State of Rhode Island Department of Health
Briefly describe the specific project in which the paired practica team will be involved and how the project relates to health transformation.
The project will be to work with the RI MCH Program in the development of an “MCH Dashboard.” The MCH dashboard will be a repository database tool where the MCH Program can monitor and track its performance against state priorities and state and national benchmarks and indicators. This project involves conducting a literature review of best practices related to the use of dashboards, document reviews of best practices in 5-8 states doing similar work, semi-structured interviews with key personnel in the 5-8 states doing similar work, identification of an initial set of potential MCH indicators, identification of potential data sources for MCH indicators and performance monitoring, and the identification of any data sharing issues that may need to be addressed moving forward with the project.
This project will be step one in the development of a process that allows for the oversight and monitoring of MCH outcomes. It will assist the RI MCH Program in being more efficient and agile in responding to programmatic needs. The dashboard will be similar to what some other states have done such as Vermont,
This project relates to the broader changes within the healthcare/public health transformation of moving towards a more data-driven, quality-driven, and high value-based system of care and interventions. This is important for all aspects of the MCH program from program design to sustainability. This dashboard will help to inform and drive future MCH program planning & development. The program will not only be able to be more accountable for performance and outcomes but also build a more “real-time” based comprehensive picture of the MCH population.
List three to five overall project objectives and then describe how you see a paired practica team contributing to achievement of these objectives.
- Research – The paired practica team will conduct a literature review to identify best practices in use of dashboards to monitor public health indicators.
- Research – The paired practica team will identify web and other materials to complete document reviews describing what and how 5 – 8 model states are using their dashboards to monitor their MCH programs so that RI can determine what may be applied or adapted in Rhode Island
- Research – The paired practica team will identify a list of potential MCH indicators to include in the MCH Dashboard.
- Research – The paired practica team will identify data sources and any data sharing issues that will need to be addressed to populate and maintain an MCH Dashboard
- MCH Dashboard – The paired practica team will create version 1 of an MCH Dashboard that can be used for the collection and monitoring of MCH indicators.
- Oversight & Monitoring Plan – The paired practica team will work with the preceptor to develop a process to oversee the day-to-day management and evolution of the MCH Dashboard. This plan will include a plan to select a final set of indicators to monitor and recommendations for data collection and issues to consider regarding data sharing. This process will be incorporated into the RI MCH Program Manual that is to be developed by the MCH Program Manager.
- Networking – The paired practica team will participate in Department meetings to gain a greater context of the healthcare/public health system in RI
Provide a brief description of the specific activities in which the paired practica team will be engaged to carry out the project.
Specific activities you expect the undergraduate student intern to perform
- Populate document review templates with information gathered from documents describing the use of dashboards in 5-8 states that are currently using an MCH Dashboard to monitor their MCH programs. (Grad student will identify documents, RI MCH Program manager will develop document review template).
- Take detailed notes during the semi-structured interviews with key MCH players in 5-8 states focused on best practices used in the development and use of an MCH Dashboard as well as any data sharing issues they have had to deal with in the process of dashboard development (interviewees identified by JK, interviews conducted by grad student)
- Develop and populate an excel spreadsheet with semi-structured interview responses.
- Develop literature and hand-outs for professional or lay audiences as needed re: the development of the MCH Dashboard.
- Assist with direct outreach and communication across the department and division and to community members and partner organizations
Skills that you expect the undergraduate student intern to have.
- An ability to apply knowledge gleaned from public health courses.
- An ability to observe and understand public health organizational behavior
- Basic skills of data collection and analysis
- Ability to work as a member of a multi-disciplinary team
- Intermediate proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite including Word, Power Point, and Excel
- Ability to work independently and problem solve as issues arise
- Professional in appearance and attitude
Specific activities you expect the MPH or doctoral student/recent graduate student intern to perform.
