Royal Air Force Rugby Union Honorary Secretary:Sqn Ldr Steve Williams (rtd)
Dreigiau Gwal
25 London Road
Bracebridge Heath
Lincs LN4 2JW / Telephone: (01522) 838052
Mobile: 07961 891449
Our Reference: RAFRU/ 1/2/Sec
Date: 3 Feb 09
RAFRU Executive Committee
RAFRU Management Committee
RAFRU OIC Rugby Union
Present.Gp Capt G Fletcher
Gp Capt G Bruce
Wg Cdr D Dexter
Wg Cdr W Dole
Wg Cdr C Goss
Wg Cdr P Jackson
Wg Cdr P O’Shea
Sqn Ldr P Whiting
Flt Lt A Brookes
WO S Worrall
Sqn Ldr (rtd) S Williams / Chairman RAFRU
Director Corporate Communications
Honorary Medical Advisor
Chairman Academy Rugby
Secretary RAFRURS
Chairman Senior Male Rugby
Director Community & Stn Rugby
RAFRU Rep to the RFU
Deputy Director Women’s Rugby
Player Representative
RAFRU Secretary / Chairman
Air Cdre S Armitage-Maddox
Gp Capt J Whitmell
Wg Cdr M Priestley
Wg Cdr N Sturtridge / Director Women’s Rugby
Deputy Chairman RAF Rugby
Chairman RAFRURS
Honorary Treasurer
In Attendance
Wg Cdr C Monkley
Sqn Ldr R Metcalfe / Honorary Medical Advisor (Des)
IS Committee (Item 14 only)
Item 1. Record of Decisions of the Last Meeting / 1. The Record of Decisions of the last meeting were accepted as an accurate reflection of the meeting
Item 2. Actions Arising / 1. Chairman to write to Chairman of Rugby League seeking a 50% contribution to the joint 7 a side team. Ongoing
2. Senior squad to ‘scrub down’ their training camp budget bid. The use of RAFSB funding for food is still in question. RAFRU are considering if the use of Sponsors money would be value for money and that food costs should be included in future under Trg Camps in 5 yr Financial & Strategic Plans.
3. Akrotiri 10’s. This is an Agenda item.
4. The Secretary was to develop a Meeting Strategy and Events diary covering the next 2 and 5 years respectively This has been completed and a copy of the agreed Battle Rhythm is attached at Annex A.
5. New Clubs. The Secretary advised Southwick Park of their successful application. Closed
6. The Chairman will contact the Fijian Crusaders to discuss their application further.
7. The Honorary Medical Advisor is developing a questionnaire to be completed by all representative players at the start of the season. This will allow the medical staffs to formulate a brief understanding of a player’s medical fitness. This would be expanded to all RAFRU players and PEdO’s and SMO would be requested to assist with its effectiveness. The medical teams for future rugby use will retain the questionnaires. Ongoing.
8. All other items were completed and closed / Chairman
Chairman Representative Teams
Honorary Medical Advisor
Item 3. Valued Volunteers / 1. The RAFRU Secretary outlined the RFU Valued Volunteers Scheme and asked that all Committee members forward details of volunteers to the Secretary as they arise.
2. Decision. It was agreed that the Secretary would pass the Valued Volunteer proforma to the Webmaster for posting on the RAFRU Website / Secretary
Item 4. New President / 1. The Chairman stated it was his pleasure to advise the Committee of the New RAFRU President;
AVM T (Timmo) M Anderson
DSO MA FRAeS RAF. The Secretary was tasked to provide the Chairman with a new draft headed notepaper for use by all areas of the RAFRU.
2. Decisions.
a. The Secretary was to draft a new-headed notepaper for approval by the Chairman.
b. The Chairman is to write to the outgoing President thanking for his support and inviting him to become a RAFRU Past President / Secretary
Item 5. Life President Nomination / 1. The Secretary RAFRU Div Championships nominated Gp Capt (Rtd) Nigel Gillingham OBE as a Life Vice President. This honour is normally reserved for retiring Presidents, after discussion and in light of the sterling service provided by Nigel to both the RFU and RAFRU it was agreed that the RAFRU Divisional Secretary would write to Nigel Gillingham inviting him to become a Life vice President.
2. Decision. The RAFRU Secretary would request the Divisional Secretary to draft a letter for the Chairman inviting Gp Capt Nigel Gillingham to become a RAFRU Life President Vice President / Secretary
Item 6. RAFRU Strategic Plan / 1. The Chairman provided copies of the latest version of the RAFRU Strategic Plan, he outlined the vision and requested that all Committee Members review the document and pass any updates direct to the Chairman. This is a living document and will eventually be owned by the Deputy Chairman. All areas of the RAFRU are to submit their own specific 5 year strategic plan which should include financial lines and proposed tours to the Chairman before 18 March 09.
