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APA Scavenger Hunt

Problem / Rule/Example / Page, #, Website Link Used
Create a title page for your paper
Set margins for your paper
Select typestyle/size for your paper / .
Set paragraph indention for your paper
Place page numbers for your paper
List items in series that are not complete sentences. Such as, in the following sentence: I used a variety of assessments such as: quizzes, essays, and performance tasks.
List items in a series that are complete sentences. Include indentation/spacing rules you would use if you were including the following paragraph in your paper.
My research questions include: In what ways do students respond to leadership training? What changes do teachers see in students’ behaviors? What changes in their own behavior do students report?
Write numbers less than 10, greater than 10, combinations within a section or paragraph
Capitalize, italicize, and place headings for paper such as the title of the paper, Problem Finding, Reviewing the LIterature, and Doing the Work as well as sub headings under these. Note: The paper title counts as one level, the section titles count as another level of heading. Most of us use between 4 and 5 heading levels.
In text, note that you are using your own words to express something from another author
In text, cite a website from which you drew information
Cite a journal article in text
In text, correctly note that you have directly quoted just a few words or a sentence of the author
In text, correctly note that you have included more than 3 directly quoted lines of text from another author
Cite a journal article or book (with less than 6 authors) for the second time in the text.
Cite a journal article with more than 5 authors for the first time in text.
Cite a chapter from an edited book.
In text, cite a secondary source—that is, you are quoting someone whose work and words are noted directly in a work you are reading which is NOT the work from which the words/ideas come.
In reference list, include the source of the secondary source you quoted
Write a reference for a journal article—more than one author in continuous pagination journal.
Write a reference for a journal article—more than one author in non-continuous pagination journal.
Write a reference for an authored book in reference list.
Write a reference for an edited book in reference list.
Write a reference for a chapter from an edited book in reference list.
Write a reference for a website from which you drew information.
Write a reference for an article you found on line and downloaded from a website. Is this true for articles from ERIC or other databases?
Format reference list—indentation, in particular
Hyphenate words that precede a noun
Select correct antecedents: pronouns used for a noun that follows
Use “this” or other similar words like “these, “ “that”
Use tables or charts
Use abbreviations like CSU for Cleveland State University the first, second times