1.1. The purpose of this Report is to advise Members of incidents that have occurred within the Borough since the last meeting of the Committee, and where Poole’s Response Procedures were activated.
2.1. Members are asked to note the contents of the Report and to agree to the Post Incident Actions proposed.
3.1. There has been one incident in Poole since the last meeting of the Committee:
3.2. Fire and Evacuation – Farwell Road, Alderney
a. The incident occurred on Friday 31st October 2008, and was a fire at No 50 Farwell Road, Alderney, which is a private residential address.
b. The Borough Operations Centre (BOC) were advised of the Incident at approx 23:00 hours by Dorset Police because at that time two (unidentified) cylinders had been observed in the garage, which could have contained acetylene, and as such could require an evacuation of surrounding properties. The BOC alerted the Duty Emergencies Officer accordingly.
c. At 23:18 an initial 200m evacuation zone was identified and 100 properties (approx 150 – 200 people) around the site were evacuated up to and including Bedford Road North. The nearby Community Centre at Bedford Road South was opened as an initial emergency support centre for evacuees. d. The Highways maintenance team were deployed to site to assist with road closures.
e. By 23:59 the risk was re-assessed by Dorset Fire and Rescue and the extent of the cordon/evacuation zone was reduced to 60m. Social Services were activated to attend the Community Centre and to assess the suitability of that site as an emergency support centre, and a designated Centre (Ashdown Leisure Centre) was put on standby if required. The Poole and Bournemouth Primary Care Trust (PCT) were alerted and road closures were in place. Most residents had moved to the Community Centre but some residents were refusing to leave their homes.
f. By 01:00 the Emergency Committee chair had been alerted and had agreed to contact Ward Councillors and a social services officer was on site. The fire was nearly extinguished and the evacuation zone was re-confirmed as 60m because only one (small) cylinder was known to contain acetylene and, in the view of Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, the garage construction was strong enough to contain any explosion. Some evacuees were able to return home and others advised to stay with friends and family if possible until the area was declared safe. Police and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service began scaling down their presence but continuing to hose down and cool the cylinder with unmanned monitor hoses. Ward councillor was at site and the number of evacuees had reduced to approx 40.
g. By 02:00 those remaining in the Community Centre had been advised that the estimated time for stand down would be approx 07:00 – 08:00. The evacuees did not want to move from the centre. Social services confirmed facilities were suitable so the Ashdown designated Rest Centre was stood down. Requests were made for blankets and pillows (no longer held by Social Services). Request passed to PCT who managed to source from Royal Bournemouth Hospital. One evacuee confirmed that they were taking morphine but declined the offer of admission to Poole Hospital.
h. By 03:00 the delivery of linen to the rest centre was effected by the PCT staff, our attempts to use a pre-arranged account with Poole Radio Cabs for transport had not been successful. Hot food was initially requested, Social Services rep advised of support contract with WRVS and contact information supplied. This was not used as food was found to be available within the Centre.
i. At 08:50 the scene was declared safe and residents vacated the community centre.
j. At 09:06 the cordon was lifted and road closures and barriers were removed.
Observations, issues and proposals from those involved in the incident are at ANNEX A.
Graham Chaplin
Emergency Officer
SRL / OBSERVATION / COMMENTS / ACTION1. / Initial attempts to put Rossmoor Leisure Centre (designated rest centre) on standby were unsuccessful – no answer to first two out of hour’s numbers - Ashdown was then called and put on standby. / No requirement for contacts to respond 24/7 in agreement – general cascade contact system / Reaffirm contact details – consider revising contract for response
2. / Taxi firm resource unavailable / Poole has arrangements with Wilts and Dorset for emergency transportation but only for very large scale incidents. The account with Poole Radio Cabs was designed to meet the need for the provision of minor transport facilities out of hours, (service is advertised as 24 hours/365 days a year) Unfortunately there was no answer to the 24 hour contact number in the early hours of Saturday morning / Confirm availabilities with Poole Radio Cabs. Request alternative emergency minor transport provision arrangements from transportation services
3. / Role of Duty Emergency Officer not understood by others / The role of this officer is one of co-ordination and not one which involves sourcing materials, arranging transport for elected members or briefing multiple callers. On this occasion the pressures put on the officer by others prevented all the IRP procedures being followed / Briefing and awareness training on roles and responsibilities to Social Services and others units regarding roles.
4. / Provision of blankets, pillows and linens / This is a function of the Social Services response to an incident. It should be noted that some time ago Social Services decided to discontinue holding such bedding items and instead were provided funding for ‘space’ blankets. Again it is emphasised that the duty emergencies officer should not be seen as a procurement source during incidents for such items. / Social Services to review need for holding bedding items and associated items to support the public and to purchase if necessary.
5. / WRVS support contract not used / The WRVS support contract, which could have supplied a support team as well as hot drinks etc to the Community Centre was not used by Social Services. The cost of the food etc. found and used at the centre is unknown. / Briefing/reminder to Social Services re WRVS support contract.
6. / Rest Centre Training / Accredited training is available via the WRVS for those who are called to set up emergency support centres. This emergency planning funded traiing was offered to Social Services managers during the last financial year but not taken up. / Social Services to review training needs and re-consider the WRVS training scheme and meet all costs
7. / Use of a community centre rather than a designated rest centre. / This is within the IRP guidelines. In a fast moving incident the Police may have to quickly identify a place of safety (Safe Havens), which may not be a designated centre. If the place of safety is suitable then it can be used for the incident / No further action. Emergency Planning as part of the IRP review is currently reviewing rest centres. The identification and provision of safe havens is being considered (in conjunction with the Police) as part of the on-going development of emergency response
8. / Cylinder Awareness Campaign / This is the second incident where an acetylene cylinder was involved and was located in a residential garage. Consideration should be given to a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of acetylene cylinders in homes. This could also include DFRS incident procedures and the effects of acetylene cylinder explosions. Consideration may also be given to a cylinder ‘amnesty’ in the borough to remove safely all unwanted cylinders thus reducing the likelihood of another incident and evacuation / Seek advice and support of DFRS, and ECPS
Item to be raised at the next BPRG meeting
Borough cylinder amnesty scheme in partnership with DF&RS
9. / Tenancy agreement changes / Consideration given to prohibiting the use of acetylene cylinders on BoP housing stock as part of tenancy agreements / Seek advice and support of H&CS and PHP