Summarizing some Key Astronomy Historical Ideas
Cavepeople: looking at the night time sky, grunting
Greeks:(ideas from Aristotle)
- Earth at the center of the universe.
- Concentric spheres rotated around the earth, one with the fixed stars, one for mars, etc.
- Motion in the sky follows perfect harmony.
- Objects in the sky follow perfect circularmotions at constant speed.
- Materials in the sky were different than those on earth.
Ptolemy(Roman Egyptian AD 90-168 , Earth centered model – geocentric)
- Used the ancient greek ideas but tried to develop a more accurate geometry to describe the motions of the “wanderers.”
- The “Wanderers” were planets that appeared to move “differently” than the other lights.
- Created the geometry using epicycles to account for the strange motion of Mars & other wanderers.
- Epicycles were circles which rotated on circles.
- Ptolemy’s model fit the religious views that the earth must be at the center of everything (created by God) & followed many of the same ideas as the ancient Greeks (perfect circles, uniform speed, materials in the sky were different than stuff on the earth).
Copernicus:(Polish Scientist 1473-1543 , Sun Centered Model – heliocentric)
- Believed that a simpler model could be created by moving the Sun to the center of the universe.
- Still used epicycles, but his model was much simpler than Ptolemy’s. Fewer epicycles and shifting the sun to the center made the whole system less complex.
- Believed the simplicity of his model was still “God like”.
- His sun-centered system not widely accepted, especially by the church and religious leaders
Tycho Brahe:(Danish Nobleman & Astronomer 1546-1601)
- Built an astronomy center and collected data which was much more accurate than any other prior data.
- Data used by Kepler to plot the orbit of mars.
Johannes Kepler(German Mathematician 1571-1630)
- Used Tycho’s data to plot the orbit of Mars and other “wanderers”
- Found that Mars’ orbit is actually elliptical, not circular
- Mar’s speed changes as it moves in orbit.
- Developed 3 laws which to this day are still valid.
- Law 1: Planets travel in ellipses (not circles).
- Law 2: Planets sweep out equalareas in equal time (must change their speed)
- Law 3: The law of Periods: The Further away a planet it, the longer it takes to make a rotation.
- Believed in Copernicus model and that there must be some action that is causing orbital motions
Galileo (Italian Physicist, 1564 – 1642)
- Law of falling bodies, all objects on earth fall with acceleration g = 10 m/s/s
- Developed many of the ideas of mechanics, experiments on earth.
- Strongly believed in Copernicus idea of a heliocentric model of the universe, went to “jail” (house arrest) for his views.
Newton (English Scientist, 1643 – 1727)
- Developed laws of motion
- Made a connection between the motion of the moon and the falling apple on the
- Developed the idea of Universal Gravitation, the reason the moon moves in an orbit is the same reason the apple falls on the earth.
- Ties the same rules on earth to those in the heavens.
- Generally believed to be one of the greatest scientists ever, if not the biggest. (calculus, gravitation, optics, materials, etc, astronomy, laws of motion)