We were re-accredited as a Fairtrade town in 2013 after much hard work. In 2015 we have to do our town audit to check on who is using or selling or supporting Fairtrade so we may continue to be a FairtradeTown.

Our New Group International Women’s Day

We also are now a stand alone group renamed “Deal Town Fairtrade Network”. We have a constitution and plan to open a bank account with the Co-op Bank. DealTown Council will continue to support us both financially and in kind thanks to the generosity of councillors and staff.

Fairtrade Raffle Basket Fairtrade Treats Box

We continue to supply goods for Fairtrade raffle baskets when requested. We are also able to support local charities with refreshments at meetings and to have stalls at local events. We provide treat boxes in some school staffrooms and some church halls.

Trinity Church Christmas DealTown Council

Tree Festival Christmas Fair

The group has continued to take part in a variety of community events with stalls and raffles. These included stalls in the Undercroft, Picnic on the Green, the Miners’ Festival, Deal Braderie,TrinityChurch’s Christmas Tree Festival and Deal Town Council’s Christmas Fair. We also provided refreshments and/or took part in Holocaust Memorial Day, International Women’s Day and Hiroshima Day.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2014

Deal and Dover Fairtrade Town supporters worked together to provide publicity for Fairtrade Fortnight and campaigned in Dover District in schools, businesses, coffee mornings and lunches to promote and raise the profile of Fairtrade

Fairtrade Fortnight at the Co-op

The group also takes part in local events with a stall selling Fairtrade goods. These are always well supported and the group enjoys meeting members of the public, talking about Fairtrade and sharing information with them. Free samples of Fairtrade chocolate and biscuits are given away and the children may play the Fairtrade Banana Game where they win more than 50% of the time with no cost to parents.

Fairtrade at Walmer Picnic Fairtrade at Deal Braderie

Support for Local Organisations: Since becoming a FairtradeTown, the group has used its contacts to encourage local organisations and community groups to incorporate support of Fairtrade into their policies. To date the following have done so: Deal Town Council, HomeStart Dover District, Deal With It, the North Deal Community Partnership, the Golf Road Centre and The Skylight Café.

Dover District Fairtrade Status.

Together with Dover Town Fairtrade Network we continue to work with Dover District Council to achieve District Status. Each group in Dover and Deal has a District Councillor representative who attends the meetings and supports events. During 2014, we visited local schools, and generally promoted Fairtrade throughout the district.

Fairtrade in Kent. This group continues to work towards Kent becoming a Fairtrade county and maintains contact via e-mail. Members meet from time to time in Canterbury and enjoy sharing information about Fairtrade in their respective areas. Canterbury, Faversham, Thanet, Medway, Dover and Deal representatives take part.

Committee Membership. We continue to be supported by Deal Town Council and have Councillor Kath Blackburn and Councillor Marlene Burnham as part of our committee. Dover District Council has sent Councillor Pam Hawkins as their representative while we work towards Dover becoming a Fairtrade District. Mr. Tony Nicholls joined us as the representative for Deal Rotary Club while Mr. Peter Marshall continues his support on behalf of the Co-op. Mr. Stuart Cox, Chairman of the local Friends of the Earth lends us a hand and is a valued and indefatigable committee member. Mrs. Sue Delling represents the environmental group, Deal With, It and is our co-ordinator. She is also a Traidcraft Fairtrader and provides goods for refreshments and tasters at events.

Deal Town Fairtrade Network, chaired by Councillor Kath Blackburn, meets every two months on a Friday evening in the Town Hall and we always welcome new members so please do not hesitate to get in contact with Sue Delling our co-ordinator on 01304 362396 or if you feel this is a cause you can support.