Summer Art Camp Weekly Themes 2018
Summer Art Camp for 6-10 year olds
June 18- June 22: Designing Toys
Instructor: Jennifer McDuffie
Learn about toys from around the world during this week of art camp. From slime to hand crafted bath toys this week of innovative toy making will be a blast! Campers willlove usingcreativity and the artistic process to make toys that are uniquely their own and will be hard to put down. We will explore mixed media, ceramics, painting, and printmaking while learning and creatingour favorite toys!
June 25- June 29: River Week: Connecting Art to our Local Environment
Instructor: Jennifer McDuffie
Join us for this adventure-filled week as we explore the vast Hermitage Gardens and Grounds while learning about the tidal areas that we call home. Campers will create field guides from observational drawings, visit the wetlands restoration sites, and create images of the animals that live all around us. Discover how artists find inspiration from their local environment as we find inspiration from our local waterways.
July 9- 13:Storytelling through Illustration
Instructor:Mico Santos
We all have an illustration book that resonates with us. Whether it is the lesson being told, the way the story was drawn, or simply just the joy of the story itself, these books leave a lasting impression on us. This week campers will explore and celebrate illustration books as we use watercolor, ink, paint, and paper to investigate the different styles of children’s book illustrators such as Maurice Sendak, Beatrix Potter, and Dr. Seuss.
July 16- 20:Stop-Motion Animation
Instructor:Mico Santos
Have you watched The Nightmare Before Christmas? Or howabout Boxtrolls? LEGO movie? Did you know that all these movies were created using Stop-Motion Animation? Stop-Motion Animation is an amazing process that uses multiple photos to create movement. Using a variety of mediums such as clay, paper, and paint, we will be creating multiple short films using characters from our own imagination! Join us and experience the stop-motion phenomenon!
July 23- July 27: Toonin’ it up: Cartoons and Comics
Instructor:Mico Santos
Comics and cartoons are out of this world! They take us into a universe where the unthinkable happens. Dogs talk, eyes pop out of heads, and the law of gravity is broken. If your camper is interested in cartoons and comics, you won’t want to miss this week as we discuss and appreciate the history of cartoons and comics by taking an indepth look at the variety of styles and details. Finally, we will develop our own characters with a fun, entertaining story.
July 30- August 3: S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)
Instructor:Mico Santos
This week we connect the popular S.T.E.M. subjects with art seamlessly through exploration, experimentation, and of course art making! Campers will explore the various methods artists use that involve both the right and left side of the brain!We will challenge our creativity and technical skills to take on simple machines like engineers, work with clay, silly putty, and more.Wewill use science and math to create one-of-a-kind works of art.
August 6- 10: Animal Art Safari
Instructor:Michele Barnes
Animals have always been an underlying theme in art, from cave paintings to wildlife photography. This weekexplore animals from around the globe through the eyes of artists! From Oaxacan Wood Carvings in Mexico, Birds of John James Audubon, to Tigers in the Jungle (‘Surprised”) by Henri Rousseau. Discover the creatures that have inspired painters, sculptors, and photographers over the centuries.Campers will model clay, paint with acrylic and watercolors, draw with oil pastels, colored pencils, charcoal, use decorative papers for collage, form animals with found objects, create relief prints and much more!
August 13- August 17: World Travel: Finding Inspiration for Art far from Home
Instructor:Emily Nowell
This week campers will explore the Hermitage special exhibition PROOF: Mark Edward Atkinson Photography. During the week camper’s will ‘travel’ to other parts of the world including countries such as Columbia, Russia, India, and beyond, as Atkinson does, toforge connectionsbetween these exciting places and the people who live there. Each ‘destination’ will help to inspire students as they create works of art with clay, mixed media, collage, painting, photography, and more.Let your campers’ creativity soar as they travel the world without ever leaving home.
August 20- August 24: Go Green: Recycling Art
Instructor: Jennifer McDuffie
Don’t toss that trash! This eco-friendly week will focus on creating artwork from items that we normally throw away. Cereal Box sketchbooks, amazing cardboard masks, and paper bag puppets are just a few of the thrifty projects your students will love!
August 27- August31: Fairytales and Fables
Instructor: Jennifer McDuffie
This week wewill slip down the rabbit hole as we focus on artmaking and storytelling. Campers will gain inspiration fromfairy tales and storybooks to create their own pop-up books, fictional monsters, and illustrated fables. Explore some of the classic children’s authors and learn about the attached morals often found within the stories. This week ismust for all future Pulitzer Prize winners!