Parent Information and Comment Form

Your son or daughter has applied to be a member of the St. Patrick Peer Ministry Leadership Team. Being a member of this team involves more than filling out a form and writing a check. Like everything else in life, there is a time commitment that needs to be made and that also requires freeing up their time on Thursdays.

In the Student Application (referenced below) I have outlined my expectations so that the teens know what it will take on their part to be accepted as a team member. Just so there is no confusion, they can miss PMLT meetings and FORUM while they are in the midst of a sports season, play, musical, etc. Almost everyone in Peer Ministry is active in sports and other activities. That is why I take that into account and do not expect to see them for 2 – 3 months when that sport/activity is in season.

We also have many who are involved in multiple sport seasons, clubs, plays, job, etc. If that is the case your son or daughter will have to choose to make Peer Ministry a priority and not schedule them to conflict on Thursday’s. They cannot expect to be able to be part of Peer Ministry if they are involved in sports and extra-curricular activitiesyear round that are almost always in conflict with Peer Ministry meetings and FORUM.

It’s equally important for parents to be supportive. Many of you know the time commitment it takes on your part for your son or daughter to be active in sports and other extra-curricular activities. The same applies to their participation in Peer Ministry. During the course of the year, we will need your assistance with driving andchaperoning. We will also need you to volunteer to assist during the HERE I AM LORD Conference. At the beginning of the school year, we will send you a list of areas you can help out in. You will find that you will get as much out of being involved in these areas as your teen will.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and for supporting your teen. The role of Peer Ministry parents is to encourage their teen to be responsible in regard to the time commitment they are agreeing to. Parents are also asked to be actively involved with the Youth Ministry program at St. Patrick by volunteering to assist in the many activities that are planned throughout the year. Please ask your teen to show you the entire application packet and be sure to check the on-line calendar on our parish website page, so that you are aware of what is being requested of both your child and yourself. Please take some time to discuss with your teen their ability to make the time commitment necessary to be a productive member of the Peer Ministry Leadership Team. Please note that the Youth Ministry calendar in on-line at

This year you have the option of filling out this form on-line and submitting or printing and mailing it in with the Master Liability Form and Annual Peer Ministry Fee. Please read the entire STUDENT APPLICATION which your son or daughter completed. This includes information about the time commitment; cost and other pertinent aspects. Please go to theYouth Ministry website and download the Student Peer Ministry Team application packet and Parent form at ~ High School.

Below is a “Parent Comment and Volunteer Form”. Please take a moment to let us know your thoughts on your teen’s involvement in Peer Ministry. Please complete the Parent Comment Formand return with your payment by August 11th (Returning) or September 8th (New) or sooner. ____________

Website: Email:

Youth Ministry Office: 630-338-8050 Mike Zak: 630-215-5577

**PMLT members should email or call Mike Zak regarding any scheduling conflicts.


Parent Comment Form

Please comment on your child’s faith life as well as their ability to participate as a productive member of the St. Patrick Peer Ministry Leadership Team.

Please list any areas where you know you would like to assist during the year. If your son or daughter is new to Peer Ministry or you’re not sure, you can respond after the PEER MINISRY Time and Talent Volunteer form is sent to you after I receive your part of the application process.

I (We) agree to fully support my/our child ______in their desire to be part of the Peer Ministry Leadership Team at St. Patrick Catholic Church in St. Charles, IL. I agree to support them by encouraging them to stick to their commitments and respecting the authority of the Youth Minister and Adult Directors of Peer Ministry. I further agree to assist as a volunteer by signing up to help at least twice during the team year.

All PEER MINISTRY PARENTS also agree to take the on-line Protecting God’s Children course required by the Diocese of Rockford for all those who volunteer with youth. This is a one-time only course and requires two hours of your time. If you have already taken this course, please provide us with a copy of your certificate or let us know where and when you completed the course. Contact the Youth Ministry office for Protecting God's Children course on-line information and directions.

Name ______Cell Phone ______E-Mail ______

Name ______Cell Phone ______E-Mail ______

Please Note: I expect the individual students to be responsible and mature enough to notify me of scheduling conflicts they may have. I expect them to contact me directly when they are unable to attend a team meeting or other scheduled activity. They may notify me by e-mail at or contact me on my cell phone 630-215-5577.