2. Decisions.
a. All committee members to provide updates/additions to the RAFRU strategic plan by 20 Feb 09 direct to Chairman.
b. The Chairman will be requested to provide the Secretary with a soft copy for distribution to all Committee members with a request for updates from their AOR.
c. All areas of RAFRU are to submit their individual area Strategic plans, which should include financial lines and proposed tours direct to the Chairman before 18 Mar 09
d. Individual Plan should also include KPI’s to allow performance monitoring.
e. The Secretary is to arrange for the document to be lodged on the RAFRU Website. / All
Item 7. Charity Commission status / 1. The Chairman briefed the latest position on the CC status. Legal advice is still awaited to ensure that the RAFRU Incorporation will meet all government, RFU, MoD and RAFSB regulations. 1 May 09 is still the planned Incorporation date. The need for a Special General Meeting is still being investigated.
Item 8. Team Management Structures / 1. The Chairman asked all management teams to examine their structures to ensure that we have a lean efficient and effective management structures in place. Each squad should have a similar structure. Numbers should be the optimum to provide the levels of service to the game, mindful of the DIN caveats on numbers. These numbers may need to be justified to the RAFSB. Draft structures should be sent to the Secretary for collation by 1 Mar 09.
2. Decision: All Management teams are to submit their proposed structures to the Secretary before 1 Mar / All
Item 9. The 7-a-side Game. / 1. The Chairman will contact the Chairman of the RAF
7-a-Side Section to discuss the structure of the 7-a-side game within the RAF. This will include sponsorship, kit, governance and the proposed structured season.
2. Decision. The Chairman is to contact the RAFRU 7-a- side Chairman to discuss the future of the 7-a-Side game. / Chairman
Item 10. Financial Brief / 1. The Hon Treasurer submitted a financial overview, this is attached at Annex B. Committee Members are to urged not to be misled by the figures as the RAFRU have to retain at least one season running costs in reserve. RAFRU heaviest outlay comes in the second half of the season.
Item 11. Brief on Sponsors / 1. In the temporary absence of the Director Corporate Communications who has only recently taken up the appointment, The Chairman outlined the latest situation and he would ask DCC to provide a written brief on the expectations of the sponsors, term of sponsorship agreements and what RAFRU gain from the agreements.
2. Decision. The DCC is to prepare a brief on the current sponsorship deals and what is expected from the RAFRU / DCC
Item 12. Home IS Day / 1. The IS Committee coordinator briefed on the KO timings for the forthcoming IS matches. The Chairman highlighted the need for punctuality and hosting protocols to ensure that RAFRU is portrayed in the best light. The match programme is being coordinated by the DD Corporate Affairs. The Newbury Festival of Rugby (10’s) is being coordinated by the RAFRU Competitions Committee. The IS Committee lies in the Director Corporate Communications AOR.
Item 13. Structured Season / 1. The Secretary has developed a 7-year diary, which details strategic meeting dates and other important match dates. Fixture Secretaries are to ensure that match dates coincide as far is humanly possible to the Standing Committee dates shown in the diary, match dates between squads should also be de conflicted to allow the committee the maximum opportunity to support as many matches as possible. The RFU Rep suggested that matches should be organised to allow teams to play against the same clubs, making it a festival of rugby. The RFU Rep agreed to scope a short feasibility paper on the subject.
2. Decision; The RFU Rep to draft a feasibility paper on a Festival of rugby / RFU Rep
Item 14. Game Governance / 1. The Secretary outlined the latest position of game governance and invited all management teams to update rugby first with the details of their squads and management teams. This will not only assist future RFU audits, but could also impact upon International match ticket allocations.
2. Decision: All Representative squads were to input and maintain the Rugbyfirst WebPages with management, coach and players details for their team. / All
Item 15. RAFRU tour policy / 1. It was agreed that all future tours would be on a rotational basis and would include all the Representative sides. The Academy declined the invitation to play in the Akrotiri 10’s and would join the tour rotations. Funding for Cyprus would now migrate to the Divisional sides touring Cyprus. If a side did/could not tour then they lose their place in the rotation. The Chairman will announce the rotation order in the near future. Plans should be included in the Section 5 year Financial and Strategic Plans. Management Teams are reminded of the timelines laid down in current RAFRU regulations. Details have already been passed to the sections. The Secretary will arrange for the Tour planning Matrix to be lodged on the website.
2. Decisions.
a. The Chairman is to determine the tour rotation order.
b. Cyprus Academy funding is to migrate to the Divisional Tours to Cyprus
c. Management teams are to adhere to the laid down timelines, failure to comply will see the non-approval to tour.
d. The Secretary is to lodge the Tour Planning Matrix on the Website. / Chairman
Item 16. French Air Force Match / 1. The Secretary has received an invitation to play the French Air Force. As the last game was played in Paris in 2007, it was agreed to invite the French Air Force to the UK. It was further agreed to try and play the match at RAFC Cranwell at the same time as the Inter-Collegiate games match against the French Air Force Academy.
