General Volunteer Policy Document
This policy aims to act as a reference guide for volunteers. Its purpose is to protect and support volunteers, athletes, coaches and officials.
- Volunteer Recruitment
The club aims to encourage and recruit volunteers from all sectors of society irrespective of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.
The club runs parents’ information evenings, encourages parents to be part of a regular rota of volunteer roles and advertises for volunteers at Dorchester Volunteer Centre and in the local press.
Our recruitment and selection process is proactive and informal to suit the needs of the Athletics environment. We do, however, have more stringent processes in place to ensure the suitability of all recruits (see below).
We expect all of our volunteers to go through the DBS process. Our Welfare Officer will be able to help you with this. The DBS process is free for volunteers and is done through UKA.
- References of the Volunteer
The club will take up references for individuals that have not previously been associated with or known to the club. The Secretary will arrange for a reference to be sought in this case and will liaise with the volunteer. At no point would the club approach a referee without the consent of the volunteer.
- References for the Volunteer
If a volunteer requests a reference the club will be more than happy to provide them with a reference confirming his/her voluntary contribution. Volunteers should ask the membership secretary to arrange this for them.
The membership secretary has a template to use to issue volunteers with a reference. It is the club’s policy to only issue references containing factual information about the volunteer.
- Data Protection & Confidentiality
Volunteers are reminded to adhere to the Data Protection Policy and respect the confidentiality of all athletes, coaches and other volunteers. Details of volunteers will be used in the running of the club, details will be held securely and not passed on to other parties.
- Equal Opportunities & Sports Equity Policy
Dorchester Athletic Club has an Equal Opportunities & Sports Equity Policy that applies to all members of the club including its volunteers.
- Welfare
Dorchester Athletic Club has a Welfare Policy that applies to all members of the club including its volunteers.
- Expectations & Boundaries
The club has a set club roles for its volunteers, officials and coaches. Whilst carrying out a club role the volunteer should bear in mind the policies adopted by the club e.g. transport or photo permission.
- Induction & Mentoring
Dorchester Athletic Club aims to introduce new volunteers to club members and welcome them to the club.
- Support
Support is available in terms or training and development for coaches, officials and other volunteers. There is a wide range of training that the club has access to from Safeguarding and Child protection to coaching and Officiating courses. The club expects volunteers to be committed to the club before any outlay for training is made.
If you are a coach your first point of contact is your lead coach or coaching co-ordinator. Any other volunteers should contact the chair or a suitable committee member.
- Reward
The club aims to show appreciation to the volunteers and acknowledgements will be made at club presentations, on the club website and through individual letters of thanks to the volunteers. From time to time club members may be nominated for local volunteer awards as and when they come up.
- Problem Solving Procedure
There may be times when the conduct of a volunteer falls below what is expected. Having clear and established problem solving processes in place will help and if shared with all volunteers prevents misunderstandings and seeks to protect the volunteer and the club.
In the first instance the club will try to resolve the issue with Informal Discussions, it is hoped that this process would be a constructive dialogue that might lead to additional training or support for the volunteer.
If the Informal Discussions do not solve the problem the next stage is a Formal Procedure with several stages.
Stage 1 – Formal Verbal Warning
If, despite informal discussions or training, the conduct or performance still does not meet acceptable standards, the volunteer may, following an appropriate problem solving meeting, be given a formal verbal warning.
A brief note of the warning should be kept but it will lapse after 6 months, subject to satisfactory conduct.
Stage 2 – Written Warning
If there is no improvement in standards within the prescribed time, or if a further offence occurs, the volunteer should receive a letter from the club inviting them to attend a further problems solving meeting
Stage 3 – Final Written Warning
If the conduct or performance still remains unsatisfactory by the stipulated date, or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious to warrant only one written warning, a further problem solving meeting (where the Chair will be present) should be called with the volunteer and their representative.
Dismissal from the club
If the volunteer’s conduct still fails to improve or if further serious
misconduct occurs, the final stage in the process may be instituted and the volunteer asked to leave the club.
Gross Misconduct
Where a volunteer is found guilty of gross misconduct, they will normally be subject to being asked to leave the club without notice) and the above procedures regarding progression of warnings should not apply.
Examples of gross misconduct would be failing to comply with Welfare, Equality, Confidentiality or other club policies or those imposed by UKA.
The DAC problem solving process is in place to protect volunteers, athletes and coaches alike.
Reimbursement Of Costs To Volunteers – Policy Document
Dorchester Athletic Club (DAC) welcomes volunteer help and appreciates the value of the time and effort that people will commit to us. DAC will provide reimbursement for out of pocket expenses should volunteers wish to claim. Payment is not automatic and initial application must be made to Committee.
The club recognises that some volunteers will not wish to claim for expenses. This does not adversely affect any claims.
Free to all volunteers who give their time in an official capacity (e.g. club committee members, coaches and team managers).
Running costs
Full reimbursement will be made for any of the following:
- Goods purchased for recognised club activity.
- Workshop/ conferences etc. within the objectives of the club.
- Coaching courses on a scale of payments as follows:
- Athletics leader – full payment
- Assistant coach – half payment, remaining half reimbursed to volunteer after six months helping at training sessions.
- Coach – paid for existing Assistant Coaches who have been working sessions for six months. Half payment for new volunteers where the committee agrees that an interest has been established.
Coaching fees
Coaching fees are paid when services have to be bought in from an external source because the club membership cannot provide them. The level of fees are to be agreed annually by the general committee.
Travel expenses
- Volunteers will be reimbursed the cost of transport/fuel for attendance at courses and workshops where no club transport is arranged or available. Volunteers are expected to share lifts where possible.
- A receipt showing costs incurred should be presented to the Treasurer. (i.e. the claimant should fill their tank at beginning of the journey and then fill their tank on return, thus producing a receipt for the exact fuel used).
- Competition transport fees will be reimbursed if a volunteer is attending a club match in an official capacity. For definition of official capacity in this context see the definition section below.
- Volunteers who travel from outside Dorchester to a coaching venue to conduct a regular, weekly coaching session can claim reimbursement of up to £15pcm based on an approved mileage rate (currently 40p per mile).
- All orders over £20 must be agreed by a minimum of two committee members.
- Volunteers must notify the committee of course attendance fees and/or other expenses if they wish to claim re-imbursement. Committee approval is required before any re-imbursement is made.
- A receipt/invoice must be provided to the treasurer for reimbursement to be made.
- The committee reserve the right not to reimburse payment for any of the above if it falls outside the objectives of the club.
- This policy is to be reviewed annually by the committee when reviewing club finances.
Official capacity for club matches is defined as:
“Anybody, certificated or uncertificated, who performs a role that is essential to the conduct of the athletics event. This includes match referees; clerks of the course, recorders; announcers; timekeepers; starters; field judges; track judges; and team managers. This list is exemplary and not necessarily exhaustive.
The officiating team will be defined on the bus, where it is made clear that those officials will be on call for all events allocated to the club for that match. Any official who finds he/she is not needed for one duty, will still be on call for other duties for the duration of the event.”
August 2013