28 JULY 2009



1Purpose of the report

1.1To set out for the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members the reasons for and the process of the Options Appraisal of the Council’s Housing Stock and to report on progress


2.1Members of the Committee are asked to note the report

3The Options Appraisal Project

3.1Poole Housing Partnership (PHP) was established in 2004 to manage the Council’s Housing Stock as an Arms Length Management Organisation. PHP has a proven track record of high performance, evidenced by the Audit Commission Inspection report published in October 2008. The report judged PHP to be delivering excellent services with excellent prospects for improvement.

3.2The additional funding provided by Government through the mechanism of approved borrowing to deliver decent homes standards across Poole’s Council housing stock will expire in 2010. Financial forecasts currently show that from 2012, the Housing Revenue Account will have insufficient funds to manage and maintain the stock to current standards and there will be a shortfall in the capital required for investment.

3.3The Housing Options Appraisal project is the process by which the Council is examining options for the future financing of the Council’s Housing stock, in the light of the views of residents on the standards of housing and services they wish to receive in the future.

3.4The outcome of the project depends to a large extent on the outcome of a review of the national housing finance system. An anticipated ministerial announcement in April 2009 was delayed. At the time of writing the new housing minister has just made an interim announcement on the options on which central government wishes to consult. It should be possible to update members further at the meeting.

4The Housing Options Appraisal Process

4.1A Working Party, comprising five resident representatives, the Chair of Poole Housing Partnership and five elected members, will make recommendations to the Cabinet of the Borough of Poole on the best option or options for the future financing of the housing stock. Cabinet will consider the report and its recommendations and refer decisions to the Full Council of the Borough of Poole. Depending on the options proposed by the Working Party and agreed by the Council, a further formal process of consultation with residents would be required. A specialist advisor has been appointed to make sure the Working Party is fully briefed on the possible options

4.2A Residents Panel has met monthly since the end of 2009 to receive presentations and reports on the project. Between 25 and 45 residents have attended these meetings.

4.3Building on the information obtained through a survey of all residents in 2008, the options appraisal project has also been discussed with residents at a variety of events in early 2009, for example road shows, working groups, Tenants and Residents Associations’ meetings and AGMs. The project has also been publicised in newsletters and in leaflets. The outcome of this initial round of consultation is in Appendix 1.

4.4A specialist resident advisor has been appointed to make sure residents receive impartial and balanced advice and information.

5Possible Outcomes

5.1The eventual outcome may depend on the national review of housing finance but at present the possible options appear to be:

  • PHP continues as an ALMO, owned by the Council, operating under the current Housing revenue Account and housing subsidy system,
  • PHP continues as an ALMO, owned by the Council, but operating outside the HRA and subsidy system, i.e. a ‘self-financing model’
  • PHP becomes an independent local Housing Association which owns and manages the housing stock
  • A new organisation (Housing Association) is established to own and manage the stock
6Project Timetable

6.1The initial project timetable, commencing late 2008, was based on the anticipated conclusion in April 2009 of the review of the national housing finance system. At the time of writing the minister has just made an interim announcement confirming his ‘intention to dismantle the housing revenue account subsidy system and replace it with a devolved system of responsibility and funding’

6.2Further details on the minister’s proposals are awaited along with the details of any consultation period so the options appraisal project timetable at the time of writing is uncertain. A possible outline timetable is, however, as follows:

Summer/early Autumn 2009 / Analysis of the options for Poole and preparation of a report to Cabinet/Council
End 2009 to early 2010- / Consultation with residents and stakeholders on the options
Spring 2010 / Report of the Working Party to Cabinet on the preferred option(s)
Summer 2010 / Further consultation with residents on the preferred option(s)
Autumn 2010 / Final Recommendation to Cabinet/Council

Cally Antill

Head of Housing and Community Services

Contact Officer:

David Mullany

Options Appraisal Project Manager

Outcome of the Consultation in early 2009

(Building on the results of the residents’ survey in 2008)

The consultation suggested overall high levels of satisfaction, and trust in PHP, but that residents were keen to see further improvements in the quality and range of services. Residents would be very reluctant to see a drop in the quality of services and the level of investment in their homes.

Sheltered Housing priorities

The principal areas identified for further improvement in sheltered housing were:
  • General compliance with requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act including more provision of walk in/level access showers, (including to flats on first floor where no lift), shallower baths, better door entry systems for wheelchairs/scooters, improved internal decorating scheme, installation of lifts, provision of buggy stores
  • Improved security through improved lighting and installation of CCTV
  • Improved garden maintenance service, including tree felling where required, more car parking
  • Help with internal decoration for isolated elderly
Other comments included upgraded communal facilities, better drainage, improved energy efficiency, and more appropriate allocations geared to people’s needs

Priorities for other residents included:

Repairs and Maintenance issues

  • Further improvements in the standards of Decent Homes’ improvements, particularly windows, a higher re-lettable standard, improved communal decorations, better decorations after major works.
  • Additional services should be provided including more internal decorations, particularly for disabled tenants, repairs to internal doors/locks, provision and maintenance of fences and gates, better soundproofing, external decorations of tower blocks
Other areas mentioned include:
  • Resolve surface water problems, provide water filtration, improve balconies
  • Reward those who look after their home with internal decorations

ASB/Security Issues

  • Create a dedicated ASB team, higher police presence on estates
  • Better external lighting, video door entry systems

Housing management

  • Improved cleaning, grounds maintenance, rubbish clearance, caretaking and window cleaning service.
  • Provide skips for clear outs

Allocations/Housing Needs

  • Prioritisation of downsizing transfers
  • Greater availability of family homes
  • More robust sign up procedure to ensure good tenants

Other issues

  • More facilities for younger people, for example street art facility, better management of play areas,
  • More car parking spaces
  • Voluntary garden service, skills sharing
  • More services for lone parents, better support to vulnerable tenants, advocacy service for disabled people, safer roads