2. Decisions.
a. The Secretary is to formally accept the French Air Force invitation to play and propose the game be played in the UK.
b. Dep Director Women’s Rugby is to investigate the possibility of playing at RAFC on the day of the Inter-collegiate games. / Secretary
Item 17. Community Rugby / 1. The Dir Stn & Community Rugby (DSCR) updated the meeting on the Community game. Roadshows are in the planning phase and the need to engage in the RFU Toolkit Pathfinder Project.
2. Binbrook Bomb. A formal Vote of Thanks is recorded for the efforts of Sgt Marytn Jones for his hard work in organising the Bomb over the past two years. Volunteer(s) will be sought to organise this year’s competition.
3. RAF Cup. The draw for the RAF Cup will be made on 30 Jan (Sec Note the draw has been distributed to all concerned) The Final will be played at RAF Halton on 5 May 2009.
4. Divisional Championships. This year’s Championships were an outstanding success. All four Divisional sides have received approval to enter the RAF Akrotiri 10’s. Planning for next season’s championships is well advanced and BAeS have agreed to sponsor the event again.
5. The Akrotiri 10’s. The Chairman stated he had communicated with the Stn Cdr and was awaiting a response. Only 5 sides have registered to enter (23 Pioneer Regt and the 4 RAF Div sides). Concern was expressed about the Competition being played. No formal application has been received to play the competition which falls outside the RFU structured season. The Chairman tasked the Director Stn And Community Rugby to pursue the issue with RAF Akrotiri.
a. DSCR is to finalise the
Roadshow dates.
b. All to note the dates of the forthcoming competitions and to make every effort to support grass roots rugby by attending as many games as possible.
c. DCSR is to contact Akrotiri to ascertain the situation with the 2009 competition. / DSCR
Item 18. Coaching Structure and Strategy / 1. DSCR distributed copies of the Coaching Strategy paper and requested responses by 11 Feb 09.
2. Decision; Responses to the Coaching structure and Strategy paper are to be sent to DSCR before 11 Feb 09. / All
Item 19. TOR’s / 1. The Secretary has drafted some TOR’s for the RAFRU Management positions. These have been sent to the Chairman for his consideration. Dep Dir Women’s rugby offered copies of the Women’s section TOR’s to all management teams for their consideration when drafting their own section TOR’s (Sec Note these have been distributed
2. Decision.
a. DDWR is to pass soft copies of the Women’s section TOR’s to the Secretary for distribution to other management teams.
(Sec’s Note – completed)
b. Secretary to distribute copies of the Women’s TORs to other management teams (Sec’s note – completed) / DDWR
Item 20. Corporate Clothing / 1. The Chairman outlined the situation on corporate clothing and the need for people to wear it once issued. At this moment in time Corporate clothing can only be ordered through the RAFSB approved supplier (Gilmour) Wg Cdr Dave Wynn has agreed to act as the equipment coordinator vice FS France (posted) A formal vote of thanks was made to FS France for the sterling work he carried out on the equipment ordering and distribution.
Item 22. Tour to New Zealand / 1. There was no update available on the planning position of the Male representative Tour to New Zealand. The Secretary pointed out that no application has been received to tour, and the deadline is now 3 weeks overdue. And that securing the necessary permissions may be in doubt and the tour not being approved. The Chairman tasked the Chair of Male representative rugby to hasten the situation with the utmost urgency.
2. Decision. The Chairman of Male Representative Rugby is to hasten the tour committee to ensure that all formal timelines are adhered to and remind them that failure may result in the tour not being approved. / Chairman Male Representative Rugby
Item 23. RFU IT / 1. The Secretary confirmed that the order had been placed for the RFU funded IT. Delivery is due late February.
Item 24. RAFRU Presidents and Vice Presidents Association / 1. The Chairman agreed to speak with the Secretary of the Presidents and Vice Presidents Association with a view to identify the main benefits RAFRU can derive from better association.
2. Decision. Chairman is to contact the Secretary of the Presidents and Vice president Association to investigate better association. / Chairman
Item 25 Any Other business / 1. The Honorary Medical Advisor tendered her resignation and introduced her successor Wg Cdr Clive Monkley. The Chairman thanked Wg Cdr Dexter for all her hard work over recent years and a formal note of thanks was recorded. Wg Cdr Monkley was warmly welcomed to the Committee. / All
Item 26 Date of Next meeting / 1. The date of the next meeting will be 18 March at RAF Halton. Further details will be issued in due course. / All
Original signed