Summary record of the 15thMeeting of
The 15thmeeting of State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Chhattisgarh was held on 30/06/2010 at 02.00 Conference Hall, State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Chhattisgarh Secretariat, Raipur. Shri N.S. Bhadauria, Chairman, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh chaired the meeting. The following members of SEIAA were present in the meeting: -
- Dr. M.L. Naik, Member, SEIAA
- Shri P.V. Narsinga Rao, Member Secretary, SEIAA
At the outset, the Member Secretary, SEIAA, Chhattisgarh welcomed the Chairman and member of Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Chhattisgarh. Agenda wise discussions were carried out as follows: -
Agenda Item No. 1: -Approval of minutes of the 14thmeeting of SEIAA, Chhattisgarh
Minutes of the 14thmeeting of SEIAA, Chhattisgarh held on 23/04/2010 were presented before the authority. The authority perused thecontents of the minutes and approved the minutes of the14th meeting.
Agenda Item No. 2: -Discussion on the proposals submitted for consideration.
(1)M/s Vedanta Medical Research Foundation, Naya Raipur, District-Raipur.
The SEIAA Chhattisgarh had previously granted provisional environmental clearance vide letter dated 11/05/2009 to M/s Vedanta Medical Research Foundation for Cancer Hospital and Research Centre at Village- Saddu, District Raipur. The project proponent has now changed the site from village - Saddhu to Naya Raipur and submitted application (Form-I, FormIA, detailed project report and Environment Management Plan) for Environment Clearance on 31/12/2009.SEAC, Chhattisgarh considered the application in the 49thmeeting held on 18/01/2010.
The project proponent made presentation in 53rd meeting of SEAC held on 31/03/2010.
It is noted that:-
- The project was previously planned at Saddu village in Raipur district, for which provisional Environmental Clearance (EC) was obtained vide SEIAA, Chhattisgarh letter dated 11thMay, 2009. Reasons for shifting from the previous site are (i) Land area available for the project was less, compared to the requirement and (ii) Remote approach to site hence,hospital could not be accessed during emergencies and thus the purpose of the hospital could not be met.
- Vedanta Medical Research Foundation, through Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (BALCO) proposes to construct a 350 bed Cancer Hospital and Research Center at Sector – 36 Naya Raipur (Gram – Uphara & Khapri) District – Raipur Chhattisgarh.
- Salient features of the project of the project are:-
Particulars / Details
Primary Care / Mobile Van
Secondary Care / Cancer Diagnostic Centre
Tertiary Care / MainHospital at Raipur
Total Plot area / 20.2 ha (50 acres)
Built-up Area / 49,529 sqm
No of Beds / 350
MaximumBuilding Height / 40.5 m
Number of floors / Basement + Ground + 1st Floor + 2nd Floor + Service Floor + 4 Floors + Lift m/c room
Water Requirement /
- Construction stage water source: water tankers arranged by the contractor.
- Operation Stage Water Requirement = 400 m3/day.
- Horticultural requirement around 50 KLD, which would be met through treated effluent.
Power Requirement / 6190 KVA
- HT Supply at 33 KV from Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited.
- Three transformers cum regulator of 2000 KVA would be installed.
- The power backup DG sets of 3 x 2000 KVA capacity would be housed in CPCB approved acoustic enclosures.
Parking Provision
(Staff & Visitors) / Total 908 vehicles parking area would be provided as per requirement of building approval letter issued by NRDA, Raiipur. Adequate space would be left for future expansion.
Total Manpower Requirement / 964 staff members
- Land Possession Letter has been obtained from Naya Raipur Development Authority (NRDA), vide letter dated 11thNovember, 2009.
- The building drawings have been approvedby Naya Raipur Development Authority, Raipur andBhavan Nirman Anugya has been obtained from Naya Raipur Development Authority, Raipurvide letter dated 15thFebruary, 2010.
- Permission for drawl of ground water from District Magistrate and Naya Raipur Development Authority has been obtained. The permission for drawl of ground water from Central Ground Water Board / Authority would be obtained.
- High rise Building approval is under processing.
- No man made and natural obstructions in the close vicinity.
- No human settlements within the project area and thus no any Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R) issues involved.
- The project site is devoid of any major water body; however, local nalla flows from the site. Nalla would not be diverted during the proposed construction of hospital and its natural course flow would not disturb.
- There are no forest areas within the project site.
- There is no hilly terrain in vicinity of the project site.
