Section 1. The (number of) regular business meetings of Chapter __ shall be held on the (day of the week) and (day of the week) of the months of ______, ______, ______, and on the (day of the week) of the months of ______, ______, ______. The day and hour of social meetings of Chapter __ shall be specified in the yearbook.
Section 2. If the date of a regular meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting shall be held the following (day of the week).
Section 3. There shall be no regular meetings during the month(s) of ______.
(If the amount of dues is the same for resident and nonresident members, Section 1 should include both.
Omit Section 2 and renumber, if necessary.)
Section 1. The annual dues for resident members shall be ______($______) payable in February, delinquent March 1, and shall include International Chapter dues of twenty-six dollars (26.00) which shall include six dollars ($6.00) for Cottey College, Texas State Chapter dues of ten dollars ($10.00) and local chapter dues of ______($ ).
Section 2. The annual dues for nonresident members shall be ______($______) payable in February, delinquent March 1, and shall include International Chapter dues of twenty-six dollars (26.00) which shall include six dollars ($6.00) for Cottey College, Texas State Chapter dues of ten dollars ($10.00) and local chapter dues of ______($ ).
(If chapter belongs to a council having annual dues)
Section 3. The annual dues of the chapter to ______Council shall be ______($______) yearly (or ______[$______] per resident member, per year).
Section 1. The president shall appoint the following committees at the _____ meeting in ___(month)___: Program, Courtesy, Technology, Social, Ways and Means, P.E.O. Council, Postinitiation, Finance, Education (which includes chairmen for the P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund, Cottey College, P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund, P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education, P.E.O. Scholar Awards, P.E.O. STAR Scholarship, and Texas Cottey College Scholarship Funds), Texas Star Oaks Fund, Inc. and Membership. These committees shall function from March to March unless otherwise instructed by the president.
The president shall appoint a Preacceptance committee immediately following a favorable ballot.
(If chapter desires other special appointments)
The president shall also appoint a pianist, historian, and ______.
(Descriptions of all committees and appointees should follow,
preferably in the order listed in Article III, Section 1.)
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Section 2. Duties of Committees:
Program: This committee shall compile and issue the yearbook and be responsible for programs and places of meetings throughout the year.
Courtesy: This committee shall extend the courtesies of the chapter to new members, to a sick or bereaved P.E.O., and to members for special occasions as necessary.
Technology: This committee shall contact members by email or telephone at the request of the president. It shall also keep the chapter informed of any new information and assist any member concerning P.E.O. websites.
Section 3. The president shall appoint in ___(month)___ an auditing committee of two members to audit the treasurer’s books after March 1. The committee shall make its report at a regular meeting in March.
(If not using a nominating committee, see Constitution, Part III, Article IV)
Section 1. A nominating committee of ______members shall be appointed by the president at the ______meeting in ______. The member first named shall be chairman. By or at the first meeting in March, this committee shall present a name for each office and for delegate and alternate to convention. After the committee has reported by or at the first meeting in March, opportunity shall be given for further nominations from the floor for each office, preceding the election to fill that office.
Section 2. Election shall be by written ballot. If the committee has made but one nomination for an office and there are no further nominations from the floor for each office called in sequence, by general consent the ballot may be dispensed with and a voice vote taken for the ticket. The newly elected officers will be installed at the first meeting in March.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting of the chapter by a two-thirds vote of members present, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at a previous regular business meeting and all absent resident members notified.
1. The regular business meetings of Chapter ____ shall be held at (time) unless otherwise changed by the president and program chairman. Such change(s) shall be scheduled in the chapter yearbook or every resident member shall be notified.
2. These standing rules may be amended by a two-thirds vote without previous notice, or by a majority vote with notice. A standing rule shall be adopted or suspended by a majority vote. A vote to suspend applies only to the meeting at which the vote is taken.
3. Nonmembers of Chapter ____ shall be excused during any business items of membership selection.
Note: The highlighted change does not require a vote to amend the chapters bylaws. Any other change to your chapters current bylaws require an amendment as outlined above in Article V – Amendments.
Constitution, Part III; Article III, Sections 1, 2 and 3; Article IV, Section 1; and Article VIII, Section 2
Bylaws of TSC, Article IV, Section 1
Bylaws of TSC, Article VIII, Section 2 and Section 3
Bylaws of TSC, Standing Rule #6
Chapter XVIII of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised.
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