Name ______Period______Date______


English II Pre-AP

The novel Ishmael by Daniel Quinn is designed to present and develop the Socratic method of analysis and synthesis in order to reach the most LOGICAL conclusion. The narrator of this extraordinary tale is a man in search for truth. He answers an ad in a local newspaper from a teacher looking for serious pupils, only to find himself alone in an abandoned office with a full-grown gorilla who is nibbling delicately on a slender branch. “You are the teacher?” he asks incredulously. “I am the teacher,” the gorilla replies. Ishmael is a creature of immense wisdom, and he has a story to tell, one that no other human being has ever heard. It is a story that extends backward and forward over the lifespan of the earth from the birth of time to a future there is still time to save. Ishmael’s proverb, “With gorilla gone, will there be hope for man? With man gone, will there be hope for gorilla?” is posted behind Ishmael and is the focus of the extended debate that ensues between Ishmael and the student. Like all great teachers, Ishmael refuses to make the lesson easy; he demands the final illumination to come from within ourselves. Is it man’s destiny to rule the world? Or is it a higher destiny possible for him—one more wonderful than he has ever imagined?

During the semester, you will learn to analyze samples of text (including Ishmael and texts in both nonfiction and fiction genres) and develop skills that are needed to understand and develop logical arguments, engage in debates, develop persuasive arguments, etc.

Your summer assignments to accompany your reading of the novel are as follows:

Assignment #1: As you read the novel, record unfamiliar vocabulary words. You should have no fewer than 20 words recorded and defined. Please cite the page number where you found the word.

Assignment #2: Discussion Questions: You must answer in complete sentences and cite textual evidence.

Assignment #3: Analyzing arguments: (Note: It is important that you begin to construct graphic organizers to analyze text.) Use the chart template or construct your own chart to record details about the various arguments to determine how the author manipulates readers to accept Ishmael’s logical argument.

Assignment #4: Construct your own graphic organizer or use the template of the sample to compare thespecific characteristics of the “TAKER” and “LEAVER”.

Assignment #5: Write an 800-1000 word essay (approx. 3 to 3 ½ pages)in which you construct an argument in which you, first, identify yourself as a “Taker” or a “Leaver” and argue for or against Quinn’s logic. Be sure to include evidence fromthe text to support your points, and point out any of Quinn’s arguments that appear to be illogical to you.

Your organizers can be in any form (i.e., chart, web form, table, etc.) on which you can record elements that you find as you read. Be sure to record the page numbers of the evidence that you record as you must note the page numbers of your supporting evidence in your essay; also, we will be referring to your organizers often during the first portion of the semester. Note: Take advantage of the minimal instructions given for these assignments to begin to develop an individual and personal style for analyzing material.

Assignment #1: Vocabulary Log

Words You Need to Know: As you read the novel, please note vocabulary words that you do not know. Write the sentence from the text with the page number and paragraph where it can be found (pg. 19, par. 2), and look up and record the definition for the word. You must have a minimum of 30 words to receive the points for this assignment.

Word / Sentence/Example from Text/Textbook / Definition


Directions: You must answer in complete sentences and cite textual evidence. These are not one sentence answers. If you use an outside source (and I will know if you did), you must cite that evidence and create a Works Cited page at the end of the assignment. If you are caught plagiarizing and/or copying from another students’ work or from a website that you do not cite parenthetically (with a bibliography), you will receive a ZERO for the entire assignment. (These websites include Sparknotes, Endnotes, Monkeynotes, etc.)

1.Why doesn’t the narrator have a name? What does NOT giving the narrator a name accomplish? What point(s) might the author be making by giving the teacher a name bur not the pupil?

2.Why did the author make Ishmael a gorilla? What’s the point of having the conversation be between a human and an animal?

3.Why is the pupil a man rather than a woman? If the pupil has to be one gender or the other, which gender in our culture do you think should be called upon to answer for our destructiveness? Which gender has the greater need to understand the consequences of our destructiveness?

4. Why does the pupil seem to have so much difficulty understanding Ishmael’s philosophies? Why didn’t Quinn make the narrator more intelligent?

5.Why is Ishmael seated behind a pane of glass at the beginning? Presumably Ishmael designed it. Why would he separate himself from his pupil in this way?

6.What is the meaning of the koan on Ishmael’s poster? (A koan isn’t a riddle with a single correct answer but rather a subject for meditation and reflection that has no definable endpoint.

7.Why does Ishmael use the Socratic form of teaching rather than to tell the student his beliefs and views? In your answer, explain what is the Socratic form.

8.What is Mother Culture, according to Ishmael, and what is her relationship between takers and givers?

