions (1 Day)
4.1- Inverse Functions (1 Day)
4.2 Exponential Functions (1 Day)
4.3 The Natural Logarithmic Function (1 Day)
4.4 Logarithmic Functions (1 Day)
4.5 Properties of Logarithms (1 Day)
4.6 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations (1 Day)
1 day review, 1 day test
Test 2:
5.1-Angles (1 Day)
5.2 Trigonometric Functions of Angles (1 Day)
5.3 Trig Functions of Real Numbers (1.5 Day)
5.5 Trig Graphs (1.5 Day)
1 day review, 1 day test
Test 3:
6.1 Verifying Trig Identities (2 days)
6.2 Trig Equations (1 day)
6.3 Addition/Subtraction Formulas (2 days)
6.4 Multiple Angle Formulas (2 days)
6.6 The Inverse Trig Functions (2 days)
1 day review, 1 day test
Test 4:
7.3 Vectors (1 day)
7.4 The Dot Product (1 day)
10.1 Parabolas (2 days)
10.2 Ellipses (1 day)
10.3 Hyperbolas (1 day)
1 day review, 1 day test
Test 5:
8.1 Systems of Equations (1 day)
8.2 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables (1 day)
8.3 Systems of Inequalities (1 day)
8.5 Systems of Linear Equations in More Than Two Variables (1 day)
8.6 The Algebra of Matrices (1 day)
1 day review, 1 day test, the remaining 1-2 days review for final.