Summer Faculty Fellowships, FY 1996:

Dr. J. Craig Andrews

Associate Professor, Department of Marketing

Amount Awarded: $4,550.00

Consumer Interpretation of Health Claims Advertising: The Effects of HealthKnowledge and Disclosure Information

Dr. Lowell W. Barrington

Assistant Professor, Department of PoliticalScience

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

Russians in the Near Abroad: Identity,Loyalty, and Homeland

Dr. James T. Buchanan

Associate Professor, Department of Biology

Amount Awarded: $4,550.00

Central Feedback Connections of SpinalMotoneurons

Dr. William Cullinan

Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences

Amount Awarded:$4300.00

CABAergic Modulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis

Dr. Sarah Davies Cordova

Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

Culture, Social Dancing, Gender Issues, and Narrative in the Nineteenth-Century French Novel

Dr. Nan H. Dreher

Assistant Professor, Department of History

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

The "Verminous Persons" Panic in London's Public Spaces: Challenging Public Health and Public Morality, 1895-1920

Dr. Heather Hathaway

Assistant Professor, Department of English

Amount Awarded:$4,300.00

Caribbean Immigrant Literature in theUnited States: Claude McKay, PauleMarshall, and Jamaica Kincaid

Prof. Claude J. Hribal

Associate Professor,Department of English

Amount Awarded:$4,550.00

The Company Car: A Novel

Dr. Alice B. Kehoe

Professor, Department of Social & Cultural Sciences

Amount Awarded: $4,800.00

Institutionalizing Cultural Heritages: Tribal Colleges

Dr. Jeanette R. Kraemer

Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures

Amount Awarded:$4,550.00

Quebecois and Acadien Culture Through Literature

Dr. Christine L. Krueger

Associate Professor, Department of English

Amount Awarded: $4,550.00

The Historiography of Witchcraft and Elizabeth Gaskell's Lois the Witch

Dr. Francisco Lamelas

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

Surface X-ray Scattering Study of the Growth of KDP Crystals: A New Look at a Classis System

Dr. Tim W. Machan

Professor, Department of English

Amount Awarded: $4,800.00

Diversely They Said: Language and Society in Medieval England

Dr. Michelle Mynlieff

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

Hippocampal Interneurons in Culture

Dr. Alexander J. Ryba

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science

Amount Awarded: $4,550.00

Simple Subgroups of E8

Dr. Michael R. Schlappi

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

Isolation and Characterization of Vernalization-Responsive Genes fromHyoscyamus Niger

Dr. R. Clifton Spargo

Assistant Professor, Department of English

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

American Literature and the Holocaust

Dr. Bharatendu Srivastava

Assistant Professor, Department of Management

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

Selection of Appropriate Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Dr. Helen M. Sterk

Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies

Amount Awarded: $4,550.00

The Marquette Birthing Project: Oral History Archive, CollaborativeScholarship, Conference, and Documentary

Dr. Norman C. Sullivan

Associate Professor, Department of Social & Cultural Sciences

Amount Awarded: $4,550.00

Growth Standard of Teeth and Bones duringInfancy

Dr. Duane H. Swank

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Amount Awarded: $45,500.0

Globalization, Democracy, and the Welfare State in Advanced Industrialized Societies

Rev. Roland J. Teske

Professor,Department of Philosophy

Amount Awarded: $4,800.00

A Translation with Introduction and Notes of St. Augustine's Anti-Pelagian Works

Mr. David B. Twetten

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

Albert the Great and the Foundations of Thirteenth Century Metaphysics: On the First Causes of Being

Mr. George Vairaktarakis

Assistant Professor, Department of Management

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

The Value of Operating Flexibility in Project Management

Dr. Daniel A. Zitomer

Assistant Professor,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Amount Awarded: $4,300.00

Trichloroethylene Biodegradation in Sequential Anaerobic/Aerobic Process

Regular Research Grants, FY 1996

Dr. William Cullinan

Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences

Amount Awarded: $2,365.00

GABAergic Modulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis

Dr. Sarah Davies Cordova

Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures

Amount Awarded: $1,000.00

Culture, Social Dancing, Gender Issues,and Narrative in the Nineteenth-CenturyFrench Novel

Dr. Nan H. Dreher

Assistant Professor, Department of History

Amount Awarded: $1,200.00

The "Verminous Persons" Panic in London'sPublic Spaces: Challenging Public Healthand Public Morality, 1895-1920

Dr. Alice B. Kehoe

Professor, Department of Social & Cultural Sciences

Amount Awarded: $1,200.00

Institutionalizing Cultural Heritages: Tribal Colleges

Dr. Jeanette R. Kraemer

Associate Professor, Department of ForeignLanguages & Literatures

Amount Awarded: $ 450.00

Quebecois and Acadien Culture through Literature

Dr. Christine L. Krueger

Associate Professor, Department of English

Amount Awarded: $1,200.00

"The Historiography of Withcraft and Elizabeth Gaskell's Lois the Witch"

Dr. Francisco Lamelas

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Amount Awarded: $ 100.00

Surface X-Ray-Scattering Study of the Growth of KDP Crystals: A New Look at a Classic System

Dr. Michelle Mynlieff

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology

Amount Awarded: $2,300.00

Hippocampal Interneurons in Culture

Dr. Scott A. Reid

Assistant Professor,Department of Chemistry

Amount Awarded: $2,000.00

Detection of the Propargyl Radical in Flames Using Infrared Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing

Dr. Helen M. Sterk

Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies

Amount Awarded: $1,200.00

The Marquette Birthing Project: Oral History Archive, Collaborative Scholarship, Conference, and Documentary

Dr. Duane H. Swank

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Amount Awarded: $ 250.00

Globalization, Democracy, and the Welfare State in Advanced IndustrializedSocieties

Dr. Daniel A. Zitomer

Assistant Professor,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Amount Awarded: $2,200.00

Trichlorethylene Biodegradation in Dequential Anaerobic/Aerobic Process