- The entire area has been acquired for the project development
- Proposed Land Use Breakup:-
No / Description / Area(ha) / Percentage (%)
1 / Covered Area on Ground Floor / 2.0 / 9.9
2 / Road Area / 1.6 / 7.9
3 / Parking Area / 0.3 / 1.5
4 / Green Area / 7.0 / 34.7
5 / Open Area / 9.3 / 46.0
Open area has been reserved for future development and residential quarters for the staff.
Total Plot Area / 20.2 / 100.0
- FAR & Ground Coverage
1 / Total Plot Area / = 20.2 ha
2 / Built Up Area/ FAR Area / = 49,529 m2
3 / FAR / =49,529/202000
= 0.24 / (Allowable FAR=1.3 to 1.5)
4 / Total Ground Coverage Area / = 20713 sqm
5 / Percentage Ground Coverage / = 20713/ 202000 x 100
= 10.3 %
- Adequate stack height for DG sets would be provided.
- DG stack shall be designed to ensure particulate emission less than 50 mg/Ncum all the time.
- Quantification of Solid Waste
No. / Type / Unit / Quantity
General Solid Waste
a / Municipal Solid Waste / kg/day / 1750 - 2450
b / Sludge from STP / kg/day / 100-150
Bio-Medical Waste
a / Infectious Solid Waste / kg/day / 525-700
b / Pathological Solid Waste / kg/day / 105-140
- It is estimated that on an average about 5 to 7 kg of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) per bed per day shall be generated from the proposed hospital project. Out of this, it is assumed that 40% of waste will be bio-degradable (2-3 kg/day/bed) and remaining 60% of the waste will be non-bio-degradable (3-4 kg/day/bed). Municipal solid waste will be collected at the Central Solid Waste Management Facility envisaged in the basement for further disposal to the Municipal Authorities as per approved procedure. Vermi-composting of biodegradable waste within the facility will be tested and implemented during the later operational stage, based on suitability w.r.t. hospital environment and hygiene.
- The quantity of used oil generated from the DG sets will be stored in separate tank as per Hazardous Wastes(Management, Handling and Trans- Boundary Movement) Rules, 2008 (as amended) and sent to the authorized agencies recognized by CECB.
- The biomedical waste from the hospital project includes infectious solid waste and pathological solid waste. The infectious waste generation will be in the range of 1.5 to 2.0 kg/day/bed. The pathological waste of 0.3 to 0.4 kg/day/bed will be generated. These wasteswould be effectively managed under the Bio-Medical Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules 1998 (as amended). The waste will be segregated at point of source. The waste will be stored in closed boundaries/bins away from public (and patient) area, dogs and rodents. The treatment site will be away from the Hospital building / patient /public area. The incineration, hydroclave and deep burial systems would be adopted for treatment and disposal of bio medical wastes as per provisions of Bio-Medical Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules 1998 (as amended).
- The nuclear/ radiological medicine laboratory will be as per the specifications of the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC)/Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). The location, alignment and equipmentation of the nuclear medicine laboratory will be as per the guidelines, laid down by RadiationedicineCenter and Division of Radiological Protection, BARC. The different, areas will be differentiated as per AERB specifications like cold lukewarm warm and hot will be done and adequate protection measures will be adopted.
- Two isolation units proposed with a design capacity of treating average of one person/ unit for two – three days per week would be provided.
- The 450 cum capacity of sewage treatment plant located near the IPU block would be constructed. The treated effluent would be dis-infected by using Ozone.
- Hot water thought solar heaters and solar street lighting system would be adopted. Energy saving measures in conformance with ECBC guidelines would be complied.
- Adequate fire fighting systems would be provided.
- About 7 ha (34.7%) of the total project area has been designated for green areas. Green area has been designed to achieve a blend between modern building and various species of plants, shrubs, to create a clean, healthy and aesthetic environment. A combination of evergreen trees and ornamental flowering trees, shrubs and palms will be used in the complex.
SEAC, Chhattisgarh, after deliberation and considering the proposal regarding management of land degradation, water pollution, air pollution, solid waste management, bio-medical waste management, plantation, rain water harvesting, storm water management, energy conservation measures, power requirement, environment impact mitigation measures, safety measures, socio economic aspects etc. awarded ‘Silver’ rating to the project and recommended for grand of prior environmental clearance for construction of a 350 beded Cancer Hospital and Research Center at Sector – 36, Naya Raipur (Gram – Uphara & Khapri) District – Raipur,Chhattisgarh subject to fulfillment of the terms and conditions as mentioned in Annexure – II of minutes of 53rd meeting of SEAC.
