Surname / Firstname
Telephone / Email

The closing date for 2018 applications is 5pm EST Tuesday 31 October 2017. Pleasenote that you may be required to attend an interview withtheselectionpanel. Interviewswill takeplaceon Friday 10th November 2017.Applicantsareaskedtoensuretheiravailabilityduringthistime. To fit required deadlines interviews will only be confirmed on or around the 7th November 2017.

Successful applicants will be required to commence Semester 1 2018.

For general questions about thescholarship pleasecontact the Faculty of Health Associate Dean (Research) Professor Simon . Questions related to the scholarship topics should be directed to the specific contact person outlined on the Faculty of Health Scholarship information page.


Applicants will normally have qualifications in a relevant discipline and must provide evidence of well-developed research skills. Experience relevant to the scholarship* area is highly desirable.

Scholarships*areavailablefordomesticstudentsor international students who can demonstrate eligibility for study in Australia. For international students, a fee relief scholarship will not apply. Scholarships* are full-time. Students will be expected to commit a minimum of thirty two hours per week to their study. Scholarships are for a period of three years, subject to satisfactory progress. A six-month extension may be possible.

GeneralconditionsofHDRScholarshipsat FedUnicanbefoundat:

Where theseconditionsdiffer tothoseonthisform, conditionsoutlinedfor thisspecificscholarshiptake precedence.

Eligibilityto undertakea PhD

To be eligible to undertake a PhD, applicants must meet eligibility requirements listed on the research website. If you are applying for 'Honours equivalence' please ensure that you provide detailed information to support your case. In the circumstance of insufficient suitably qualified PhD scholarship applicants, Master by Research scholarships may be considered.

Please contact Research Services via email th any enquiries regarding applying for candidature or the process of applying for a scholarship*.

*All scholarship offers are subject to funding and individual student agreements.


Please nominate two referees who can comment on your academic/scholarly/research experience and capacity particularly in relation to the topic area. Referee reports must be returned to Research Services by Thursday 9th November 2017 for your application to be considered. Any applicant without referee report forms will not be considered beyond that date.


Allapplicantsarerequiredtoprovidestatement (maximum 400 words)coveringthefollowingareas:

  • Explain why you are keen to apply for this PhD scholarship.
  • Briefly describe the topic and/or field of study you wish to pursue.
  • Outline any particular experience you have to prepare you for your PhD studies.

Please indicate the Research Focus Area you plan to research:(for further information go to Faculty of Health Scholarships)

 Exercise Prescription for Chronic Disease

 Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare (Paramedicine): Clinical Safety

 Psychology: Digital and/or Biopsychosocial Mental Health/Ageing

 Sports Surface Safety

 Hamstring injury prevention


RequiredDocuments / OtherSupportingDocuments
 / HDR Application for Admission Form (docx, 257kb)
(In the “summary of intended project” component of the HDR Application form, candidates must include responses to the 3 dot points listed under the heading Statementon this page, above, adhering to the maximum 400 word limit)
 / ScholarshipApplication(thisform)
Please ensure you have provided your referees with theConfidential Referee Report Form and informed them that it must be returned November 9th 2017.

Forquestionsregardingtheapplicationprocessforscholarshipsandcandidature,pleasecontactResearchServicesat:viatelephoneon (03)53279508.

ApplicationsfortheFOHscholarshipsclose5pm EST Tuesday 31 October 2017andcanbesubmittedvia mail, emailorby postto:

Research Services



Gippsland Mail Centre,3841

ResearchServices / Dateof Receipt: / ScholarshipRegistrationNumber:2017/…………………..
Returned to ResearchServices / Dateof Receipt: