Summary of Objections on ARR of CESU
1 / Shri. Akshya Kumar Sahani,, M/s Sahani Energy Consultancy, B/L-108, VSS Nagar, Bhubaneswar· Take or pay tariff should continue along with the incentives like TOD and pf incentive.
· There should not be any penalty in EC and demand charges for the consumers who are coming in FY 2013-14 as the same will violate Regulations of Ch – II of Distribution (Conditions of Supply) Code 2004.
· In case f BPL consumers CESU should check the wiring of the consumer so that such consumers should have only two light point and one fan point. Their consumption if crosses beyond 30 kWh then such consumers be converted to domestic consumer category.
· In case of telephone towers, they are having load of 20 kVA and are generally connected to LT network. Due to non availability of load at LT such consumers are required to construct the HT line and transformer in OYT scheme. However, the HT tariff is higher than the LT tariff.
· When OERC has approved the SI scheme of CESU, there is no meaning of imposition of system loading charge. Further this should not be allowed as this will violate Section 13(I) of Code 2004.
· Prevailing DPS principle should continue on all category of consumers without modification.
· Licensee has projected 29.08 Cr towards the cost of uniforms of the employees. But practically it is noticed that the employees are not wearing the uniforms and hence this cost is loss to the system. Further the cost of Rs 119.07 projected against the miscellaneous charges should be bifurcated head wise for better clarity.
· Not to enhance any tariff to any of the consumers. There should not be any further enhancement in the demand charge as the demand charges have been increased from Rs 200 to Rs 250 per kVA for the consumers having CD < 110 kVA.
· Determine the tariff progressively based on the cost to serve the consumer and by reducing the cross subsidy in accordance with the EA 2003, OERC Terms and conditions for determination of Tariff Regulations 2004 and Tariff Policy.
· Direct the CESU for installation of Smart Meters and per-paid meters.
· The load factor be calculated based on the actual period of availability of unrestricted power supply during the month and that the demand charges be calculated on prorate basis of the total period of shutdown of the plant due to interruptions and planned shutdowns exceeds 30 hours in a month.
2 / Shri Ramesh Ch. Satpathy, Secretary, National Institute of Indian Labour, Plot No.302(B), Beherasahi, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-751012
· Raised the issues of quality of supply. Rural consumers are suffering due to low voltage and blackouts most of the time.
· The O&M is not up to the standard and hence all the 16 Lakh consumers are not able to get required voltage at the time of peak demand.
· Energy audits are not properly conducted by the utility in line with the commissions directions.
· Licensee should produce the list of cases, FIRs filed in different courts and police stations since 2009-10, 10-11, 11-12 and 12-13.
· Due to requirement of additional staff lines and substations are not maintained properly and the same needs to be engaged immediately.
· Licensee has not paid any compensation due to death of Animals & human beings and the licensee should produce the details of the same.
· The company has given engagement to near about 860 Ex-servicemen in the organization since 2002 to till date. But they have not been regularized like other workers as per their qualification and experience. Hon. Commission should direct the licensee to look in to the matter.
· Licensee to produce the list of outstanding dues with the Govt. depts. and the PSUs till 11.1.2013.
· To give the list of HT and EHT consumers who have reduced the demand.
3 / Shri. Arun Kumar Sahu, Assistant Secretary, Orissa Consumers' Association, Devajyoti Upabhokta Kalyan Bhawan, Biswanath Lane, Dist-Cuttack-2
· The application filed by the licensee is not in accordance with the law and also not tenable under law as such the same is liable to be rejected.
· Account of the licensee has not been audited. In view of non availability of audited statements the licensee’s prayer for revenue requirement should be rejected as it is based on the false statements and manipulated facts and figures.
· Licensee has not improved the standard of service, efficiency and has not reduced T&D losses as per the direction of the commission through the RST for FY 2008-09 to FY 2012-12. Hence, consumers should not be penalized by accepting the heavy expenses of the licensee due to its in efficient and corrupt operations.
· The procedure/method so adopted by commission to be made simple and inexpensive for effective participation of consumers for disposal of the DISCOMs application.
· Commission may examine / scrutinize the following issues:
o Administrative, general expense, employee expenses and legal expenses are reasonable or not.
o Whether the T&D losses are reduced an brought down as per the national standard.
o Dues pending with Govt, Commercial consumers. Any action taken on employees’ for not recovering the same.
o Are the consumer meters accurate to measure the readings.
o Whether the complaints are handled as per the procedures.
· Licensee should not be allowed to produce the ARR without the proper justification for its cost.
· Licensee has failed to arrest the losses and reduce the costs. The costs should not be allowed to pass on to the consumers.
· The one time settlement schemes are being introduced for the benefits of defaulted consumers.
· Licensee has not give details of energy billed and revenue collected. Further licensee should disclose the security deposit collected from the consumers. Licensee has not paid the interest on security deposit.
4 / Shri. Arun Kumar Sahu , Keonjhar Navanirman Parisad, Regd. Off. At-Chandin Chowk, Cuttack.
