Table of Contents
2.Overarching Comments
3.Specific Comments
3.1Victoria’s Draft 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy, October 2016
3.2Draft Options Book, October 2016
3.3Matters That Council Has Not Previously Commented On
3.4Funding and Financing – Value Capture Paper, October 2016
- Introduction
Melton City Council (MCC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on Infrastructure Victoria’s Draft 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy (Draft Strategy).
We have reviewed the three documents released:
- Victoria’s Draft 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy, October 2016
- Draft Options Book, October 2016
- Your Considered Opinion
Infrastructure Victoria should be commended on the comprehensive approach it has taken to the document. The number and scope of the options reviewed and the consideration of costings as part of the analysis is welcomed by Council.
Whilst we consider that the overall framework, guiding principles, objectives and needs have been generally been well thought out, we request a number of changes to the documents. Our requests for change include the further development of some of the concepts to address needs, the refinement of wording of some of the options, and the deletion of some options where they are inappropriate.
The City of Melton is one of Victoria’s designated growth area Councils . Our municipality is experiencing rapid growth and has an identified backlog of infrastructure to deal with our current population, and will need ongoing significant investment in infrastructure into the future to keep pace with our current and projected population growth.
Between 2005 and 2015 our population doubled. Our current population is 137,865 (30 March 2016), which is expected to increase to 316,000 by 2036, and an eventual population of well over 400,000 when we reach our ultimate build out state.
MCC has identified that some of the priority needs for infrastructure in the City of Melton include:
- The Melton Railway Line needs to be electrified and three new railway stations are required in the future (Toolern, Paynes Road and Hopkins Road).
- The Western Highway needs to be upgraded to Freeway Standard (between Caroline Springs and Melton) to improve safety.
- A significant investment to purchase school sites and develop new schools as many of the current schools in the City of Melton are overcrowded.
- Health services are required to be improved as residents in the City of Melton has the lowest provision rate of general practice clinics in Victoria (and has some of the lowest rates of provision for allied health, dental services and pharmacies) , and have a lower life expectancy.
- Overarching Comments
Due to the tight timelines to get submissions and the lack of Council meeting for Council to consider the submission, this submission on the Draft Strategy has to be based on Council’s previous submission to the All Things Considered submission which was made in June 2016 where there is new content not included in All Things Considered comment provided is from Council officers only and has not been endorsed by Council.
Centralised Planning Scheme
In our submission to All Things Considered, MCC stated its concerns regarding the adoption of a Centralised Planning Scheme.
We are pleased to note that this option has not been recommended in the Draft Strategy.
Westside Story Scenario
The Draft Options Book has evaluated each of the ‘options’ against six scenarios.
As stated in our submission to All Things Considered, MCC considers the evaluation of the options against scenarios is an innovative approach and has added depth to the evaluation of the options. MCC strongly supports the Westside Story scenario, but notes that this scenario unduly focuses on the City of Wyndham and the inner councils in the Western Region, and therefore the scenario is only telling part of the story.
The City of Melton is projected to have a population in excess of 400,000 people in its ultimate state, and will house approximately one third of the population of the western region. We therefore maintain our request that the wording of the Westside Story scenario be expanded to include references to the City of Melton, reference to the proposed Toolern Metropolitan Activity Centre, the Western Intermodal Freight Terminal, and the Western Industrial Precinct.
MCC furthermore notes that many of the options explored in the Draft Options Book are unduly focussed on the City of Wyndham and the inner councils in Melbourne’s West. We seek to have more reference to the City of Melton, and our needs as a growth area council in the options.
If the Westside Storyscenario and options in the Draft Options Book are expanded to include the City of Melton, we believe this will contribute to the rebalancing of Melbourne to the west.
Roles and Responsibilities
In our submission to All Things Considered we submitted that the options explored in the draft options book should have a section added which outlines who would be responsible for the delivery of the option and who would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure thereafter. As this section has not been included we request again that this be included to provide clarity for all parties on this matter.
There are a number of options which may not traditionally be a State role, that may impact on the servicing and resourcing of Local Government (such as running early childhood centre services, and the collection of household waste). There are other options where the State Government may take the lead, but it is the role of Local Government to implement the program. Whilst Council is supportive of many of these options, we would be concerned if the draft options result in increased responsibility for Council given the scarcity of resources and funding, particularly now that we are entering into a rate-capping environment.
Melton City Council would like to understand how the delivery mechanisms for various options, including the intended lead agent and stakeholders.
Community Infrastructure
As stated in our submission to All Things Considered, MCCstrongly supports the emphasis within the three papers on the important objectives of social inclusion, addressing disadvantage, improving resiliency, and lifelong learning, and in the promotion of improved health through physical activity and participation.
