Substitute Staff Application Process
Thank you for expressing an interest in substitute teaching in the Rosholt School District.
To be added to our substitute teacher list, please complete an application form and return it, along with a copy of your teaching license, resume, and at least three letters of reference, to:
Marc Christianson
District Administrator
Rosholt School District
P.O. Box 310
Rosholt, WI 54473
Applications may be downloaded using the link to the left, or you may call 715-677-4542 to request an application form.
After your application materials have been received and reviewed, you will be contacted by a Building Principal to schedule an interview. This interview is required prior to actual substituting.
Following is the Rosholt School District’s policy pertaining to substitute teacher compensation:
1. Substitute teachers would be paid at a rate of $103.00 per day.
2. Any short term substitute teacher who teaches ten or more days in a school year shall receive a $10.00 per day bonus at the end of the school year.
3. Substitutes will be paid on the 15th and last day of the month.
4. If a substitute continues to teach in the same position or assignment for more than ten consecutive full days, he/she will receive a salary equal to the base starting rate on the salary schedule beginning with the eleventh full day of continuous employment (does not qualify for bonus above). No fringe benefits will be paid by the School District.
5. Each substitute teacher will receive pay for one-half day of work when called for one-half day or less. If the substitute works more than one-half day but less than a full day, he or she will be paid at the full rate for that date.
6. The substitute teacher may be placed on the salary schedule and receive the minimum base starting rate of the salary schedule if it appears to the district administrator that his or her services will be necessary for a long extended time of duty. The salary will be on a per day basis at the base rate. (In this type of situation the substitute will know in advance that they are being called upon for this long term duty and they will be expected to fill the responsibility of the regular teacher who may be recovering from illness, injury, or child rearing leave.)
7. The district administrator may place a substitute teacher on a long term substitute contract if it is in his/her opinion, to be in the best interest of the students and district. This would be done if it appeared that long term service of at least one semester was necessary and that the teacher contracted was vital to the district.