- Identify documents from 5-8 states using MCH Dashboards that can be reviewed by undergrad student (template populated by undergrad, template developed by JK)
- Schedule and conduct semi-structured interviews of key informants in 5-8 selected states (interview tool developed by JK, notes taken by undergrad student)
- Develop a detailed report regarding findings from semi-structured interviews. Identify themes that will be important in understanding/addressing in the development of the MCH Dashboard.
- Develop a report based on findings from the document reviews and recommendations for the development of an MCH Dashboard.
- Develop a list of potential indicators that can be reviewed by the RI MCH Program for inclusion in the MCH Dashboard, potential data sources, and any data sharing issues that may need to be addressed.
- Develop a set of recommendations for moving forward with the MCH Dashboard project including suggestions for the rollout of the MCH Dashboard as well as potential oversight and monitoring activities. (with the assistance of the preceptor)
- Develop literature and hand-outs for staff/professional or lay audiences highlighting progress made toward the development and roll-out of the MCH dashboard and the potential value of an MCH Dashboard.
- Assist with direct outreach and communication across the department and division and to community members and partner organizations
Skills that you expect the MPH or doctoral student/recent graduate student intern to have.
- An ability to apply knowledge gleaned from public health courses.
- An ability to assess and understand the operations of an organization conducting activities related to public health, and to see how these efforts fit into the larger work of the field.
- An ability to collect and/or analyze public health data including data entry.
- An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams, and work both collaboratively and independently.
- Intermediate to advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite including Word, Power Point, and Excel
- Experience working with organizing projects and use of project management tools
- Ability to work independently and problem solve as issues arise
- Professional in appearance and attitude
Describe the deliverables expected from the paired practica team by the end of the summer (even if the project will be ongoing).
- Excel Spreadsheet with Semi-Structured Interview findings.
- Populated document review templates for 5-8 states currently using an MCH Dashboard
- Report based on Semi-Structured Interviews and recommendations for the development of an MCH Dashboard.
- Report from document reviews and recommendations for the development of an MCH Dashboard.
- A list of potential MCH indicators to include in the MCH Dashboard.
- A document outlining a potential process for the use of the dashboard as well as potential reporting and oversight activities as they relate to the larger RI MCH Program.
- Version 1.0 of a RI MCH Dashboard
Identify the students’ primary and secondary mentors, the mentors' backgrounds, and their availability to act as preceptors during the summer of 2015.
Primary Mentor: Jordan Kennedy, MPH
Jordan Kennedy, MPH is the new MCH Program Manager hire as of January 2014. He is responsible for management and development of the Title V Grant. He also conducts strategic planning, program planning and development, and is involved coordination across DCFHE activities as they pertain to the Maternal and Child Health population. He received his MPH in Health Policy from Saint Louis University’s School of Public Health in 2012. Previously in 2011, he served as the Program Coordinator in the Quality Management as well as the Compensation and Pension Departments at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: Providence VA Medical Center in Providence, RI. In 2012, he served as a consultant Health Program Development Specialist at RI Medicaid (EOHHS) developing programs and initiatives related to the Affordable Care Act.
Secondary Mentor: Angela Ankoma, MSW
Angela Ankoma, the Chief for the Office of Minority Health will serve as the secondary mentor for the paired practica team. Ms. Ankoma has extensive experience designing and implementing programs specifically targeted in at-risk minority populations. Prior to joining HEALTH, Ms. Ankoma worked with serodiscordant African American couples as the Co-Project Director of a federally funded multi-site research project. As a trained social worker, Ms. Ankoma has had extensive experience working with at risk youth and their families in and out of the child protective system. Equally active in the community, Ms. Ankoma leads and serves on the board of several community based groups.
Please indicate whether housing is available for the students near your agency and provide some housing recommendations. Note: Since the students will be unfamiliar with the area, we are requesting that the agency provide at least two suggestions of housing options in the area.
The Department of Health is located within walking distance to Brown University and there are plenty of summer sublet opportunities around campus. I can assist with Craiglist and University resources /recommendations for housing. The Department employs many interns throughout the year, many of whom are Brown University students.