General Information

A poster presentation should be self-explanatory, allowing different viewers to proceed on their own while the author is free to supplement and discuss particular points raised in inquiry. The poster session offers a more intimate forum for information exchange than does the traditional spoken presentation, but discussion becomes difficult if the author is obliged to spend most of the time merely explaining the poster to a succession of visitors.

Poster Dimensions

The measure of the poster must be of the size CASH (DIN) A0 in vertically

Preparing the Poster


Prepare a banner for the top of your poster indicating the title, authors and

affiliations. Lettering in the label should be at least 2,5 cm high.



Figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance, and should use clear,

visible graphics. Although each figure should illustrate no more than one or two major points, figures need not be simple. The main points should be clear without extended viewing, but detail can be included for the knowledgeable viewer. Remember that the time spent at each poster figure is determined by the viewer, not by the presenter.


Materials should be mounted on colored poster paper or board. It is helpful to group logically consistent sections of the presentation on the same background color. Muted colours provide an effective background.

Arrange materials in columns rather than in rows. It is easier for viewers to scan a poster by moving systematically along it rather than by zigzagging back and forth in front of it. An introduction should be placed at the upper left and a conclusion at the lower right, both in large type. The sequence of illustrations should be indicated with numbers or letters at least 2,5 cm high, preferably in bold print. Omit “Fig” or “Figure”; it is unnecessary and occupies too much space.

You may find it convenient to have a separate section describing methods, but it is quite effective to include this information as part of the data presentation. Carefully chosen photographs of apparatus, or schematic diagrams of procedures, can convey a great deal of information about methods without much text. Most viewers will tend to skim or ignore long textual passages.

At the Congress


The poster will be placed in the day that will indicate him opportunely.

The presenting author should be at the poster wall during the formal session.

It is suggested, but not required, that the presenting author brings a one-page handout conveying the essence of the poster and a means for interested parties to contact the presenter outside the confines of the congress. It is often difficult to visit every poster of interest, and providing a handout of the sort described is one way of maximizing the audience for the poster and facilitating information exchange about it.

Mounting and removal

Due to the tight scheduling of poster sessions, it is imperative that each presenter observe the following schedule for mounting and removal of poster materials. No exceptions to the times given can be made.

Schedule of mounting and removal

Mounting: between 8.00 and 9.00 h

Removal: between 18.00 and 19.00 h – posters that have not been taken off by 19.00 h will be disposed of.

You will receive material to mount your poster from the poster counter located in the poster exhibition area. Please do not write on the poster walls. Note that projection equipment and electrical outlets are not available in the poster session area.

Let us know if you have any questions about the arrangements for the poster Sessions: