avril 2018
dimanche / lundi / mardi / mercredi / jeudi / vendredi / samedi1
Brille la Chenille
son “p”
Weekly Expression
J’ai soif / 2
Easter Monday
/ 3 Day 2
*Group 1
New Show and Tell!
la gym
Wear your shirt inside out!
Return Brille folder / 4 Day 3
*Group 2
la bibliothèque / 5 Day 4
*Group 3
Last day of Mad Science / 6 Day 5
*Group 4
la gym
Brille folder goes home / 7
Brille la Chenille
son “b”
Weekly Expression
J’ai faim / 9 Day 1
*Group 5
Return Brille folder / 10 Day 2
*Group 6
la gym / 11 Day 3
*Group 7
la bibliothèque
Wearpink! / 12 Day 4
*Group 8
Family math night / 13 Day 5
*Group 9
la gym
pizza day
Brille folder goes home / 14
Brille la Chenille
son “d”
Weekly Expression
J’ai chaud / 16 Day 1
*Group 10
Return Brille folder / 17 Day 2
*Group 1
New Show and Tell!
la gym / 18 Day 3
*Group 2
la bibliothèque
Wearyellow! / 19 Day 4
*Group 3 / 20 Day 5
*Group 4
la gym
Twin day!
Brille folder goes home / 21
Brille la Chenille
son “eu”
Weekly Expression
J’ai froid / 23 Day 1
*Group 5
Return Brille folder / 24 Day 2
*Group 6
la gym / 25 Day 3
*Group 7
la bibliothèque / 26 Day 4
*Group 8
Open house & BBQ! / 27 Day 5
*Group 9
la gym
Brille folder goes home / 28
avril Newsletter 2018
Dear Families,
It looks as though we are finally heading towards Spring! We are all looking forward to some warmth and fun play outside! We have a busy month ahead with some important dates.
Tuesday April 3rd we will begin a new round of Show and Tell. As explained in the handout sent home for the next round of show and tell the grade 1 students have been asked to talk about something they have made. Students are welcome to bring in pre-written sentences they can refer to but are encouraged to avoid reading since it is an oral presentation. Using familiar words and simple sentence structures will give students more confidence to present without reading. Students are also welcome to bring in an object relevant to the topic if they like.
In Science, we are studying Materials, Objects and Everyday Structures. The children will be working together to build a model of a playground using recycled materials as the culminating task for this unit. If possible, please send in any of the following items next week: small cardboard boxes (e.g. for toothpaste), string, small cleaned yogurt containers, aluminum foil, toothpicks, playdough and anything else you think might be useful towards our construction. Thank you in advance!
Last month we reviewed our sounds with different centers and games. This month we will be starting up Brille la Chenille again! The green folder will continue to be sent home on Fridays. Please return it on the following Monday.
Thank you to everyone who sent in a paper towel roll for our Jack and the Beanstalk structures. We will be painting them this week and building our characters from the fairy tale.
April 3rd is World Autism Awareness Day. In support of this day please wear your shirt inside out. On April 18th students are asked to wear the colour yellow in support of Smart Commute Hamilton. April 20th is twin day!
I’m hoping everyone can join us for Open Houseon Thursday April 26th. More information will be sent home closer to the date.
Again, thank you for all the ways in which you support our French Immersion program.
Mme Jenkins