RESOLUTION #2008- 26

WHEREAS, the general election for the City of Haleyville was duly and legally held on August 26, 2008 as provided by law, and

WHEREAS, the municipal governing body for the City of Haleyville met on the 2nd day of September 2008, all members thereof being present (or a quorum thereof being present), at 8:00 a.m., and has canvassed the returns, and has ascertained and determined the number of votes received by each candidate, and

WHEREAS, the said municipal governing body has ascertained and determined the result of said election as follows:

S. Hut City Hall NFB Armory ARC ABS Total

Place No. 1

Royce Benefield 21 189 141 50 246 22 669

Johnnie Veal 45 69 38 25 54 5 236

Barry Warren 5 93 69 25 115 20 327

Place No. 2

Tyler Hallman 8 86 76 25 122 21 338

Bob Masdon 25 127 79 33 136 9 409

Drew Thrasher 35 138 94 41 154 16 478

Place No. 3

Jimmy Elliott 22 87 62 14 95 8 288

Wallace George 18 40 32 17 36 6 149

Bud Wilson 30 218 155 67 282 31 783

Place No. 4

Jonathan Bennett 22 197 143 68 302 25 757

Jimmy Johnson 48 151 106 30 111 21 467

Place No. 5

Richard Bittinger 28 227 179 70 298 31 833

MaDonna Henderson 42 121 66 29 113 15 386

School Board Home

S. Hut City Hall NFB Armory ARC ABS Zone Delmar Pebble Total

Place No. 4

Beth McAlpine 52 234 190 80 345 34 157 44 73 1209

Kyle Rushing 24 137 123 43 154 18 41 7 18 565

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the city of Haleyville, Alabama, as follows:

1.  That Royce Benefield received a majority of the votes cast for the office Councilmember Place No. 1 and is hereby declared duly elected to that office for the term beginning on the first Monday in November 2008.

2.  That no candidate received a majority of votes cast for the office of Councilmember Place # 2, that Bob Masdon and Drew Thrasher received the most and second most votes cast for that office, therefore, a runoff election between said candidates is hereby ordered to be held on Tuesday October 7, 2008, pursuant to the requirements of Section 11-46-20 et seq., of the Alabama Code of 1975, as amended.

3.  That Steven “Bud” Wilson received a majority of the votes cast for the office of Councilmember Place No. 3 and is hereby declared duly elected to that office for the term beginning on the first Monday in November 2008.

4.  That Jonathan Bennett received a majority of the votes cast for the office of Councilmember Place No. 4 and is hereby declared duly elected to that office for the term beginning on the first Monday in November 2008.

5.  That Richard “Bicycle” Bittinger received a majority of the votes cast for the office of Councilmember Place No. 5 and is hereby declared duly elected to that office for the term beginning on the first Monday in November 2008.

6.  That Beth McAlpine received a majority of the votes cast for the office of School Board Member Place No. 1 and is hereby declared duly elected to that office for the term beginning on the first regular meeting in March of 2009.

Done this the 2nd Day of September 2008.


Larry Albright Debra Hood

Mayor Acting City Clerk

I, Debra Hood, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Haleyville, Alabama, hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true, correct, and complete resolution duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Haleyville, Alabama at a meeting thereof held on this 2nd day of September 2008, at which meeting a quorum was present and acting throughout.

Witness my signature as City Clerk, under the Seal of said City, this 2nd day of September 2008.


Debra Hood

Acting City Clerk