Tenant Insight
Summary information
What is Tenant Insight?
Tenant insight is all about knowing your customers, and using that knowledge to shape services, deliver choice,improve communications and work more efficiently.
Tenant insight is knowledge derived from the varietyof qualitative and quantitative data and informationthat housing organisations collect about their
customers and communities.
Tenant insight allows you to understand the needs and behaviours of your
customers. It encompasses a huge range of tools and techniques, from simple
to highly sophisticated, and covers both qualitative and quantitative data. Housing organisations already hold and have access to vast amounts of data on their tenants whichcan form the basis of insight work.
Where do we get Tenant Insight from?
Sources of insight include:
- in-house data (eg six diversity strands)
- demographic data
- surveys
- feedback from focus groups and consultation exercises
- service usage data
- complaints, compliments and comments
- front line staff feedback
What might some of the outcomes of having good Tenant Insight be?
There is a wide range of benefits which can result from a better knowledge of your customers. These include:
- effective and efficient development of ‘local offers’ to tenants
- effective targeting of communications to different tenant segments, ensuring you get your messages across in the best way
- reduced rent arrears, by targeting preventative action at those tenant groups more likely to fall into arrears, at an early stage
- reduced repair costs, by identifying which tenant segments order most repairs and digging deeper to find out why
- effective service planning, ensuring services are developed to meet the needs of tenants based on evidence rather than anecdote
- ability to influence local strategic partnerships and ‘place’, by having an evidence base of knowledge of your tenants
- ability to contact ‘hard to reach’ groups more easily
- cost efficiencies by targeting both communications and service delivery where it is needed most
- ability to offer choice of services to tenants
- increased customer satisfaction
- improved overall customer experiences
There are many more potential benefits – each organisation will have its own tenant insight strategy and corporate reasons for wishing to have good insight into its customers, and these should drive the outcomes.
What is Customer Plus doing about Tenant Insight?
Customer Plus is a respected marketing and communications company with both private and public sector clients, to develop a range of services in the area of tenant insight. Customer Plus works with our customers to provide a bespoke service that is tailored to suit your business requirements. The services we providefall into two main areas:
- insight consultancy services:
insight strategy development
customer journey mapping
skills workshops
focus groups
involving staff in developing insight
action planning
data collection and management
web analytics
- insight profiling services:
analysis of your inhouse data (eg arrears, repairs, satisfaction etc)
customer profiling (using external public data such as Mosaic or Acorn)
benchmarking your customer base against comparative local and national areas
analysis of access to services
Our tenant insight services are delivered by a highly specialist, trained group Customer Plus staff and associates.
Who do I contact to find out more, or to arrange a discussion?
We have a dedicated manager of this service. Please contact:
Nancy Weir, Customer Plus
Tel. 01332 840422