Multi-Sport Tournament Facility (Action Plan)

Motion on the Floor at City Council:

MOVED J. Batty –B.Anderson (Made at the July 2, 2003, City Council meeting):

  1. That the March 17, 2003, Asset Management and Public Works Department report, and March 19, 2003, Community Services Department report be received for information (Attachments 1 and 2 of the May 28, 2003, Community Services Department report).
  2. That the parcel of land located at 50 Street/2 Avenue SW (Strathcona Shooting Range Site) be designated as the future Multi-Sport Tournament and Recreation Site.
  3. That the lease with the Northern Alberta Shooters Association (NASA) be terminated effective September 30, 2005. As is specified by the current lease, NASA will receive a minimum of two years' written notice.
  4. That:

a)Administration be directed to determine the level of support that can be provided to NASA, in regard to the possible relocation of shooting range facilities and/or other potential partnerships.

b)Administration be directed to make a presentation, on behalf of City Council, to Alberta Capital Region Alliance (ACRA) suggesting that one of the counties provide space which would allow all gun clubs in the region and all municipal jurisdictions to cooperate in the creation of a world-classshooting range capable of including all disciplines.

  1. That Administration be directed to negotiate lease agreements with the Edmonton Minor Soccer Association, Capital District Minor Football Association, and South Edmonton Elite Baseball Association to develop, maintain and operate sportsfields at the future Multi-Sport Tournament and Recreation Site.
  2. That Administration prepare a status report on the Multi-Sport Tournament Facility and NASA relocation for the September 29, 2003, Community Services Committee meeting.

Amendment on the Floor at City Council:

MOVED K.Leibovici –M.Phair (Made at the July 2, 2003, City Council meeting):

  1. That in Part 3, the date “September 30, 2005” be changed to “June 30, 2006.”
  2. That a Part 4(c) be added as follows:

“That Administration be directed to explore alternative sites that would allow the Northern Alberta Shooters Association to establish a world class shooting facility within the City of Edmonton.”

That the Motion and Amendment on the Floor be passed.

Report Summary

This report provides the requested information regarding the potential location of a Multi-Sport Tournament Facility. It also provides updated information on the StrathconaShootingRange location.

Previous Council/Committee Action

  • At the July 19, 2004, Community Services Committee meeting the above Motion and Amendment on the Floor at City Council and the May 28, 2004, Community Services Department report were referred to Administration to return to the August 23, 2004, Community Services Committee meeting, as the first item of business, with a report on the environmental conditions of the shooting range in southeast Edmonton.
  • At the July 19, 2004, Community Services Committee meeting, the Committee agreed to hear from the following delegations:
  1. R. J.Wilson, President, Northern Alberta Shooters Association
  2. D. Sanderlin, Vice-President, Northern Alberta Shooters Association
  3. R.Shaw, Director, Sporting Clays, Northern Alberta Shooters Association
  4. J. Hinter, National President, National Firearms Association
  5. K.O’Toole, Vice President, Alberta Handgun Association
  6. B. Kierstead, Shooting Federation of Canada
  • At the City Council meeting of July 2, 2003, the above Motion and Amendment on the Floor were referred back to Administration for a report on:

the business plan for the Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA);

costs of relocating the shooting range;

statistics on usage of the current shooting range;

demand for fields proposed in the Multi-Sport Tournament Facility;

appropriateness of this site for a Multi-Sport Tournament Facility;

potential of other sites being appropriate and available for either the shooting range or the Multi-Sport Tournament Facility;

costs of servicing the site, or alternative sites, and who would be responsible for paying for the servicing;

safety aspects of the existing facility and facts related to performance of the current shooting range; and

potential for the Community Services Department to exchange land with the Asset Management and Public Works Department so that the Fulton Creek site could be available as a suitable location for the Multi-Sport Tournament Facility.


Part A – Referral from July 2, 2003

  • The business plan for the Soccer Association

EMSA’s business plan has been received and is currently being reviewed by the Community Services Department (Attachment 2).

