Year 5

Summer Homework Project

This term we will be finding out about Rivers and Life Cycles. We will be travelling all around the globe in our learning – from our own River Derwent to the mysterious Amazon in Brazil.

You are expected to complete ALL of the tasks, but you may do so in any order. The whole project must be handed in by Monday 10th July but Miss Howells and Mrs Smits would like to see your work regularly as you complete individual tasks.

If you are struggling for resources for any of the tasks, please ask your teacher for help.


Please complete BOTH tasks

Task 1

Choose an animal or insect which lives near to or in a river. Research your chosen subject and find out how they are adapted to survive in this habitat.

·  You should include information about their life cycle.

·  Write your findings up as a non-chronological report.

You can include photographs, computer images, drawings and diagrams if you wish.

Task 2

Research the way in which humans use water. Take more time to think about how we can save water, why pollution of water is a problem and how humans are dealing with it.

You can choose how you present your findings, e.g.: a poster, a Powerpoint Presentation, or you could even film a short video of yourself explaining!


Choose either Task A or B:

Task A

Build a 3D model or create a board game about the course of a river.

You can use anything you want – papier Mache, plasticine, cardboard boxes and plastic bottles or anything you can think of or find.

Your board game can be handmade or created on a computer.

Task B

Choose a club or out of school activity that you are involved in. Can you explain your chosen activity to someone else? This could be in a photo diary, a video, poster, computer animation – anything!


·  The skills you learn

·  Why you enjoy it

·  How would you inspire someone else to take up this activity?


Our character strengths this term are friendship, persistence and self-control.

We would like you think about why these character strengths are important and what they look like in everyday life and then produce a piece of work based around them. It’s up to you whether you focus on one in particular or look at all three.

Here are some ideas of what you could do:

·  Write a cinquin poem.

·  List some examples of times at home, in school or when you are out and about where one of the character strengths has been important to you. You could take photographs or draw pictures to show the different situations.

·  Write a story where the main character demonstrates one or more of the character strengths in their situation.

  • Think of somebody who you believe demonstrates one of the character strengths and produce a poster about them explaining why. They could be someone famous, a character, or even someone you know!

You are free to present this piece of work in any way that you wish – be creative and have fun!

Work can be emailed to:
