
Summer Reading Outline /Note Organizer

To complete this organizer, type your answers. When you are ready to save it, save it using the SAVE AS option with the book title and your name. Then, email it to . You must email your completed assignment by Friday, August 9, 2013. In addition, save your work on a stick and bring it to school with you on the first day of school.

Title of the book:

Author of the book:

The Point of View of the storyteller (narrator) is: (check one)

___1st person narrator

___3rd person limited (narrator knows only about one or two characters)

___3rd person omniscient (narrator knows about all the characters)

Setting(s) of the novel:

The year or time of the story is:

The place where the story happens is:

List 5 specific details about the setting:






The Main Character is:

Give a description of the main character externally (on the outside) by listing 5 details about the main character:






Give a description of the main character internally (on the inside) by listing 3 things about the main character:




Who are the Minor Characters in the novel and why are they important to the story?

Minor character:


Minor character:


Minor character:


Conflict: What is the conflict in the book you read? A conflict is the problem between opposing forces, and there are five kinds of conflict. Highlight all the conflicts that can be identified in your novel. Then select the ONE you think is the conflict the main character faces and explain why.

Character vs CharacterCharacter vs NatureCharacter vs Society

Character vs UnknownCharacter vs Himself / Herself

The conflict the main character faces is:

My explanation for this choice is:

Plot: As you are reading your book, find and mark with post-it notes SIX main events in the plot of the story. In a short phrase, summarize the plot event and mark the post-it note with the page number or numbers of each event. After you have completed the book, use digital sticky notes, and then copy the six events into this space below.

Theme: After having completed your book, what do you think the theme (central idea or lesson to be learned) is in the book? Think about what the author was trying to say.

I believe the theme is: