Name of In Class Activity:How to Make a Paper People Chain – Making a Circle Chain

Type of modality / Arts and crafts
Type of play / Solitary; Parallel
Interaction pattern / Extra-individual; aggregate
# of participants required / One
Equipment/supplies / 8 ½ x 11 paper/construction paper; scissors; pencil; bowl; markers
Facilities required/environment / Flat table
Precautions / Paper cuts; handling scissors; able to show tolerance and show respect for others artistic ability

Task Analysis

  1. Place a bowl with its rim down on the middle of the paper. Trace around the bowl with a pencil. Cut out the circle as perfectly as possible. The bigger the circle, the better.
  2. Fold the circle in half four times. It should look like a mini thin slice of pizza.
  3. Draw half a person on both edges of the triangles with their hands holding in the middle. The people do not have to be identical, but the hands must be touching.
  4. Or draw a person in the middle of the triangle with the person’s hands touching the long edges of the triangle. Draw the head at the widest part of the triangle – if picturing a pizza slice, the head would be drawn at the “crust” side.
  5. Carefully use the scissors to cut out the person and keep the chain intact.
  6. Unfold the paper and it should be a circle of paper people holding hands.
  7. Decorate the drawings of the people with crayons in the chain.

Activity Analysis

Category / Skills
Primary body position / Sitting
Part of the body required / Hands
Movement / Grasp: 3-Jaw Chuck Grasp; Grasp: Pincer Grasp; Picking up; Putting down objects; Reaching; Releasing; Turning or twisting hands or arms
Physical / Balance: Dynamic Sitting; Bilateral integration; Crossing midline; Fine muscle coordination; Motor control; Active Range of Motion: Upper Extremities; Visual-motor integration
Cognitive / Initiation; Concept formation; Cognitive flexibility; Arousal/alertness; Attention: Focused attention; Judgment; Orientation: Topographical; Organization and planning; Problem solving: simple; Recognition: size; Recognition: Shape/form; Spatial operations; Strategy; Thought: Abstract
Social / Self-expression; Social conduct; Showing respect and warmth; Showing tolerance; Relating with equals; Handling criticism;
Perception / Tactile function; Visual function
Communication/language / Reception of signs and symbols; Producing signs and symbols
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy of doing arts and crafts; Frustration if accidentally cut the paper the wrong way and the paper people are not holding hands; Sense of accomplishment once paper chain is completed


Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEX
Cognitively / Have the circles pre-cut into paper people chains; Have the participants design/color in the people with specific colored markers; Have a sample for participants to look at for assistance / Cut the paper into a small circle and draw smaller figures for more intricate cutting and coloring
Physically / Have the circles pre-cut into paper people chains; Sit the whole time; take frequent breaks / Stand while making the paper people chain; cut the paper into small circle and draw smaller figures that require use fine motor skills and motor control
Socially / Have the circles pre-cut; Have directions printed with visuals of each step for the individual to follow independently / Work in a large groups - each individual is responsible for a task (draw circle, cut circle, cut people, color); Work with one or two other people (small group); Pre-cut and pre-design the paper people chain and have the group of participants discuss the meaning behind the circle chain/symbolizes