City of Seattle Invitation to Bid SPU-626

SPU North Transfer Station Education Room


Updated on: 03/13/2017

The following is additional information regarding Invitation to Bid#SPU-626titled SPU North Transfer Station Education Room released on03/02/2017.The due date and time for responsesremains03/28//2017; 3:00PM (Pacific). This addendum includes both questions from prospective proposers and the City’s answers, and revisions to the ITB.This addendum is hereby made part of the ITB and therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a response.

Item # / Date Received / Date Answered / Vendor’s Question / City’s Answer / RFP Revisions
1 / 03/09//2017 / 03/13/2017 / The schedule listed on page 4 is very compressed for a project of this nature. Just under 4 months is allowed for the entire design, fabrication, and installation process. is there any flexibility in extending the schedule? Especially the Design proposal and Final Design proposal periods, as one week to revise the design in each of these phases is not enough. / See Page 4: The Schedule was and is meant to be tentative. The Design proposal and Final Design proposal periods revision can be extended.
See Revised Schedule below. It will be finalized with the selected bidder after award:
03/30/2017Notice of Intent to Award
4/05//2017Notice to Proceed
04/25/2017Design proposal/mock-up due to SPU from Vendor
05/02/2017SPU review comments due
05/16//2017Revised Design proposal/mockup due to SPU from Vendor
05/31//2017SPU review comments due
06/14/2017Final Design proposal due
06/19/2017Comments, review and design proposal review process complete. SPU & Vendor mutually accept design proposal.
07/19/2017Status report due
08/23/2017SPU-approved exhibit installation completed.
08/28/2017Training for exhibit(s) completed. O&M Manuals submitted.
See Page 14 Offer Sheet: Schedule is now changed to:
•Delivery and installation due 8/23/2017
•Training and manuals completed 8/28/2017
2 / 03/09/2017 / 03/13/2017 / Page 5 asks for a "detailed mockup drawing" as one of the vendor's submissions to the city. Can you provide more information about what is required? A mockup usually refers to a physical sample of a portion of the exhibit. Is this required, or would drawings and renderings suffice? / Drawings and renderings with samples of the material to be used is all that we require to be submitted as Design Proposal/Mockup.
3 / 03/10/2017 / 03/13/2017 / As mentioned at the pre-bid meeting, this project is on a short timeframe. We would like to ask you to consider an additional four months to complete the design, fabrication of these exhibits. This is somewhat important given the fact that the contextual objectives for these exhibits are different than the objectives of the exhibits we built for you at the South Transfer Station. Would you consider such a request? / See Question #1.
4 / 03/10/2017 / During the previous solicitation, we turned in much more information regarding the qualifications of our staff and our past experience (when compared to what you are asking for in this solicitation). Would you like to see additional information on our staff members proposed for your project and information on our similar past projects? / If your staffing, qualifications, and past projects are the same as what you submitted in your last proposal you may submit the same info or simply submit what we have asked for in the current bid documents. In any event, you must meet all minimum and any other requirements contained in the current bid.

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