Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______

Subterm 2 Final Review Guide

*** This review guide is only some of what you should know for the final. Make sure you study ALL of your notes and any diagrams that are appropriate (Pedigrees, Punnett squares, Meiosis steps, Evolution notes,graphs…)

Chapter 11

  1. What are chromosomes made of?
  2. When are chromosomes visible in a cell?
  3. Draw and label: chromosome, sister chromatids, and the centromere. 
  4. Why are sister chromatids identical?
  5. What is the job of the spindle fibers?

6. What are centrioles?

7.What are centromeres?

8. What is the product of meiosis?

9. What is the difference between meiosis I and meiosis II?

10. How is meiosis different that mitosis?

11.What is a “diploid cell” vs. a “haploid cell”?

12.What is the diploid chromosome number in humans? ______The haploid number? ______

13. Cross two plants that are heterozygous for yellow pods. List all possible offspring.

(yellow color (Y); green pod color(y)).

14. Define homozygous and heterozygous.

15. Define phenotype and genotype.

16. Describe the ideas/work of Gregor Mendel (what are his laws?).

17. Differentiate between a hybrid organism and a true breeding organism in terms of genotype.

18. What is a gene?.

19. What is a trait?

20. What is a homologous pair of chromosomes and when do they separate (mitosis or meiosis? And which step?)

21. What does a punnett square tell you?

Chapter 12

  1. Who is credited with the discovery of the structure of DNA?______What was the date?______What did they win as a result of their work? ______
  2. Who was researching the structure of DNA by using crystallography (x-ray diffraction)?______
  3. Explain the difference between DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase.

25. Compare DNA to RNA.

  1. Draw and label the parts of a nucleotide of DNA.
  2. What makes up the “BACKBONE” of DNA
  3. What makes up the “steps of the ladder” in a DNA molecule

29. Where does DNA replication occur?______

30. What is the product of DNA replication?______

31. Where does transcription occur? ______-

32. What is the product of transcription? ______

33. Where does translation occur? ______

34. What is the product of translation?______

35. What are the “base pairing rules”?______

36. What holds the DNA strands together?

37. What is a codon?

38. The following is the base sequence of an original strand of DNA: A A T- G C C- A G T- G G T- T C G- C A C

a) Write the base sequence of the complementary DNA strand.

b) Write the base sequence of the strand of mRNA transcribed from the above DNA strand.

c) What protein (amino acid sequence) would this mRNA code for?

39. Genes provide the instructions for making which macromolecule?______

40. What causes DNA mutations?

Chapter 14

41. What is the difference between a pedigree and a karyotype?

42. What is shown in a karyotype?

43 How manychromosomes are in a normal human cell? 46 In a normal human gamete? ______

44. A normal human gamete contains 1 sex chromosome (either X or Y) and ______autosome(s).

  1. What is the difference between autosomes and sex chromosomes?

46. What are homologous chromosomes?

47. A female egg cell would carry how many X chromosomes______and how many Y chromosomes______

  1. A male sperm cell would carry how many X chromosomes ______or how many Y chromosomes ____

49. How is Cystic Fibrosis inherited? Huntington’s Disease?

50. Give two examples of sex-linked traits.

***Be able to interpret a pedigree! Review your notes / worksheets from

Ch. 14!!!

  1. What is gene therapy?
  2. What is nondisjunction? List two disorders that can result from nondisjunction.
  3. An X-linked(sex linked) recessive gene produces red-green colorblindness in humans. (look up colorblindness in your notes;use thatkey)

a)A normal woman who’s father was color blind marries a color blind man. What percentage of their children will be colorblind? (Do the cross to find out)

b)A normal man who’s father was colorblind marries a normal woman who is a carrier for the color-blind allele. What percentage of their children will be colorblind? (Do the cross to find out)

Hemophilia issex-linked recessive disorder. Fill out the table below then answer questions (54-55).

54. A normal woman who’s father had hemophilia marries a hemophiliac man. What is the likelihood (percentage) that their children will have hemophilia? (show your work! Be specific)

55.A normal man who’s father had hemophilia marries a normal woman whose father was normal but mother had the disorder. What is the likelihood (%) that their children will have hemophilia? (show your work! Be specific)


  1. What were Lamarck’s two main ideas?
  2. Who was Thomas Malthus and how did he impact Darwin?
  3. Who was Lyell and how did he influence Darwin?
  4. Who was Hutton and how did he influence Darwin?
  5. What did Darwin learn from plant and animal breeders?
  6. What is artificial selection (selective breeding)?
  7. What is the difference between an adaptation, variation, and fitness?

63. What is a population?

64. What is a species?

65. What was the question that John Endler was asking with regards to his guppy work?

66. What was his hypothesis based on his guppy observations in South America?

67.Draw and describe Endler’s pond experiment:

69.What was the overall conclusion based on his findings in the lab (how does it relate to natural selection?)?

