Northwest Missouri State University

372 Administration Building

800 University Drive

Maryville, MO 64468


Recommendation must be completed and returned by Monday, March 6th, 2017

to the Upward Bound Office

Applicant is applying for: ☐Resident Assistant ☐Teaching Assistant ☐Enrichment Instructor

Applicant’s Name: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date.

Person providing recommendation:

Name: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

City, State, Zip: Click here to enter text.

Phone: Click here to enter text.

For the Applicant to read and sign:

I request that the above person objectively evaluate my suitability for a position with Upward Bound at Northwest Missouri State University. I understand that this information will be kept confidential.

Applicant’s Signature ______Date: ______

The person named above has applied to become a staff member for Upward Bound at Northwest Missouri State University and has indicated that you would be able to give an evaluation of his/her qualifications.

The Upward Bound program serves high school students from low-income families in a six-week residential program. The program staff members must be eager to work, possess patience and determination, maintain a sense of humor in various situations, feel comfortable working with high school students, and speak and write English clearly.

Upward Bound staff members work as teaching assistants, mentors, and leaders of students on a very personal level. All staff members must be able to work cooperatively with other high school and university team members as well as other staff members.

The applicant’s character and personal qualities are very important. Your honest appraisal of the applicant’s capabilities will be great appreciated.

Please note that all responses will be kept confidential.

Northwest Missouri State University

372 Administration Building

800 University Drive

Maryville, MO 64468


Recommendation must be completed and returned by Monday, March 6th, 2017

to the Upward Bound Office

I.  Knowledge of Applicant

  1. 1) During what period have you known the applicant?

From Click here to enter text. To Click here to enter text.

2) In what capacity have you known the applicant?

☐Job supervisor/employer / ☐Clergy / ☐Friend
☐High school teacher/counselor / ☐Co-worker / ☐Family member
☐College/university instructor / ☐Other (specify) Click here to enter text.
  1. ☐ I do not know the applicant well enough to complete this form.

If you do not know the applicant well enough to complete, please contact the applicant to provide them opportunity to seek an additional person to complete this form. Thank you!

  1. Please briefly describe the experience in which you have known the applicant. (For example, “I was her supervisor when she was a resident assistant.”)

Click here to enter text.

II.  Work Performance

Upward Bound staff must be able to do a job well. Consider such qualities/areas as dependability, initiative and ability to work in a team setting. In your judgment, what adjectives describe this applicant’s work performance?

Click here to enter text.

III.  Relationships with Other People

Upward Bound staff member’s ability to work with people at all status levels (such as supervisors, co-workers, and their charges) is vital to the success of Upward Bound. Please describe how you think this applicant may fit this need.

Click here to enter text.

IV.  Effective Communication

Upward Bound employees must effectively communicate with high school age students every day. How easy is it to understand the applicant’s spoken and written English?

☐Requires no effort ☐Requires a little effort ☐Requires effort ☐Requires much effort

Northwest Missouri State University

372 Administration Building

800 University Drive


Recommendation must be completed and returned by Monday, March 6th, 2017

to the Upward Bound Office

V.  Emotional Maturity

Upward Bound staff members are expected to maintain a high level of functioning under continually stressful conditions. They must be able to adjust their thoughts and actions to rapidly changing situations and maintain the ability to make appropriate decisions. It is important that staff members bring a flexible attitude as well as appreciate different aspects of risk-taking. How has this applicant shown these qualities?

Click here to enter text.

VI.  Additional Comments

Please describe any notable abilities, interests, skills, training or experience that make this person a desirable candidate.

Click here to enter text.

In what areas/way is this candidate most likely to need additional support or encouragement in order to ensure success?

Click here to enter text.

VII.  Overall Recommendation:

☐ I recommend the applicant without reservation as an excellent candidate for the Upward Bound staff.

☐ On the whole, I recommend the applicant as a good prospect for the Upward Bound staff.

☐ I have some slight reservations, but feel that he/she has a reasonable chance for success as a staff member.

☐ I have substantial doubts about the applicant’s desirability as a staff member.

☐ Other/comments Click here to enter text.

Is there additional information you prefer to give by phone? ☐Yes ☐No

Signature ______Date: ______

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