SEIAA, Chhattisgarh perused the proposal/information/documents submitted by the project proponent in the 15th meeting held on 30/06/2010. After deliberation, the SEIAA, Chhattisgarh unanimously accepted the recommendation of SEAC, Chhattisgarh and decided to grant prior environmental clearance for construction of a 350 beded Cancer Hospital and Research Center at Sector – 36, Naya Raipur (Gram – Uphara & Khapri) District – Raipur,Chhattisgarh proposed bythe Vedanta Medical Research Foundation, through Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (BALCO) subject to the terms and conditions already mentioned by SEAC, Chhattisgarh in its detailed minutes of the meeting. SEIAA suggested following additional conditions to be followed by project proponent:
1-To ensure the generation of employment in the local areas, recruitment shall be done by inviting applications first from the local residents of the ChhattisgarhState. In case of non-availability of suitable candidates for certain post in the first attempt, the project proponent may call the applications as second call, not only from local residents of the ChhattisgarhState but also from other State.
2-A wide green belt of broad leaf local species shall be developed all around the project premises in at least 33% of the area.
3-High rise Building approval from the competent authority shall be obtained before start of construction activities.
4-To reduce the load on ground water, use of surface water sources shall be explored within three years.Project proponent shall obtained permission for drawl of water from Central Ground Water Board/Authority.
(2)M/s Salasar Steel and Power Limited, Village-Gerwani, 13 Km Stone, Ambikapur Road, Raigarh (C.G.)
The Project proponent has applied for environmental clearance for installing steel melting shop of capacity 97000TPA and CFBC Based power plant of 65MW at Village-Gerwani, 13 Km Stone, Ambikapur Road, Raigarh (C.G.) on 02/04/2008. The proposed project cost - Rs. 327.13 Crores. ToR was issued by State Level Expert Appraisal Committee Chhattisgarh vide letter no. 164 dated 29/08/2008. Public hearing was held on 29/11/2009 for proposed project on the Ground of High School, at Village - Gerwani, Block & District – Raigarh. The public hearing documents were received on 14/01/2010. The project proponent has submitted Final EIA Report along with the issues discussed in public hearing, copy of video CD of public hearing proceedings, copy of final layout plan and copy of project feasibility report. Project proponent has submitted above information/documents vide letter dated 26/02/2010.
The proposal was discussed in 51st meeting held on 27/03/2010 of SEAC, Chhattisgarh. Project proponent made presentation in the 54thmeeting of SEAC, Chhattisgarh on 24/04/2010.
It is noted that: -
- The proposed expansion would be taken up in the existing plant premises only. No additional land would be acquired for the proposed expansion project. The existing greenbelt would not be disturbed for expansion project. Total land for existing and the proposed expansion would be 68 acres.
- Nearest habitation is at a distance of about 1.0 Km. from the plant. There are no National Parks, Wild life Sanctuaries, eco-sensitive zones, elephant / tiger reserves, migratory routes and Bird Sanctuaries within 10 Km radius as indicated in the Toposheet. No Rehabilitation & Resettlement is involved. Nearest river is Kelo flowing at the distance of 3.0 Kms from the plant. No forest land is involved in the site. No clearance of vegetation is required thus there would not be any soil erosion.There are no National Parks, Wild life Sanctuaries, eco-sensitive zones, elephant/tiger reserves, migratory routes and Bird Sanctuaries within 10 Km radius.
- The Company has informed that coal linkage for the proposed power plant has been obtained. Requirement of raw coal at its maximum capacity would be around 0.357 MTPA.
- A Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) technology would be used for power generation. The washery Rejects, dolochar & Coal would be fed into the boiler and this fuel-mix would be burnt in the boiler.
- Raw Material Requirement for the expansion project would be sponge iron, scrap, ferro alloys and coal and its annual requirement would be 68,000, 42,000, 1000 and 3,57,000 TPA respectively.
- The total water requirement for expansion project would be 6200cum/day which would be drawn from Gerwani Nallah and would be conveyed through pipeline from the intake pump house. Water allocation from water Resources Department, Govt. of Chhattisgarh has been obtained. The total effluent quantity from the proposed expansion would be 702 cum/day. Closed circuit cooling system would be adopted. There would be no any effluent generation from the process & cooling in the SMS. Effluent generated from Power plant would be treated in CMB & utilized for different activities.
- Zero effluent discharge would be maintained, in the existing as well as in the expansion project and COC of 5.0 would be maintained in the cooling tower.
