Submission of SIAR 2, VCE Unit 3 School-assessed Coursework
Information and guidelines for the entry of school scores
The VCAA has provided schools with broad guidelines on the details of the Graded Assessment scores required to be entered into VASS. The document 2014 Data Entry All Studies can be downloaded from VASS, SYSTEM ADMIN Downloads.
In addition, schools are encouraged to run the report: SCHOOL ADMIN School Statistics School Scores Summary.
This report allows VCE Coordinators and/or teachers to easily view summary level statistics on the range of initial school scores entered for VCE Unit 3 Coursework and Studio Arts School assessed Task 1. Schools should verify that scores awarded for each Unit 3 Coursework Task use the 2014 Assessment Structure as published in the appropriate VCE Study Design and/or VCE Assessment Guide.
This report can be used in conjunction with the RESULTS ADMIN VCE Reports School ScoresBy Class (which provides a detailed list of task scores awarded at student level) to provide schools with a comprehensive analysis of the school assessment task scores they have entered.
- Producing Input Sheets, Summary and Missing Scores Reports
The report produced using the menu RESULTS ADMIN VCE Reports School Scores By Class can be used as:
- An Input sheet for teachers to record their scores.
- A Summary sheet for teachers to check after entry of the scores.
- A ‘Missings’ report to check for any missing scores.
- Entry of Unit 3 Coursework
Coursework scores are entered using the menu: RESULTS ADMIN VCE Results Entry Modify School Scores.
Schools are requested to enter a score for each student based on the four possibilities below.
The four alternative score possibilities are:
(i)a score between one and the maximum, (ii) a zero score, (iii) NA Not Assessed or (iv) blank.
- A zero score should only be given where the work was submitted but did not score against the assessment criteria.
- NA Not Assessed should be given where the student did not submit any work for assessment or where the student has left school.
- If a score is not available due to exceptional circumstances such as a delay in the assessment because of illness or a transferred student, then the score should be left blank (this will avoid it being confused with an ‘NA’) and the Student Records and Results Unit notified of the circumstances.
- Amendment of Coursework Scores
VASS will not allow Unit 3 Coursework scores to be entered or amended after Monday 28 July.
The Score Amendment Sheet (RESULTS ADMIN VCE Reports School Scores Amendment Sheet) must be used to request a change for any previously entered results after the SIAR 2 date – this includes blanks. Advice on this matter should be referred to the Student Records and Results Unit. Schools are advised that requests for score changes are subject to strict audit procedures.
- Late Changes to VCE Unit 3 & 4 Sequence Enrolments
Schools are reminded that requests for late enrolment into a VCE Unit 3 & 4 sequence cannot be actioned until the appropriate fee has been paid. It will not be possible to enter results for these students until the enrolment changes have been made by the Student Records and Results Unit. The application for late enrolment changes must be made using the 2014 Late VCE and VCAL Enrolment Amendments form which can be downloaded from VASS. Requests are to be forwarded together with correct payment to the Student Records and Results Unit.
- Students Not Allocated to Classes
Enrolments are not finalised until both the Home and Assessing School have allocated each student to a class. Therefore, Assessing Schools, including Single Study Language and VSL schools, MUST run the Students Not Allocated to Classes report using the menu: STUDENT PROGRAM Student Program Enquiries Report Students Not Allocated to Classes.
It is essential that this report is checked and actioned for VCE Units 3 & 4 in particular where the report displays the message ASSESSING SCHOOL (Your School) MUST ENTER CLASS CODE – VCE as Assessing Schools will be unable to enter Coursework and Unit results unless the student has been allocated to a class. Assessing Schools may allocate students to classes using the menu STUDENT PROGRAM VCE Change Student Class Code.
- VCE Unit Results for First Semester
Home Schools and Assessing Schools (e.g. VSL and Single Study Language) are encouraged to enter Unit results (i.e. ‘S’, ‘N’ or ‘J’) for first semester units using the menu: RESULTS ADMIN VCE Results Entry Modify Unit Results. This is important for VCE Unit 3 studies results as Year 12 students who have obtained an ‘N’ or ‘J’ result for a Unit 3 study may subsequently now be flagged as not being eligible to complete the VCE.
The entry of an amendment to Unit 1, 2, 3 and 4 results may be made until SIAR 5, Monday 17 November, 2014.
It is not necessary to enter individual Outcome results when the overall Unit result is an ‘S’ or a ‘J’. However when a student is to be awarded ‘N’ for the Unit, all outcome results MUST be entered for that student and at least one of the unit outcome results must be an ‘N’. The overall unit result will then default to ‘N’. A report of students with N or J results may be produced using menu RESULTS ADMIN VCE Reports Unit Results Non S.
- Student VCE Eligibility Reports
The Student Eligibility programs should be run using the menu Student Program VCE Reports VCE Student Eligibility whenever a student enrolment changes are made or following the entry of Unit results in particular an “N” or “J” for VCE unit 3.
Notice to Schools 76/2014