70. List the 5 things that are evidence for evolution and define each one!.

  1. Differentiate between homologousand vestigial structures and give an example of each.
  1. Define natural selection.
  2. Define Darwin’s “common descent”.
  3. Define evolution.
  4. How does embryological development provide some of the evidence for evolution?
  5. Summarize Darwin’s natural selection (there are 6 parts to his summary---look in notes).
  1. Define gene pool.
  2. Define relative frequency (allele frequency).
  3. Two sources of genetic variation in a population are mutations and sexual reproduction which leads to changes in allele frequencies in a population. Explain how sexual reproduction can provide genetic variation.
  4. Natural selection can affect the distribution of phenotypes in a population in 3 ways. What are they? (read pg. 398)
  5. What is stabilizing selection? (draw a graph and write the definition)
  6. What is disruptive selection? (draw a graph and write the definition)
  7. What is directional selection? (draw a graph and write the definition)
  8. What is genetic drift? (pg. 399)

TRUE/FALSE: Write "A" for true and "B" for false FOR QUESTIONS 85-94.

85.The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce is known as variation.

86..Embryological development provides evidence of evolution (common descent) because of growth from same clump of cells.

87.Camouflage is an example of an adaptation that can be found within a population.

88.A theory is an educated guess without much evidence.

89. Natural selection results in changes in the inherited characteristics (adaptations) of a population.

90.The environment creates the favorable variations that can be found within a population.

91.Individuals of different species can share the same gene pool.

92.Natural selection edits populations

94.Directional selection occurs when individuals at one end of the curve have a higher fitness than those in the middle or at the opposite end of the curve. An example would be the change in beak size of Darwin’s finches year after year depending on the food available

95.The graph at the right represents the type of selection in which the norm is maintained (the average) and the extreme phenotypes are selected against. This type of selection is called:

  1. directional selection
  2. distruptive selection
  1. stabilizing selection

96.Common clump of cells growing in similar patterns during early development in different organisms produce

A.homologous structures such as the bones of birds wings and human arms

B. indistinguishable early embryos

C.vestigial organs such as reduced tails

D.different limb types specialized for a single function

97.Plant breeders have produced the tangelo, a hybrid between a tangerine and a pomelo, by

A. genetic isolation B. overproduction

C. selective breeding D. natural selection

98.A fossil is defined as any

A.remains or evidence of living thingsB.extinct species

C.petrified rockD.sedimentary rock layer

99.Inheritable characteristics that increase an organism’s chance of survival and are the result of natural selection

A. adaptation B. diversity C. variation D. evolution

100.In a rock column, the fossils in the top layers must be the

A. oldest B. youngest C. best preserved D. least preserved

101.According to Darwin, the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment is


A. mutation B. fitness C. gene D. homologous structure

102.The wings of a bird and the front legs of a dog are

A. unrelated B. acquired characteristics

C. homologous structures D. vestigial structures.

103.In snakes, small leg bones are

A. homologous structures B. essential structures

C. original structures D. vestigial structures

104.Farmers change the gene pool of a population by

A. adaptive radiation B. natural selection

C. artificial selection D. convergent evolution

105.All are sources of genetic variation within a population EXCEPT

a. mutationb. sexual reproductionc. allele frequency

106. The key idea behind natural selection is that individuals with advantageous characteristics will less successful in their environment more successful at survival and reproduction physically stronger

D.undergo new mutations

107According to Darwin, evolution acts on a(n) of organisms


Photosynthesis / Cellular Respiration

108. What is the original source of almost all the energy in most ecosystems?





109. What is a producer? What is a autotroph?

110. What is an omnivore?

111. What is a carnivore?

112. What is a heterotroph?

113. What is the equation for photosynthesis? (include sunlight and chloroplast in your equation)

114. The process that involves oxygen and breaks down food molecules to release energy is

A.alcoholic fermentationC.cellular respiration

B.lactic acid fermentationD.glycolysis

115. .The reactant(s) of photosynthesis is (are)

A.glucose and sunlightC.sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water

B.water and oxygenD.hydrogen and oxygen

116. .Which of the following is an example of a heterotroph?

A.treeC.rose bush

B.fishD.kelp (seaweed)

117. Photosynthesis produces as its main product

A.carbon dioxideC.water


118. What are the 2 by-products (waste products) of cellular respiration?______

119. What is the main product of cellular respiration?______

120. Photosynthesis takes place in which organelle? ______

121. Cellular respiration takes place in which organelle? ______

122. Which plantorganelle captures the sun's energy?______

123. The hydrogen and phosphate found in the dark reaction (see above chart) come (s) from which molecule (s)?______

124. Which substance(s) from the light reactions of photosynthesis is (are) a source of energy for the dark reactions?

A.waterC.ADP & NADP

B.ATP & NADPHD.glucose

125.Energy is released when

A.AMP becomes ADPC.ADP becomes ATP

B.ATP becomes ADPD.All of the above

126 Which of the following is a waste product of the Light Reaction?



127.Which of these is not produced in the Light Reactions?



128. What is the equation for photosynthesis?

129.Sunlight captured in the Light Reactions of photosynthesis is used to split (separate) what compound?

A.oxygen gasC.water


Step 1=


“breaking sweetness” / Step 2 =
Where in cell does it takes place:
Starts with: (what is needed)
# of ATP's produced:
Waste Products / NONE