1version 11.14.1


Suggested Course Outline and Pacing Guide (MCPSS)

COS content standards / Content / Resources / Lab required / Time allotment (BLOCK)
Personal Decision Making
1 / Decision-making process / Google: Marshmellow study
Preview video for Marshmellow study osada_says_don_t_eat_the_marshmallo w_yet.html / No / 1 day
Academic Planning and Career Development
3 / Analyze personal skills, interests and abilities
a.Interest Inventory/assessment
b.Explore Career Options
c.Workplace Safety and Health Standards / Career Cruising
show—choosing a career career-research-power-point-112g14-Year plan—Career clusters lanning/edplans/index.html / Yes / 5 days
4 / Correlate personal preference, education, and training to the demands of the workforce
a.Select personal career goals
b.Investigate career choices benefits/incentives
c.Calculate net pay
d.Examine effects of career choices on lifestyle / Career Cruising

/ Yes / 4 days
5 / Investigate post secondary educational requirements for chosen career path / / Yes / 1 day
6 / Examine the employment process: job search, application, resume, interviews, employment forms / /1047/job-searching-begin.html / Yes / 6 days
2 / Understand Workforce Behaviors a. workplace etiquette
b.workplace violence
c.diversity in the workplace / Workplace behaviors

Workplace behaviors quiz t-development/Appropriate-Workplace-
Behaviour-Quiz / No / 3 days
7 / Develop Electronic Portfolio using digital tools
a.word processing
b.create presentations / Career Cruising
/ Yes / 2 days
Technology Skill Applications
13 / Utilize online learning management system / Edmodo
Contact Instructional Technology for login info and training. / Yes / Should be ongoing
11 / Analyze cultural, social, economic, environmental, and political effects, and trends of technology to assess emerging technologies and forecast innovations / / 3 days
8 / Diagnose problems with hardware, software, and advanced networking systems: printers, projectors, power supply, task manager, network connectivity.
(Will include lessons on computer applications.) / Goodwill Community
/ Yes / 15 days
9 / Demonstrate advanced technology skills: compressing, converting, importing, exporting, backing up files, and transferring data among applications /
/ Yes / 2 days
10 / Compare functions of various operating systems: windows, MAC, Android / puterbasics/2 / Yes / 2 days
12 / Demonstrate appropriate digital citizenship
a. consequences of illegal and unethical use of technology and digital content b. copyright laws and policies
c.creating and maintaining a positive digital footprint
d.critique internet and digital information
e.sources of digital content using a style manual /
/ No (lab
needed for part of this unit) / 4 days
14 / Minimize exposure to identity theft, fraudulent schemes, unethical sales practices and exorbitant service fees a. online safety precautions / What's the Big Deal About
Internet Privacy
Scamsand Schemes PPT - Finance
in the Classroom / No (lab
needed for part of this unit) / 2 days
Saving and Investing
17 / Distinguish the differences between saving and investing
a.principles of compound interest and the
Rule of 72
b.buying and selling investments / Everfi—Savings module, Investing module, and Financing Higher Education module

ration/loginIntro to Investing
htdocs/en/t/ / Yes / 6 days
Managing Finances and Budgeting
15 / Develop and Utilize a plan for earning, spending, and giving.
a.create a budget
b.utilize spreadsheet features
c.types of income other than wages
d.evaluate various methods of acquiring / Everfi—Savings module--review ration/login / Yes / 3 days
major purchases
16 / Evaluate the effect of personal preferences, advertising, marketing, peer pressure, and family history on consumer choices and decision making.
a.compare good and services
b.different payment methods / Everfi—Renting vs. Owning and Consumer Fraud modules ration/login / Yes / 6 days
Banking and Financial Institutions
18 / Types of financial institutions
a. costs related to financial institutions / Everfi—Banking module Part 1 ration/login / Yes / 4 days
19 / Manage checking and saving accounts, balance bank statements, and investigate online financial services / Everfi—Banking module Part 2 ration/login / Yes / 4 days
Credit and Debt
20 / Advantages and disadvantages of using credit
a. credit card offerings and impact on personal finances / Everfi—Payment, Interest Rates, and Credit Cards
ration/login / Yes / 3 days
21 / Credit ratings and credit reports
a.building and maintaining a good credit score
b.implications of entering into contracts and binding agreements
c.legal and illegal types of credit
d.implications of bankruptcy / Everfi—Credit Score module ration/login
It's More Than a Piece of Plastic / Yes / 3 days
Risk Management and Insurance
22 / Types of insurance
a.factors that reduce the cost of insurance
b.insurable risks / Everfi—Taxes and Insurance module
ration/login / Yes / 4 days
23 / Develop a plan for financial security in the event of disaster / fm / No / 2 days