To better understand the cost implications for State Government and Local Government, the cost of delivering infrastructure should also consider the subsequent operational funding. For example, the Department of Health and Human Services provide Neighbourhood House Coordination Program funding to pay for the staffing costs of Neighbourhood House (inclusive of lifelong learning) programs. For some time now, there has been a freeze on the funding of new neighbourhood houses under this program. The impact of this is born disproportionately on fast developing outer metropolitan local government areas. The need here is not necessarily to fund a wholly new project or program, but instead to extend funding for existing successful programs.
Consideration of Options
We agree with the general approach taken by Infrastructure Victoria to consider options:
Being a Growth Area Council we acknowledge that much of our focus will be seen through the lens of the last approach ‘expanding assets or building new ones’.
- Specific Comments
Melton City Council (MCC) in the comments below has concentrated on matters that MCC strongly supports, or has concerns with. As discussed earlier, these comments are based on our submission to All Things Considered in June 2016.
3.1Victoria’s Draft 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy, October 2016
Ref No. / Comment / Requested ChangeNeed 1 – Address Infrastructure Demands in Areas with High Population Growth
1.1 / The City of Melton is one of Melbourne’s designated growth areas and continues to experience high rates of growth and there is a concern that infrastructure provision by the State Government is struggling to keep pace with demand.
Melton City Council (MCC) is concerned that there is a backlog in the supply of new schools, significant gaps in health service provision, and the delivery and upgrade of transport infrastructure (public transport, active travel, the road network, and the freight network).
MCC is generally supportive of the proposed options to address infrastructure needs in high growth areas, and is highly supportive of options that seek to provide infrastructure in a timely manner.
MCC notes that this Need in the Draft Strategy has addressed MCC’s concerns that the previous version had been unduly weighted towards transport projects.
In our submission to All Things Considered, we requested that further investigation be undertaken for the greenfield development sequencing option. Council has raised concerns with the Metropolitan Planning Authority that little guidance has been provided regarding development sequencing, and the difficulties that Council’s and public authorities experience in servicing communities that are developed out of sequence. We would welcome this being made a high priority as this lies at the heart of emerging infrastructure challenges in growth area Councils. Refer to item 2.27 for an expanded discussion of this option.
Council maintains its view that this option should be included in the Strategywhen finalised. / MCC requests thatInfrastructure Victoria include greenfield development sequencing as a recommendation in the Strategy.
1.2 / In our submission to All Things Considered we recommended that the State Government explore the development of a new option tobenchmark infrastructure development in Growth Areas with population growth.
We invite the State Government to commit to providing infrastructure items that are linked to growth outcomes. For example, for every increase in a certain number of residents (to be determined by appropriate analysis) in a municipality a new school site will be purchased and constructed. This would have a twofold benefit for Council and its residents:
- Increased certainty on the provision of State Government infrastructure needed to service local communities.
- Makes it easier for Government Departments to request funding for the provision of infrastructure to service fast growing communities.
- benchmark infrastructure development in Growth Areas with population growth- the development of state government infrastructure should be linked to population growth in Growth Areas
1.3 / In our submission to All Things Considered we raised concerns about existing significant gaps in the health system in the City of Melton. MCC continues to be concerned about the these gaps.
Reason for Concern
The population in the City’s west also is experiencing rapid growth, which is placing a strain on access to health services in the West.
Most health services provided in the Western Region are clustered in three areas – around Footscray, Sunshine and Werribee.
Residents in the City of Melton have to travel substantial distances (in Metropolitan terms) to access many health services. Health services should be expanded in the western region to provide an improved geographic spread.
The City of Melton has the lowest provision rate (per 1,000 people) of general practice clinics in Victoria, and has some of the lowest provision rates for allied health, dental services and pharmacies. Melton has the highest incidence in the state of type two diabetes and the life expectancy for both men and women is approximately two years less than other Victorians.
Requested Change
Given that access to health facilities is critical for the health and well-being of the community, MCC requests that an option that relates to an improvement in access to health facilities in growth areas (particularly in the west growth corridor) be included in the final Strategy. / MCC requests that an option relating to the improvement in access to health facilities in growth areas (particularly in the west growth corridor) be included in the Strategy.
Need 2 – Address Infrastructure Challenges in Areas with Low or Negative Growth
1.4 / No comment
Need 3 – Respond to Increasing Pressure on Health Care, Particular due to Ageing
1.5 / In our submission to All Things Considered we raised concerns about existing significant gaps in the health system in the City of Melton. MCC continues to be concerned about these gaps.
