Spiczka Farm

PO Box 224 Groton, Massachusetts

( 978) 877-9998

Summer Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Packet 2017

Our Growing Practices:

We grow quality fruits and vegetables using Integrated Pest Management. It is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. This program relies heavily on the use of plastic mulch and cultivation to control weeds rather than using herbicides. Another benefit to the use of the plastic is great conservation of irrigation water. Much of our fertilization is accomplished through the use of composted animal manure produced by our own livestock.

What our CSA is All About:

As many folks know, a CSA program is a relationship between a farm and the local community. Shareholders pay for their share in winter when seeds have been ordered, greenhouses are kicking into full operation and the land appears dormant. The shares begin to become available at the beginning of Harvest. The shareholders have fruits and vegetables waiting for them on their pick-up day each week.

A CSA can be a great opportunity to eat seasonally, try different foods and feel a deep sense of connection to a local farm. CSA shareholders have to absolutely love what a New England harvest has to offer. They have to be willing to be creative, allowing the season to dictate their dinner menu. This can be great fun and CSA’s have become more popular every year.

What to Expect From our CSA:

Our growing season kicks off in early June and concludes near the end of October (approximately 20 weeks). Your pickup will be every week and will include a variety of fruits and vegetables for you to enjoy. In addition to a wide selection of common New England staples, your share will also include many heirloom varieties and a few less common fruits and vegetables. In the fall your share will also include some ornamentals such as gourds, pumpkins and Indian corn. We will also be utilizing some fantastic local family farms to help fill shares with different seasonal fruits. Lastly, the eggs that we are offering as a share add-on will be our own home grown eggs. All of our chickens are free range pasture raised. We have raised layers for many years and will be focusing more on that this year for both of our CSA and markets.

We look forward to being your farmers this season and welcome any questions you may have!


Spiczka Farm

PO Box 224 Groton, Massachusetts 01450

(978) 877-9998

2017 Summer CSA Application

Shareholder Information:

Name:______Address:______Town:______Zip:______Phone Number(s):______Email Address:______

Pricing and Share Size Details:

This year we are offering one share size, a “Full Harvest Share”. This share size should be suitable for most families. For more active families or simply ones who don’t eat as much produce, splitting a share with a friend or neighbor is a great option too. Our shares are unique in that they have both vegetables and fruit included in them so you’ll get the best of both. A Full Harvest Share is $675 for the season.

Share Add-On Options:

Egg Share (1 doz./week) $80

Double Egg Share (2 doz./week) $150

Pick-Up Details: Please check one of the following:

[ ] Monday afternoon home delivery to Groton, Pepperell and Dunstable

[ ] Sunday 10:30am-2pm at The Nashua Farmers Market, located on the Main St. Bridge.

New Member Fee: (Payment due by April 1, 2017)

The $25.00 New Member Fee is a one-time charge for new members. It is used for items in your share including, the delivery flat and packaging to keep your fruits and vegetables as safe as possible during transport. You will need to return your packaging with your flat on a weekly basis, that way we can package your share for the following week. If you forget your packaging one week, we will ask you to offload your fruits and vegetables from a flat into paper bags.

Total Due:$______Payment Method: Check (#______) or Cash

CSA Shareholder Agreement:

I hereby purchase a farm share in the Spiczka Farm CSA for the 2017 harvest season. I acknowledge and agree that, although Spiczka Farm is committed to providing high quality produce throughout the growing season there are risks in agriculture (i.e. poor weather, drought, disease, early frost, crop failure, etc) that are ultimately shared by the members and the farm. I acknowledge and agree that there are no guarantees of the exact amount or types of produce that I will receive in my share. I understand that I am agreeing to pick up my share each week at the desired location above.