The business plan outlines EMSA’s five year financial strategy to fund the 20 sportsfields portion of the site. $2,156,000 is the estimated development cost for the sportsfield and above ground irrigation system.

  • Cost of relocating the shooting range

The estimated cost to relocate the Strathcona Shooting Rangeis $1,725,000 (excluding land). This cost includes a clubhouse, parking area, limited site services and shooting equipment (Attachment 3).

  • Statistics on usage of the current shooting range

The Strathcona Shooting Range is used by Northern Alberta Shooters Association (NASA) membership (approximately 175 members), as well as individual drop-in shooters.

Over a 187 day period (August 1, 2002-September 30, 2003), the Strathcona Shooting Range was open 1,173 hours. The range registered 2,789 individual shooters (members and drop-in shooters), utilizing approximately 13,945 hours of range time (Attachment 4).

  • Demand for fields proposed in the Multi-Sport Tournament Facility

The Edmonton Sport Council and the Community Services Department in September 2000 contracted Caminata Consulting to complete a formal Sport and Recreation Field Tournament Sites Needs Assessment. The assessment responded to the sportsfield user group’s perception that Edmonton lacked a location(s) that offered multiple quality outdoor sportsfields for tournament play.

Seventy-nine sport organizations were contacted and surveyed on three possible design scenarios as a means of meeting field user needs.

The most preferred option, indicated by sport organizations, was to develop one large multi-use sport tournament and recreation site to complement existing single-use (and limited multi-use) sites that exist in Edmonton.

The study indicated the facility could include (subject to revision after more formal community consultation): 12 diamond fields (fastball, slo-pitch, and baseball), 12 rectangular fields and related amenities.

On April 14, 2003, sport organizations interested in partnering in the development of a Multi-Sport site met and identified their specific development wishes and capabilities to meet their sportsfield needs (Attachment 5).

  • Appropriateness of this site for a Multi-Sport Tournament Facility

Site selection was determined by reviewing potentially available lands using established site criteria.

Based on size, availability, access, and co-existence with future area development, the Strathcona Shooting Range site is the preferred location for the Multi-Sport Tournament Site (Attachment 6).

The terrain at this site is quite flat and barren which would reduce land development costs to partnering sport organizations.

  • Potential of other sites being appropriate and available for either the shooting range or the Multi-Sport Tournament Facility

A review of other potential sites included one City owned site and two potential sites available for purchase from the Province.

Rampart Industrial (154 acres), and provincially owned Clover Bar (186 acres), and Rural Northwest (485 acres) were reviewed, using the criteria, as location options for the Multi-Sport Tournament Facility and/or shooting range (Attachment 7).

The review determined there is not an appropriate site within the City of Edmonton to house a shooting range that would be sustainable long-term.

This review also concluded that the Strathcona site is the preferred location for a large scale outdoor tournament site within the City of Edmonton due to location and site factors.

  • Costs of servicing the site, or alternative sites, and who would be responsible for paying for the servicing

The Multi-Sport Tournament Site servicing strategy is based on the current model at HenrySingerPark, utilizing irrigation dug-outs and above ground hoses for the sportsfields and underground tanks for water and septic.

Permanent servicing costs would be the responsibility of partnering sport organizations, if desired. The cost to bring full servicing to this site is estimated at $5,500,000 but this cost will reduce as development gets closer to the site.

  • Safety aspects of the existing facility and facts related to performance of the current shooting range

NASA has no recorded injuries or accidents on the StrathconaShootingRange during the history of the range.

The Strathcona Shooting Range meets or exceeds all current safety standards as described by the Chief Firearms Officer of Alberta.

  • Potential for the Community Services Department to exchange land with the Asset Management and Public Works Department so that the Fulton Creek site could be available as a suitable location for the Multi-Sport Tournament Facility

The Fulton Creek site is zoned Industrial, and the direction of the Industrial Land Strategy is to “establish the priority of industrial development over other uses in industrial areas”.