9.Describe Ishmael’s version of the Garden of Eden. According to Ishmael’s version, what was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and why might it be a dangerous illusion for man?

10.From what laws does Ishmael suggest that Takers exempt themselves and why?

11.What evidence suggests that the civilization built by Takers is not working? What evidence do Takers point to that suggest it is working?

12.Discuss FOUR important differences between Leaver cultures and Taker cultures, according to the book.

13.Toward the end of the book, the narrator says that people “need a vision of the world and of themselves that inspire them.” What are the specific ingredients of that vision, according to Ishmael and the narrator?

ASSIGNMENT #3: Analyzing arguments: (Note: It is important that you begin to construct graphic organizers to analyze text.) Use the chart template or construct your own chart to analyze the details of the various arguments to determine how the author manipulates readers to accept Ishmael’s logical argument. YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 8 ARGUMENTS TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.


Ishmael/Quinn’s Argument / Pg
# / Student’s Response / Pg
# / Student’s Argument / Pg
# / Ishmael/Quinn’s Response / Pg

ASSIGNMENT #4: Construct your own graphic organizer or use the template of the sample to compare the specific characteristics of the “TAKER” and “LEAVER”. You MUST CITE TEXTUAL EVIDENCE. YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 8 CHARACTERTISTICS.


ASSIGNMENT #5: Write an 800-1000 word essay (approx. 3 to 3 ½ pages) in which you construct an argument in which you, first, identify yourself as a “Taker” or a “Leaver” and argue for or against Quinn’s logic. Be sure to include evidence from to support your points the novel and point out any of Quinn’s arguments that appear to be illogical to you.

The essay is intended for diagnostic assessment to determine the skill level at which you currently produce written evaluations. The following categories of your essay will be assessed.



Introductory Paragraph and Thesis Statement

Formulates a position on the issue in a clearly stated and thought-provoking thesis.

Relates discussions to the time period of the novel

All aspects of the topic are discussed in relation to the time period of the novel.

Independent Thinking

All aspects of the topic reflect independent thinking; no story summaries

Use of specific examples

Student uses specific examples from the novel to support all discussions.

Grammar and Mechanics

Few or no punctuation errors in the essay.

Writing Style/Paragraph & Sentence Structure

Essay includes appropriately structured paragraphs, correct sentence structure, complete sentences, and a concluding paragraph.


Very well organized; ideas presented in a logical sequence with clear transitions.

Neatness and Appearance(set-up instructions) have been followed.

The essay is neat and very well- organized. All instructions related to headings, fonts, and margins

Rubric for Summer Assignment – Ishmael

English II Pre-AP

Name of Assignment / Description of Assignment / Points Possible / Points Earned
ASSIGNMENT #1 Vocabulary / As you read the novel, record unfamiliar vocabulary words, write the sentences from the novel with the words, and write their definitions / 10 / ____
ASSIGNMENT #2 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS / You must answer these in complete sentences and cite textual evidence. These are not one sentence answers. / 26 / ____
Assignment #2: Analyzing Arguments / Use the chart template or construct your own chart to record details about the various arguments to determine how the author manipulates readers to accept Ishmael’s logical argument. / 16 / ____
Assignment #3: Graphic Organizer / Construct your own graphic organizer or use the template of the sample to compare the specific characteristics of the “TAKER” and “LEAVER”. / 16 / ____
Cite Evidence
Create a Works Cited Page
Minimum of 5 paragraphs!! / ASSIGNMENT #4: Write an 800-1000 word essay (approx. 3 to 3 ½ pages) in which you construct an argument in which you, first, identify yourself as a “Taker” or a “Leaver” and argue for or against Quinn’s logic. Be sure to include evidence from the novel to support your points and point out any of Quinn’s arguments that appear to be illogical to you.
Essay Components
Introductory Paragraph and Thesis Statement
Formulates a position on the issue in a clearly stated and thought-provoking thesis. (10 Pts.)
Relates discussions to the time period of the novelAll aspects of the topic are discussed in relation to the time period of the novel.
(10 Pts)
Independent Thinking All aspects of the topic reflect independent thinking; no story summaries (15 points)
Use of specific examplesStudent uses specific examples from the novel to support all discussions. (15 points)
The following 4 components: (10 points)
Grammar and Mechanics
Few or no punctuation errors in the essay.
Writing Style/Paragraph & Sentence StructureEssay includes appropriately structured paragraphs, correct sentence structure, complete sentences, and a concluding paragraph.
OrganizationVery well organized; ideas presented in a logical sequence with clear transitions.
Neatness and Appearance(set-up instructions) have been followed.
The essay is neat and very well- organized. All instructions related to headings, fonts, and margins / 60 / _____
Total Points 128 / Your Total / ____/128___