Production Stop & ResumePage 1


1.1.Prevent procurement, manufacture, and/or shipment of known discrepant material.

1.2.Provide notice to stop production where the affected persons may not yet be aware of an existing defect.

1.3.Provide company-wide notice of expected customer order delivery problems.


2.1.Applies to any defective product, or service, that may be sold or shipped to a customer.

2.2.Applies where production obligations cannot be met due to unplanned and extensive resource limitations.

2.3.Does not affect minor and temporary conditions where production is voluntarily halted due to limited resources, process changes, or to perform rework.

2.4.Does not affect order holds controlled by Customer Service, for example, credit holds.

2.5.Does not affect product introduction or end-of-life notices.



Any component, raw material, sub-assembly or final product that has been determined not to meet advertised claims, fails to reliably perform its intended function, has been adulterated, or fails to meet industry-accepted safety standards.

Production Stop/Resume Order (form)

A form used as notice of a stopped process, record of actions taken, and management authorization to resume the stopped process.


4.1.Production Stop

4.1.1.All employees are empowered to stop any process affecting product quality or employee safety.

4.1.2.Production Stop Order is mandatory when any condition exists that may cause damage to property, or injury to personnel.

4.1.3.Production Stop Order is indicated when commitment to Customer orders is negatively impacted.

4.1.4.Notices are rapidly distributed to affected production and support departments. Hand-carried documents, electronic mail, and FAX are acceptable.

4.1.5.Records are maintained in the Document Control Center.

4.1.6.Nonconforming product is processed by the Material Review Boards with jurisdiction.

4.2.Production Resume

4.2.1.Process resumption is accomplished through a systematic management approval process.

4.2.2.For significant problems, a cross-functional team investigates, analyzes, or recommends actions to resume the stopped process. This procedure requires consideration, as applicable, from Engineering, Manufacturing, Material Control, Purchasing, Shipping and Quality Assurance personnel.

4.2.3.Resumption is documented in four categories:

  • Actual causes
  • Correction: repair of the defective product
  • Corrective action: eliminating the actual cause of the defect
  • Preventive action: considering and eliminating possible causes other than actually found


5.1.Production Stop

5.1.1.Person observing discrepant condition gives verbal notice to supervision, and initiates Production Stop/Resume Order form.

5.1.2.Work on the affected product or process is suspended safely, without delay.

5.1.3.Production Stop/Resume Order form is partially completed for stop condition. obtains from Document Control Center next Stop/Resume sequence number to be placed on the form. number, model, description, stop/resume number, and reason to stop are written on the form., Planning Manager, Operations Manager, Product Line Manager, and Quality Assurance Manager write stop actions required, commensurate with the risks encountered. This indicates special responsibilities based upon the circumstances. circulates form to an appropriate Operations Manager, Product Line Manager, and Quality Assurance Manager, who mark awareness of the problem with a signature. This is not an authorization to stop, as none is required.

5.1.4.Quality Assurance representative distributes Production Stop/Resume notice. is entered on form. of the Production Stop/Resume form are provided to all signers. of the Production Stop/Resume condition is sent to company supervisors by electronic mail, fax, or hardcopy. This notice shall include, at a minimum, stop/resume no., part description, reason, and stop actions required. notice hardcopy, including the distribution list, is maintained with the original form. copy is filed in the Document Control Center.

5.1.5.Affected departments take action in their area of control so that the process is properly suspended.

5.1.6.Planning indicates in MAPICS that a Production Stop Order is in effect. MAPICS item class field (third character) is modified to “Q”.

5.1.7.Sales Departments quote deliveries in accordance with the information on the Production Stop Order.

5.1.8.Warehouse and Shipping departments hold product using positive-stop methods.

5.1.9.Purchasing notifies affected suppliers to hold all affected shipments.

5.2.Production Resume

5.2.1.Operations Manager, or Process Assurance Engineer, calls cross-functional team to determine each of the following items:

  • Actual causes of the problem
  • Correction: repair of the defective product
  • Corrective action: eliminating the actual cause of the defect
  • Preventive action: considering and eliminating possible causes other than actually found

5.2.2.When consensus that process may be resumed is achieved, Operations Manager enters corrections, corrective, and preventive actions on the original Production Stop/Resume form.

5.2.3.Operations Manager, Process Assurance Engineer, Product Line Manager and Quality Assurance Manager approve corrective and preventive actions by signing in the designated areas on the form. This is the required affirmative authorization to resume production.

5.2.4.Quality Assurance representative executes the resume notice. resume date is entered on the form. of the Production Stop/Resume form are provided to all (original, and subsequent) signers. of the Production Resume condition is sent to company supervisors by electronic mail, fax, or hardcopy. This notice shall include, at a minimum, stop/resume no., part description, corrective actions, and resume date. notice hardcopy, including the distribution list, is maintained with the original form.

5.2.5.Planning deletes Production Stop Order in effect. “Q” (third character) is removed from the MAPICS item class field.

5.2.6.Complete original form is filed in the Document Control Center.


6.1.Exhibit A - "Production Stop/Resume Order" form.

Production Stop/Resume Order

Item No. / Model / Description / Stop/Resume No.
Reason To Stop
Immediate Stop Actions Required
Planning Mgr / Operations Mgr / PLM / QA Mgr / Date
Actual Causes
Resume Corrections, Repair, Or Rework Of Affected Items
Resume Corrective Action, To Eliminate Causes
Resume Preventive Action, To Eliminate Possible Alternate Causes
Operations Mgr / PAE / PLM / QA Mgr / Resume Date