- Total waste water generation from the proposed 65 MW power plant would be 702 cum/day.The boiler blowdown & DM Plant regeneration water would be treated in a neutralization tank and after treatment it would be mixed with CT Blow down and treated service water. The treated effluent would be stored in a CentralMonitoringBasin (CMB).
- All the raw materials would be stored mostly in closed sheds on a pucca platform. All the conveyors would be covered with GI sheets to prevent the fugitive dust emission into the atmosphere.Adequate dust suppression system would be provided at the material unloading areas.Water spraying would be done frequently at coal stock yard to control the fugitive dust.Dust extraction system with bag filters would be provided at material transfer points and junction towers.Extensive greenbelt would be taken up all around the plant area to further reduce the emissions. All the internal roads would be asphalted to reduce the fugitive dust emission due to the vehicular movement.
- CFBC boiler would be attached with electro static precipitator and stack of the height 95 meter and induction furnaces would be attached with fume extraction system with bagfilters and stack of the height 30 meters for the control of emissions. The particulate emissions from the stacks would be limited to 50mg/Nm3.
- Local DFO would be consulted in developing the green belt. Greenbelt of 23 acres (which is inclusive of existing greenbelt) would be developed in the plant premises. 15 m wide greenbelt would be developed all around the plant after implementation of the expansion project.
- Total fly ash generation from the proposed power plant would be 700 TPD. Fly ash disposal would be in accordance with MOEF Notification. Fly Ash would be given to cement plants /brick manufacturers./Filling of mined out quarries, self owned barren land at gram : Baghuda. Slag (from SMS) would be used in road construction.
- Year wise funds would be allocated for eco-development / community welfare works including maintenance of roads on nearby villages/areas. An amount of 5% of profit would be earmarked for CSR activities.
The proposed project does not fulfill the criteria as mentioned in general condition of Schedule of EIA Notification, 2006, hence falls under Category ‘B’. Based on the consideration of the documents submitted, the presentation made by the project proponent and discussion held in the 54th meeting of SEAC Chhattisgarh on 24/04/2010, the Committee recommended for grant of Prior Environmental Clearance for installing steel melting shop (induction furnace 3X10 Tonnes) 97000TPA and CFBC Based power plant 65 MW subject to the terms and conditions of minutes in 54th meeting of SEAC.
The proposal was discussed by the SEIAA, Chhattisgarh in the 15th meeting held on 30/06/2010. After deliberation, the SEIAA, Chhattisgarh unanimously accepted the recommendations of SEAC, Chhattisgarh and decided to grant environmental clearance for installing steel melting shop of capacity 97000TPA and CFBC Based power plant of 65MW subject to the terms and conditions already mentioned by SEAC, Chhattisgarh in its detailed minutes of the meeting. SEIAA suggested following additional conditions to be followed by project proponent:
1-To ensure the generation of employment in the local areas, recruitment shall be done by inviting applications first from the local residents of the ChhattisgarhState. In case of non-availability of suitable candidates for certain post in the first attempt, the project proponent may call the applications as second call, not only from local residents of the ChhattisgarhState but also from other State.
2-Adequate funds shall be allocated for undertaking CSR activities (community welfare, environmental development activities apart from committed plantation) and in any case it shall not be less than 35.0 lacs per year with10% annual increase in subsequent years.
3-A wide green belt of broad leaf local species shall be developed all around the project premises in at least 35% of the area.
(3)M/s Sarda Energy & Minerals Limited, Works:- Village-Bajarmuda, Dholnara, Tehsil – Gharghoda (Tamnar), District- Raigarh (C.G.)
The Project proponent has applied for environmental clearance for Coal Washery project throughput coal 0.96 MTPA at Village-Bajarmuda, Dholnara, Tehsil – Gharghoda, District- Raigarh (C.G.) on 28/05/2008 and subsequent letter received on dated 05/09/2008. The proposed cost - Rs. 270.00 Crores. ToR was issued by State Level Expert Appraisal Committee Chhattisgarh vide letter no. 93 dated 10/06/2009. The public hearing was held on 23/10/2009 for proposed project on the Ground of Primary School, at Village Bajarmuda, Tehsil – Gharghoda District – Raigarh. Public hearing documents were received on 25/11/2009 from CECB. The project proponent has submitted Final EIA Report along with the issues discussed in public hearing, copy of video CD of public hearing proceedings, copy of final layout plan and copy of project feasibility report.