The plan that I am proposing/suggesting/forwarding for your review is a three school/college organizational structure as opposed to the four school/college structure proposed earlier. Since this proposal is in its development phase, I refer to the schools/colleges as clusters since I am more interested in identifying their components rather than creating workable school/college names.
Natural and Behavioral Sciences
All the departments currently in NSM EXCEPT Nursing
Political Science
Criminal Justice
Professional Studies
All the departments currently in BPA
Social Work
Advanced Education Studies
Special Education
Teacher Credential
Humanities and Undergraduate Teacher Preparation
All the department currently under the Humanities side of HSS
Liberal Studies (teaching and non-teaching track)
Child, Adolescent, and Family Studies
Physical Education and Kinesiology
I believe the current proposal addresses all of the following objectives that were outlined in the previous/original proposal:
1. Align with the University Mission
2. Support academic quality
3. Engender a collaborative campus culture
4. Further the sharing of our mission programmatically
5. Buttress cooperative
6. Heighten our community engagement
7. Seek economy of scales
I would be more than willing to talk to you about the proposal because I believe that it has a LOT of the same positive features addressed in the original proposal including (directly modified version taken from the original proposal):
1. Creates synergies and opportunities for interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and multi‐disciplinary collaboration and grant developments
2. Improves the resource base of all of the new schools/colleges, while not detrimentally affecting the other schools/colleges
4. Broadens the University’s mission to include a serious commitment to the development of professionals in the community
5. Provides greater diversification and unification of academic programs within each of the new schools/colleges
6. Strengthens the institution’s capacity to build stronger linkages between the K‐12, local business, and human service professionals
7. Identifies a locus of development for professional studies