Community Services Department is of the opinion that the Fulton Creek site presents some practical challenges (limited access, associated development costs to cross the ravine and inadequate on-site circulation) as a future outdoor tournament site location.

The pros and cons of both sites have been reviewed and the Community Services Department recommends that the Strathcona Shooting Range site as a more desirable location to support a future city or district wide recreation site.

Part B – Updates

  • Environmental Assessment of ShootingRangeSite

In August 2004the City of Edmontonwas informed by Alberta Environment, after review of the Environmental Assessments, that the lead remediation and clean-up of the site could commence in late 2006, contingent on an ongoing monitoring program of groundwater and air quality (Attachment 8). This is to be conducted twice per year, spring and fall.

If the groundwater and air quality monitoring program produces favourable results, the site can remain as an active shooting range until June 30, 2006.

  • Lease with the Northern Alberta Shooters Association

The NASA current lease is from July 1, 1996, to June 30, 2006. This lease includes an option, at the expiration of the term, for the Association to extend the term for one additional period of five years.

The Community Services Department does not support an active shooting range facility on this site beyond June 30, 2006. This is due to anticipated urban development to the west (2006-2007) and south of the site (2008-2009), and the ongoing lead contamination to the land.

The City of Edmonton served NASA with two years written notice on June 30, 2004, (as per lease) that the renewal was not supported, and that the lease would be terminated on June 30, 2006.

If Council does not approve the Amendment on the Floor, the lease termination notice to NASA will be rescinded.

NASA has indicated that with the lease ending in June 2006, there is an insufficient amount of time to vacate the site if it agrees to host the World Master Games in July 2005. This is due to a small volunteer base.

It is NASA’s desire is to remain on the site until June 30, 2011.

Community Services staff and NASA representatives recently met to discuss options in relation to the World Masters Games and lease termination timelines.

Community Services indicated to NASA that the lease termination date could be adjusted to September 1, 2007 (approved by Alberta Environment)incorporating the two year written notice outlined in their lease, if NASA agrees to host World Masters Games events on this site.

NASA does not support this agreement and has submitted to Community Services two proposals, outlining lease extension dates and required City funding to relocate shooting range amenities. NASA has indicated they will agree to host World Masters Games events if one of these proposals is supported by the City of Edmonton.

Community Services does not support either of these proposals based on the amount of financial support indicated and the extended lease termination date.

NASA representatives plan on presenting these proposals to Community Services Committee.

Budget / Financial Implications

  • Decontamination of site – presently estimated at $2,600,000. A profile has been included in the 2006 Community Services capital budget- unfunded.
  • Decommissioning of site to parkland - $165,000. A profile has been included in the 2006 Community Services capital budget- unfunded.
  • Groundwater and air quality monitoring program - $40,000 per year. Funds are identified in the Community Services Department 2004 budget and will be included in 2005/2006 budget.
  • Additional costs relating to access road and parking expansion for the tournament site may be incurred based on future development plans.
  • As part of its current lease, NASA contributes $2,500 yearly to a City of Edmonton interest bearing account for remediation purposes. Currently this account holds approximately $20,700.

Justification of Recommendation

  1. June 30, 2006, coincides with the end of the primary term of the lease NASA has for this site.
  2. This report provides information requested at the July 2, 2003, City Council meeting and update information on environmental issues and the current tenant (NASA) on this site.

Background Information Attached

  1. Report 2003CSCW48 Revised – Multi-Sport Tournament Facility (Action Plan) dated May 28, 2003
  2. Edmonton Minor Soccer Association/Multi-Sport Tournament Facility Financial Assumptions and Business Plan
  3. Cost Estimate: Relocation of StrathconaShootingRange
  4. Usage Statistics: Northern Alberta Shooters Association
  5. Sport Organization Sportsfield Needs/Development Desires
  6. Multi-Sport Tournament Site: Selection Process
  7. City of Edmonton Lands: Other Potential Sites
  8. Overview of Environmental Assessment of Site

Background Information Available on Request

  1. City of Edmonton Sport and Recreation Field Tournament Site Needs Assessment – January 24, 2002
  2. Environment Site Assessments: StrathconaShootingRange, November 2003 and July 2004

Others Approving this Report

  • W.D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works
  • J. Tustian, General Manager, Corporate Services

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Attachment 2

Edmonton Minor Soccer Association/Multi-Sport Tournament Facility Financial Assumptions and Business Plan

Edmonton Minor Soccer Association/Multi-Sport Tournament

Facility Financial Assumptions and Business Plan.