Same as 3 above
5 / Shri. Arun Kumar Sahu, General, Secretary, Federation of Consumers, Organization, (FOCO), Odisha, Biswanath Lane, Dist-Cuttack-2
Same as 3 above
6 / M/s Power Tech Consultants, 1-A /6, Swati Villa, Surya Vihar, Link Road, Cuttack-753012. Ph. No. 9437155337
· The projection of sale submitted by the utility is not based on scientific method of demand forecasting
· Late delivery of bills, erroneous bills are served by the utility
· The quality of supply is poor. The demand charges may be calculated pro rata basis if total such period and prearranged shutdowns exceeds 60 hrs in a month
· The licensee should follow guaranteed standard of performance as specified by the Commission
· The interest on security deposit should be increased
· DPS shall not be applied on all categories of consumers
· Calculation of demand charge and load factor may be done on the basis of number of hrs for which supply is available in day
· Hon Commission may direct the licensee to determine wheeling charge and wheeling loss for approval for FY 2013-14
· The metering data provided by licensee seems adjusted. The facts and figures submitted by CESU should be audited
· The licensee has not improved its performance over the years but praying for increase in tariff
· The licensee has not submitted audited data of energy account
· The dues which are not controllable and have been written off from books of licensee may be allowed to the extent of 1.5%
· As per LTTS order of the Commission the energy audit data is not submitted by CESU
· The distribution loss may be segregated into commercial and technical loss and power purchase must be calculated based on technical loss
· The licensee has not taken any measure to implement DSM
· For calculation of load factor, power factor should be taken as 90% irrespective of actual value
· For determining the average cost of supply at EHT the BSP shall be considered on the basis of average cost of power procurement from different sources plus trading margin determined by CERC
· Licensee may intimate the status of implementation of Bachat Lamp Yojana.
· CESU should prepare the schedule for monthly drawl and monthly consumption and the figures should be send to GRIDCO so as to set the generation planning. They should send the day ahead schedule to SLDC to avoid UI charges to be paid by GRIDCO.
7 / Sri Prashanta Kumar Das, President, State Public Interest Protection Council, Tala Telenga Bazar, Cuttack-753009.
· All the DISCOMS are involved in executing organized power cuts apart from the disruptions and the complaints have been launched at various levels including OERC in past.
· All the licensees are not abiding to the conditions specified in the OERC code of conduct Rules especially Supply and maintenance of Pass Book to consumers and Billing and pay by dates. In spite of various complaints the Commission is not taking action against the licensees.
· In case of defaulters, the licensees are practicing faulty systems in respect of realization of outstanding power bills and the defaulters are given heavy reductions in the outstanding bills.
· Because of little investment in distribution network, the old and absolute infrastructure is responsible for increase in the accidents, loss of power and increased breakdowns.
· Utilities are not complying to the SOP norms and the consumers are not at all been compensated by the licensee.
· After the resent tariff hike the another tariff hike for the ensuring financial year will cause an undue hardship to the consumers and will favor the license. Hence, tariff hike should only be permitted after the satisfactory improvements in the performance of each licensee.
8 / Sri Prabhakar Dora, Advocate, Vidya Nagar, 3rd Lane, Rayagada, Dist. Rayagada
· Distribution loss is required to be considered as controllable parameter based on the metered and un-metered sales as per regulations. Circle wise distribution loss reduction targets Is required to be fixed by the Commission. Circle wise different tariff be set by the Commission.
· DISCOM needs to project the power purchase requirement after considering the effect of energy efficiency and DSM.
· DISCOM needs to prepare the short term and medium term plan for procurement of peak and off peak power purchase.
· DISCOM is required to upgrade the billing and iT system to incorporate the incremental cost as a component of Tariff design and formula of incremental cost is to be followed strictly.
· The capital investment plan is required to be shown separately and the details of the same should be submitted after due scrutiny by GoO.
· The norms for determining the energy billed to un-metered consumers should be specified with reason. This also should be allowed for a specific period only for two categories i.e agriculture and BPL consumers and further be refined on the basis of independent study.
· DISCOM should submit the category wise statement on the status of compliance of directives of the commission in its last tariff order.
9 / Sri Babaji Charan Sahoo, M/s IDCOL Ferro Chrome & Alloys Ltd., IFCAL, Colony, Po. Ferro Chrome Project, Jajpur Road, Dist. Jajpur.
· Hon commission in a significant departure from the policy being followed for determination of cross subsidy, notified the energy charges relating to RST for FY 2010-11 to 2012-13. There is sharp increase in RST from FY 2010-11 to 2012-13 and the Commission may be required to re determine the cross subsidy.
· The take or pay tariff should continue.
· LF should be calculated on the actual hours of power supply based on the MD during the periods other than off-peak hours subject to this MD being less than 120% of the CD. Further the off peak over drawl benefit should continue.
· Licensee should be directed to record the MS for peak and off peak period separately as they are not following the same.
· Licensee has failed to control the controllable factors like distribution loss. The projected distribution loss of 32% for the FY 2013-14 is too high and Hon Commission may consider the same at 21 %.
· The licensee should submit the actual energy audit data of each feeder. In the case of non availability of such data the actual or projected distribution loss figures cannot be accepted.
· Power supply to the objector is through 33 kV line which is very erratic and frequent interceptions are the causing heavy loss of production in the mining and further financial loss due to running of DG set.
· Demand charges which were steeply hiked from Rs 200 to Rs 250 per kVA in FY 2012-13 should be brought back to Rs 200 per kVA as per prevailing.
10 / Sri R. K. Jain, Chief Electrical, Distribution Engineer, East Coast, Railway, Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751017.
· Railways being a public utility will affect due to increase in tariff hike. The financial burden of this tariff hike will acts as deterrent in its ability to discharge the important functions. Railways should be considered as separate category for tariff determination and not to be clubbed with the other EHT consumers while determination of tariff.
· Railway traction tariff has been reduced by many states to reduce the cross subsidy but no such reduction is implemented in Orissa.
· Railways have done huge investment to maintain pf above 90%. If kVAh billing method is used then the tariff may be reduced for Railways.