Reason for Concern
Most health services provided in the Western Region are clustered in three areas – around Footscray, Sunshine and Werribee.
Residents in the City of Melton have to travel substantial distances (in Metropolitan terms) to access many health services. Health services should be expanded in the western region to provide an improved geographic spread.
Requested Change
Given that access to health facilities is critical for the health and well-being of the community, MCC requests that an option that relates to an improvement in access to health facilities in growth areas (particularly in the west growth corridor) would be welcomed by MCC. / MCC requests that an option relating to the improvement in access to health facilities in growth areas (particularly in the west growth corridor) be included in the Strategy.
Need 4 – Enable Physical Activity and Participation
1.6 / MCC submitted to All Things Considered that it was concerned that the recommended options were transport related and requested that options that related to the development of passive and active open space be included in the Strategy, as well as the development of sporting clubs.
MCC commends Infrastructure Victoria for including recommendations that relate to promoting incidental recreational physical activity, and the development of a network of sporting and recreation facilities. / MCC requests no changes
Need 5 – Provide Spaces Where Communities Can Come Together
1.7 / In our submission to All Things Considered we supported the options identified in this need. MCC continues to support the options identified in this need and requests no changes. / MCC requests no changes
Need 6 – Improve Accessibility for People with Mobility Challenges
1.8 / MCC submitted to All Things Considered that it supports options that assist people with mobility challenges to access jobs and services and participate in community life.
MCC continues to support the options identified in this need and requests no changes.
In our submission we requested that the community infrastructure accessibility option should be elevated to address this need.
MCC commends Infrastructure Victoria for including the community infrastructure accessibility option as a recommendation in the Draft Strategy. / MCC requests no changes
Need 7 – Provide Better Access to Housing for the Most Vulnerable Victorians
1.9 / MCC submitted to All Things Considered that it supports the proposed options that improve access to affordable housing in areas across Metropolitan Melbourne
The City of Melton housing market provides some of the most affordable housing in Metropolitan Melbourne. However, being a high growth area with increasing supply of newer properties, it will most likely result in an increase in the median price of private rental properties across the municipality. This will affect the accessibility of affordable housing for vulnerable residents.
As a high growth municipality, City of Melton is experiencing changes in the demographic groups and household size. Apart from the proposed options, considerations should also be given to ensure that there is a spread of housing diversity within the municipality that will meet their needs.
MCC requested that further consideration be given to two concepts affordable and social housing development incentives and fund and social housing private provision to increase stock to develop into possible options, in order to increase the supply of affordable housing for the vulnerable cohorts.
MCC commends Infrastructure Victoria for including the affordable and social housing development incentives and fund and social housing private provision to increase stockoptions as recommendations in the Draft Strategy. / MCC requests no changes
Need 8 - Address Expanded Demand on the Justice System
1.10 / MCC submitted to All Things Considered that it supports options that expand access to the justice system, as the City of Melton is a high growth area, and there is limited access to justice systems within the City of Melton.
MCC requested that further consideration be given to two concepts justice delivery in growth areas andjustice and human services joint planningto develop into possible options to improve access to Justice in the City of Melton.
MCC commends Infrastructure Victoria for including the justice delivery in growth areas and justice and human services joint planningoptions as recommendations in the Draft Strategy. / MCC requests no changes
Need 9 – Provide Access to High-Quality Education Infrastructure to Support Lifelong Learning
1.11 / MCC submitted to All Things Considered that it was concerned about the significant gaps in the education system in the City of Melton.
Reason for Concern
- Melton residents leave school earlier and a lower proportion complete Year 12.
- Many schools in the City of Melton are overcrowded.
- There are limited opportunities for residents to access face-to-face tertiary education locally.
MCC therefore supports the options that seek to address these challenges, namely:
- School shortages – MCC has estimated to meet the current and projected demand two Primary schools need to be delivered every three years, and a Secondary school every five years. A new secondary school is currently needed in Taylors Hill West, and primary schools need to be delivered in Eynesbury, Burnside, Bridge Road (Toolern), and Brookfield.
- TAFE recapitalisation – consideration should be given to the re-establishment of tertiary education at the Victoria University site in Melton South or the establishment of new tertiary facilities in the Toolern Metropolitan Activity Centre.
Need 10 – Meeting Growing Demand for Access to Economic Activity in Central Melbourne
1.12 / MCC submitted to All Things Considered that it provided support for the following options that would meet the growing demand for access to Central Melbourne.
MCC supports the following options being included in the Strategy.
- Growth area train station upgrade and provision
- High capacity trains
- Public transport train timetabling
- Rail signals and fleet upgrade
- Road space allocation changes
- Melton rail electrification
- Train station car parking improvements