Edmonton Minor Soccer Association Back Ground Information:

The Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA) is a non-for-profit organization responsible for fostering the growth and development of soccer for children and youth in the City of Edmonton. EMSA provides soccer for over 25,000 children and youth throughout the City of Edmonton.

EMSA’s Objectives and Bylaws clearly outlineits intentions and goals in relation to the children in which it provides soccer. These objectives are as follows: 1) To promote, develop and govern Minor Soccer in the City of Edmonton refereed to as District (8) by the Alberta Soccer Association. 2) To foster and encourage good character and sportsmanship, in all participants, through the principals of fair play. 3) To ensure the welfare and fulfillment of each individual player.

The affairs of the Association are managed by Volunteer Zone Directors and Elected Board of Directors. These directors are elected by our membership at an Annual General Meeting. Elected officers include President, Vice-President and Treasurer. Volunteer Representatives from each of the six Edmonton Soccer Zones (Mill Woods Zone, South East Zone, South West Zone, West Zone, Spruce Grove Zone & North East Zone) also hold a place on the EMSA Board of Directors. The total number of Directors is (9), all of which have full voting status.

EMSA currently has (4) full time staff including an Executive Director, Finance/Operations Manager, Program Director and League Director. This staff is responsible for carrying out the wishes of the EMSA Board of Directors and maintaining seasonal programs for participants in our program. EMSA also relies heavily on its valued volunteers, which helps keep administrative expenses low.

EMSA is the largest Minor Soccer Association in Alberta. Steady growth in player and team Registrations over the past 5 years has led to EMSA exceeding 25,000 participants in all ages and categories City Wide. With a steady increase in player numbers our volunteer base has grown as well, to exceed over 4000 coaches, community coordinators and directors.

EMSA is affiliated with and recognized by the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (E.F.C.L), Soccer Federation of Edmonton (S.F.E), the Alberta Soccer Association (A.S.A) and the Canadian Soccer Association (C.S.A). EMSA is also recognized as a non-for-profit organization under The Societies Act.

EMSA Outdoor Project Overview:

Outdoor soccer has become the most popular outdoor youth recreational sport in Edmonton. Over the last five years, youth soccer registrations have more than doubled. In 1998 the number of registered participants in the Edmonton Minor Soccer Associations (EMSA) outdoor program was just over 10,000 players. Today the EMSA outdoor soccer program consists of more than 25,000 registered youth players.

This rapid growth has resulted in increasing field shortages that has taxed the entire capital region. Existing outdoor soccer facilities are overused and abused each year, by not only the cities youth soccer program but also the growing men’s and woman’s leagues (Approximately 8,000 participants). This is especially evident in the South Edmonton.

There is every indication that soccer will continue to increase in popularity. The field shortage problem we are faced with today, will only compound if we do not take the initiative to solve it in the near future. This is essentially why the EMSA endeavors to develop an outdoor soccer complex, that will provide high quality outdoor soccer facilities, for a city that is hungry for soccer.

In the summer of 2002 the EMSA purchased 80 acres of land on the East side of Meridian Street and South of Ellerslie Road (Please note that other parcels of land were available within City Limits, however they were not considered due to financial limitations) The decision to purchase land was not a hasty one. The EMSA has been working for many years to secure any available parcel of land in South Edmonton from the City of Edmonton, to develop more outdoor soccer fields for its growing program. With no apparent assistance in the near future the EMSA purchased land with the intention to begin development in 2003.