3300 Sparrow Ave., Flagstaff, AZ 86004* (928)-214-8776

Dear Parents/Guardians & Students in PE:

My name is Kurt Mueller and will be your child’s physical education teacher for 2016-2017. I’m super excited about PE and am looking forward to a great year! I believe that physical education and health instruction have a huge, positive effect on people’s lives.

General Course Descriptions

Our Physical Education curriculum will encompass aerobic and anaerobic exercises in a wide variety of sports/activities; it will focus on teaching skills in various sports, knowing the basic rules of those sports, and seek to have your child enjoy physical activities that they would continue for life. As students make good efforts, it seeks to have your child develop his/her skills, coordination, and fitness. For classes with the health component, students will explore topics including, but not limited to, heart health, the muscular system, skeletal system, nutrition, avoiding illegal drugs and alcohol abuse, types of health, etc.

Note: If you are in the PE/health class, health will be taught in a classroom on Thursdays, focusing solely on health. Assignments will be given and will be part of a student’s grade.

Required PE Attire/Dress Out

Athletic type dress is required for PE. T-Shirts, sweat shirts, shorts of appropriate length, sweats, running pants etc. must be worn for PE, even on game days. NO half shirts, tank tops, ripped or torn shirts, or offensive messages. Also gym shoes (must have shoe laces) and socks must be worn at all times. No sandals, slippers, flip-flops or any open toed shoes. Furthermore, for safety no necklaces or hanging jewelry. (All dress-out PE attire must comply with the school dress policy). Infractions will result in loss of points for that day. Note: ALL athletes are required to attend and participate in some way in class, even on game days.

PE Routines/Attendance Tardies

·  At the start of class, students will first go to the locker room and will have approximately 5 minutes to dress-out (and approximately 5 minutes to change out at the end of the period). They then report to the gym and sit in the bleachers in alphabetical order. Roll will be taken, and if a student is not dressed out or is late, points will be deducted from his/her daily grade.

·  During class we will run a lap or laps in order to get warmed up. After that we’ll follow the dynamic stretching routine WIPP (Warm up for injury prevention and performance). This will be followed by skills training, and finally the main activity.

·  During activities if a student doesn’t participate in an activity very well, they will not get some or all of the participation points. If a student is further disruptive, the student will be told to stop, and depending on the severity, some or all of the points may be taken off. If it continues or if it’s a significant disruption, the teacher will talk to him or her, the student may receive a detention, parents may get an e mail or phone call, or he/she may be sent to the Dean.

·  At the end of class, once students have re-dressed, they are required to return to the gym and sit back in alphabetical order for the remainder of the class session. Again students lose points for non complince. Students will not be let out early. Students are expected to be on time for their next class.

Approximate Times for the Daily Class Schedule

1.  Dress out 5 minutes

2.  Attendance/dynamic stretch 10 minutes

3.  Skill ASAP 10 minutes

4.  Skill Work/Game 20 minutes

5.  Change out/ Closing in gym 5 minutes


A student’s grade will be based on dressing out, participation (effort, attitude, respect for others/equipment, and reasonable safety), and skills tests. With health class, additional points will include assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, skills/fitness testing, and the final exam.

·  All students will be required to perform physical fitness tests.

·  Letter grades are based on NPA’s grading scale.


Attendance & Participation / 0-5 pts daily
(2 pts dress, 3 effort/attitude)
Homework/Assignments / TBD
Quizzes / TBD
Unit Tests/Projects / TBD
Fitness/skills testing / TBD
Final (comprehensive) / 100 pts

Unexcused Non-Dresses

All non-dresses will lose 2 points, and truant students will result in a deduction of ALL daily points. Students will receive a “0” for the day and may be required to do additional work.

Excused Non-Dresses

If students are unable to participate in activities, it will be necessary for the parent or guardian to send a note stating the situation. Students wouldn’t be required to dress out, but will be required to be in the gym for class If there is a prolonged absence from participation (2 days or more), it will be necessary to have a doctor’s note to excuse students from participation.

Locker Rooms

Each student will have use of the locker room to dress out and change back. You can temporarily store items in the lockers, but students are not assigned to a particular locker UNLESS YOU REQUEST ONE and should use their school locker as their primary area to store their things. Please be advised NOT TO KEEP ANY VALUABLES IN THE LOCKER ROOM AND TRY TO AVOID BRINGING VALUABLES TO SCHOOL. UNFORTUNATELY, THEFT HAPPENS. If this is unavoidable please notify your teacher, and we will lock up valuables in the office.

Items Needed for Classroom Sessions

1.  For health class, a composition notebook is needed for notes, journaling, etc. Students should bring them only on health class days.

2.  A 3-ring or 3-prong binder for PE/Health for handouts, homework and studying purposes.

3.  Mechanical pencil or regular pencils

NOTE: Please have these items by the first full week of school.

*  NO FOOD, ENERGY DRINKS, OR BOTTLES/CANS OF SODA WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE GYM at any time! I recommend bringing a water bottle for both PE and Health.

*  No gum in PE.

*  DO NOT RUN OR JUMP ON THE BLEACHERS! Do not sit on the top of closed bleachers. This bends the frame underneath.

*  Treat others with respect and how you wish to be treated.

*  We will not use the stage, and it is to be free of all books and supplies.

*  Have fun and get fit!

If you would like to have further information about this course or discuss the progress of your daughter or son, please feel free to contact me at (928)-214-8776 or email me at Feel free to come by and see our program in progress. Finally, please sign the signature and field trip permission below along with your child and return it by August 17th. Thank you so much.

Kurt Mueller

NPA Physical Education

Physical Education Policies and Procedures Signatures

Please sign below, stating that you have read the parent letter and understood the PE Policies and Procedures for Northland Preparatory Academy.


Student Name (print) Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent Daytime Phone:______Parent Evening Phone:______

Parent Email:______



At times I would like to have my classes walk/run down to Fox Glen Park to use that facility or to use some of the close urban trails. This activity would take place within the class period with teacher supervision and will not require students to miss any other class periods. Since this is off campus please indicate your permission.

 I DO give my daughter/son permission to go off campus to Fox Glen/Urban Trails

 I DO NOT give my daughter/son permission to go off campus

At other times, we would like to take field trips that would require students to miss other classes. You would be notified and a separate permission slip would go home for your permission. We would, in all likely hood need drivers for those field trips. Please indicate if it might be possible for you to drive, of course depending on circumstances.

 I AM ABLE to drive to field trips outside of class, depending on circumstances.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (928)-214-8776 or email me at .


Student Name (print) Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date