Subpart F—Special Rules Applicable to

Employees of Schools

Sec. 825.600 Special rules for school employees,


(a) Certain special rules apply to employees of“local educational agencies,” including public schoolboards and elementary and secondary schools undertheir jurisdiction, and private elementary andsecondary schools. The special rules do not apply toother kinds of educational institutions, such as collegesand universities, trade schools, and preschools.

(b) Educational institutions are covered by FMLA(and these special rules) and the Act’s 50-employeecoverage test does not apply. The usual requirementsfor employees to be “eligible” do apply, however,including employment at a worksite where at least 50employees are employed within 75 miles. For example,employees of a rural school would not be eligible forFMLA leave if the school has fewer than 50 employeesand there are no other schools under the jurisdiction ofthe same employer (usually, a school board) within 75miles.

(c) The special rules affect the taking ofintermittent leave or leave on a reduced leave schedule, or leave near the end of an academic term (semester),by instructional employees. “Instructional employees”are those whose principal function is to teach andinstruct students in a class, a small group, or anindividual setting. This term includes not only teachers,but also athletic coaches, driving instructors, andspecial education assistants such as signers for thehearing impaired. It does not include, and the specialrules do not apply to, teacher assistants or aides who donot have as their principal job actual teaching orinstructing, nor does it include auxiliary personnel suchas counselors, psychologists, or curriculum specialists.It also does not include cafeteria workers, maintenanceworkers, or bus drivers.

(d) Special rules which apply to restoration to anequivalent position apply to all employees of local educational agencies.

Sec. 825.601 Special rules for school employees,

limitations on intermittent leave.

(a) Leave taken for a period that ends with theschool year and begins the next semester is leave takenconsecutively rather than intermittently. The periodduring the summer vacation when the employee wouldnot have been required to report for duty is not countedagainst the employee’s FMLA leave entitlement. Aninstructional employee who is on FMLA leave at theend of the school year must be provided with anybenefits over the summer vacation that employeeswould normally receive if they had been working at theend of the school year.

(1)If an eligible instructional employee needsintermittent leave or leave on a reduced leaveschedule to care for a family member with a serioushealth condition, to care for a coveredservicemember, or for the employee’s own serioushealth condition, which is foreseeable based onplanned medical treatment, and the employeewould be on leave for more than 20 percent of thetotal number of working days over the period theleave would extend, the employer may require theemployee to choose either to:

(i)Take leave for a period or periods of aparticular duration, not greater than theduration of the planned treatment; or

(ii) Transfer temporarily to an availablealternative position for which the employee isqualified, which has equivalent pay and benefitsand which better accommodates recurringperiods of leave than does the employee’s regularposition.

(2) These rules apply only to a leave involvingmore than 20 percent of the working days duringthe period over which the leave extends. Forexample, if an instructional employee who normallyworks five days each week needs to take two daysof FMLA leave per week over a period of severalweeks, the special rules would apply. Employees the working days during the leave period would notbe subject to transfer to an alternative position.“Periods of a particular duration” means a block, orblocks, of time beginning no earlier than the firstday for which leave is needed and ending no laterthan the last day on which leave is needed, andmay include one uninterrupted period of leave.

(b) If an instructional employee does not giverequired notice of foreseeable FMLA leave (see §825.302) to be taken intermittently or on a reducedleave schedule, the employer may require the employeeto take leave of a particular duration, or to transfertemporarily to an alternative position. Alternatively,the employer may require the employee to delay thetaking of leave until the notice provision is met.

Sec. 825.602 Special rules for school employees,

limitations on leave near the end of an academic


(a)There are also different rules for instructional employees who begin leave more than five weeks beforethe end of a term, less than five weeks before the end ofa term, and less than three weeks before the end of aterm. Regular rules apply except in circumstanceswhen:

(1) An instructional employee begins leave morethan five weeks before the end of a term. Theemployer may require the employee to continuetaking leave until the end of the term if: (i) The leave will last at least three weeks, and(ii) The employee would return to work duringthe three-week period before the end of the term.

(2) The employee begins leave during the fiveweekperiod before the end of a term because of thebirth of a son or daughter; the placement of a son ordaughter for adoption or foster care; to care for aspouse, son, daughter, or parent with a serioushealth condition; or to care for a coveredservicemember. The employer may require theemployee to continue taking leave until the end of the term if: (i) The leave will last more than two weeks,and(ii) The employee would return to work duringthe two-week period before the end of the term.

(3) The employee begins leave during the threeweekperiod before the end of a term because of thebirth of a son or daughter; the placement of a son ordaughter for adoption or foster care; to care for aspouse, son, daughter, or parent with a serioushealth condition; or to care for a coveredservicemember. The employer may require theemployee to continue taking leave until the end ofthe term if the leave will last more than fiveworking days.

(b) For purposes of these provisions, “academicterm” means the school semester, which typically ends near the end of the calendar year and the end of springeach school year. In no case may a school have morethan two academic terms or semesters each year forpurposes of FMLA. An example of leave falling withinthese provisions would be where an employee plans twoweeks of leave to care for a family member which willbegin three weeks before the end of the term. In thatsituation, the employer could require the employee tostay out on leave until the end of the term.

Sec. 825.603 Special rules for school employees,

duration of FMLA leave.

(a) If an employee chooses to take leave for“periods of a particular duration” in the case of

intermittent or reduced schedule leave, the entireperiod of leave taken will count as FMLA leave.(b) In the case of an employee who is required totake leave until the end of an academic term, only theperiod of leave until the employee is ready and able toreturn to work shall be charged against the employee’sFMLA leave entitlement. The employer has the optionnot to require the employee to stay on leave until theend of the school term. Therefore, any additional leaverequired by the employer to the end of the school term is not counted as FMLA leave; however, the employershall be required to maintain the employee’s grouphealth insurance and restore the employee to the sameor equivalent job including other benefits at theconclusion of the leave.

Sec. 825.604 Special rules for school employees,

restoration to “an equivalent position.”

The determination of how an employee is to berestored to “an equivalent position” upon return fromFMLA leave will be made on the basis of “establishedschool board policies and practices, private schoolpolicies and practices, and collective bargainingagreements.” The “established policies” and collectivebargaining agreements used as a basis for restorationmust be in writing, must be made known to theemployee prior to the taking of FMLA leave, and mustclearly explain the employee’s restoration rights uponreturn from leave. Any established policy which is usedas the basis for restoration of an employee to “anequivalent position” must provide substantially thesame protections as provided in the Act for reinstatedemployees. See § 825.215. In other words, the policy orcollective bargaining agreement must provide forrestoration to an “equivalent position” with equivalent employment benefits, pay, and other terms andconditions of employment. For example, an employeemay not be restored to a position requiring additionallicensure or certification.