Suggested Essential Unit Five (E05) Rubric:

Name ______Class______Date ______

·  All TSWs must be mastered for a ‘B’.

·  3 of 6 A-level blocks should be met for an ‘A’.

·  Teachers may choose to use their own rubrics; however, all TSWs must be assessed.

TSW / ‘A’ LEVEL / ‘B’ LEVEL / Notes
1. Identify and assess both internal and external conflict in the story. / The student identified and assessed both internal and external conflict in the story and related it to the plot; applying Freytag’s pyramid, Nigel Watt’s 8-Point Arc, Campbell’s Hero’s Journey or another set of definitions provided. / The student identified and explained the internal and external conflicts in the story; but had some difficulty relating it to the plot.
2. Identify and describe the setting (time and place), and point-of-view. / The student identified and described the setting (time and place), and point-of-view, and explained its importance to the plot. / The student identified and described the setting (time and place), and point-of-view.
3. Summarize the plot. / The student summarized the plot with the events most pertinent to its development. / The student summarized the plot, but added points not pertinent to the plot’s development.
4. Identify and interpret idioms used in dialogue. / The student identified an idiom.
5. Identify and describe an instance of foreshadowing. / The student identified and described an instance of foreshadowing; relating it to the point of the plot it foreshadowed. / The student can define foreshadowing, but could not identify an instance of it in the plot.
6. Identify text that supports arguments for character and plot development. / The student identified text that supports arguments for character and plot development; applying the systems described above in TSW 1 of this column. / The student identified text that supports character and plot development.
7. Identify text that supports a symbol; relating it to the plot. / The student identified text that supports a symbol; relating it to the plot. / The student identified a symbol, and was able to give an explanation for what it may symbolize.



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