Release notes

Recorder 6 – Version 6.23 2 (Build 279 )Final Release

Users who have installed 6.23.2 Release Candidate or Build 278 should install this version as it fixes a bug introduced in the Release Candidate and also implements some new features.


Please read Mantis 497 before installing

After the upgrade it is essential the the four index tables are rebuilt. See Mantis511 below.


Changes since 6.23.2 (Build 276 Release Candidates)

Mantis 343

The process for transferring Custody has been completely revised.

  1. Custody transfer is done after the export based on the actual data exported. This overcomes a major issue where it was possible to change the Custodian on an originating system, but to have the data missing from the importing system,leaving the data impossible to edit in either system.
  2. Users now have the ability to stop the Custodian being changed on specific tables rather than on individual records.
  3. By default the Custodian will not be changed on a table unless all the records in child tables related to it have been exported and changed. There is an option ‘Change Partially Exported’which if ticked will mean that this check will not apply. For example If a Survey is being exported , but only a selection of the Survey Events related to it, then by default the Custodian on the Survey will not be changed. However, if Change Partially Exported’ is ticked then the Custodian of the Survey would be changed. This might need to be done if the most of a Survey is being transferred, but a few records are being held for investigation.
  4. There is now an option to bypass validation when exporting records. This is the first stage in makingit easier to transfer all data from a redundant system without the need to validate the data first. Import of items which have failed validation is not currently possible without a special procedure involving a change to the registry. Please put a post on the forum if you need to do this. A facility to import data which has failed validation is intended for the next release.

Mantis 511

Modified to include all Taxon_List_Item keys in Index_taxon_Name. The process was not including TLI keys where Taxon_List_Version_To was null.This may have been causing some taxa to be missing from reports. A rebuild of the four index tables will be required following the upgrade.

Mantis 552

Fixed bug in the Species Card introduced in Build 276 causing fields to be missing from the Species Card.

Changes since 6.22

Mantis 58

Fixed - bug in the selection of taxon names excluding the sub genus within report wizard.

Mantis 61

Fixed – bug in exporting data where new measurement unit restrictions have been defined.

Mantis 210

The Import Wizard name parser has been modified to better cope with hyphenated surnames.

Mantis 234

Fixed – bug causing truncation when Report Wizard Obs Abundances (LC) is used.

Mantis 332

The Recorder 6 help is now available as web help.

Mantis 427

Fixed - bug in Report Wizard casing an error when using the back button. This was the only bug we are aware of which prevented the use of SQL Server 2012 and 2014.

Mantis 441

Tenure types are now displayed in order

Mantis 450 and 451

Two new field s have been added to Sample. These are designed to record information which is private in nature and which is not to be exported. They appear under the ‘Private’ tabfor samples. Private location is designed to hold an address (100 characters) and Private Code (20 characters) tohold a post code. However these fields can be used for any purpose. Neither of the fields is exported withan Access.mdb export. Both fields can be imported and both can be used in the Report Wizard for reporting and for filtering.

Mantis 466

Fixed – bug in Export to a Recording Scheme/Export Filters where no data or exporting just Locations produces an unhandled error

Mantis 336/470

Fixed. Bug in upgrade which was putting new/updated xml reports in the wrong folder in some instances. Unwanted XML reports and batch updates can be deleted through the R6 upgrade process.

Mantis 471

Fixed – bug causing exports to fail if Observations are not exported with locations

Fixed - bug in Report Wizard casing an error when using the back button. Fixed.

Mantis 472

Fixed – bug which causes Sample year to report incorrectly for –Y dates.

Mantis 473

When the option to expand thetaxonomic hierarchy is selected n the Report Wizard, a warning will be displayed if the taxon selected to expand is not suitable for expansion.

Mantis 475

Fixed bug causing an incorrect spatial reference displayed when matching Locations in the Import Wizard

Mantis 484

Filter on Sample Reference and SurveyorsRef are now working again.

Mantis 493

The Sample Location key has been added to the Meta data output of the Report Wizard.

Mantis 494

The Easting’sandNorthings fields available in the Report Wizard are based on the OSGB or OSNI spatial references. The effect is that where the spatial reference is outside these areas or where there is a mixture of reference types, the Eastings and Northings cannot be used for mapping purposes. A new Report Wizard field has been added which returns Eastings and Nothings based on the OSGB datum and using the lat/long field of the Sample. The Eastings/Northings are based on the results are not restricted to the OSGB boundary. They can, therefore, be used for mapping even where there is a mixture of spatial reference types.

Mantis 497- XMLReports and Batch Updates

All reports have been updated to use the revised method of sorting which allows large files to be sorted correctly. In addition the menu structure of the reports has been changed so that there is one top level menu for all system supplied reports.Other minor changes have been made to correct bugs.

Important –

  1. Users wishing to change the system supplied reports or batch updates should always make copies of thefiles and alter these and not the original files. If you have altered the original files then the changes made will be overwritten by this upgrade. In these circumstances make sure that you secure your ‘Reports’ and ‘Batch Updates’ folders.
  2. Most of the reports and Batch Updates have been subject to some modifications. All have been tested, but it is possible that some combinations of parameters may not work. If you discover any problems please post details on the forum and we will endeavour to provide an immediate fix.

New Feature - Custom Species Cards

There is now a new facility to set up Custom Species Cards. This feature has been paid for by the German users. In addition to allowing the content and layout of the Species Card to be controlled by the user it also allows s Taxon_Occurrence_Measurements and Sample_Measurements to be added to the card. This will make the Species Card more useful for the input of data. Details on the use of this feature are included in a new document ‘Custom Species Cards on the Documentation - Tutorials and Guides page of the R6 web site.(

Other Changes – Not implemented by the upgrade, but related to it

Mantis 495 – DMAP Extractor Addin v.6.23
Modified to allow the extract based on the Lat/Long field of the Sample. Also to allow the extract based on Eastings and Northings based on the Lat/Long field of the Sample. This works outside the Normal UK grid reference area. To implement this change download the new addin from the Recorder 6 web site.

Mantis 498/499 – NBN Exchange Addin V6.23

Modified to deal with bugs Records failing validation can now be included or excluded or just the records failing validation can be reported on.

The addin has been modified in order to cope with a larger number of records. It has been tested on 700,000 records. There is now the option to truncate comments to 255 characters. Comments now exclude double quotes. To implement these changes download and install NBN Exchange Addin v6.23 available on the R6 web site.

A bug which was preventing the export of records where the record had a user defined taxa (preferred or not) has been fixed, but this requires the upgrade to R6 Version 6.23.

Confidential records can only be exported if the option to export records is turned on in Recorder 6. (Tools/Options) and the person doing the export has the required R6 security level which also set via Tools/Options.