U.S. History

Mr. Boothby


The Learning TargetTODAY’S Forms of Government

Privy Council/ Parliament/ Bicameral legislature/libel/ Glorious Revolution


Reaction (1 FULL Page MINIMUM)

What form of government do you feel is best (PICK ONE)? What is it called? Explain how it works and why it is superior! DON’T KNOW…


Ex; Communismn, Fascism, Monarchy, Democracy, etc…

If you don’t know about Gov. Why? Who should?

What are we fighting…dying for?

Play Proud To Be An American During…


Silently Read Pages 88-93

Forms of Government

Silently Read Pages 88-93

Forms of Government

1.  What responsibilities did assemblies and colonial governors have in the colonies?

2.  Explain why James II established the Dominion of New England, and describe the colonist’s reactions.

3.  What was the Glorious Revolution? Why did it take place?

4.  Do you feel people should be able to publish in print or on the internet ANYTHING they wish…so long as it’s true? Or do you feel further limits should be placed on the press? Why do we limit some freedoms like these (1st Amendment Pg 235)?

(1 page Minimum!)

ITA: Get with one partner and discuss the following…

Do you think our government is the best in the world?

Discuss the problems with it and what you will do in the future to

make things better. (DISCUSS J. LOCKE)

B. Franklins Grave…recorded LIVE!
