Simon Fraser University
To: Marguerite Fauquenoy
Chair, Department of French
Course Assessment for FRE 452
Cc: Ivana Niseteo, Liaison Librarian for French; Rita Gould, Department of French / From: Gwen Bird
Head, Collections Management
Date: January 28, 2004
This is the Library's assessment for French 452
FRE 452 Topics in French Cultures
This course has been developed primarily for students in the proposed French Language Cohort Program in Public Administration and Community Services, but will also be available for students in French major and extended minor programs. It will be first offered in Fall 2006 and annually thereafter. As a “Topics” course, the specific subject matter of the course may change from year to year, while always focusing on some aspect of French culture.
This appears to be established as a service course for students in the French Language Cohort Program in Public Administration and Community Services. Although there are some gaps in our collections that will need to be addressed for this particular course, many of the Library requirements are being met by collection development activities in support of both French and Linguistics. It is anticipated that there will be further Library costs associated with the programs in the cohort program itself. The Library will assess these as they come forward through the normal course approval process.
Three sample course outlines were provided, including two with bibliographies. Of the books listed, the following are not held at the SFU Library, and copies will need to be added to the collection:
Les Antilles et la Guyane françaises à l'aube du XXIe siècle / Caraïbe Géode. Paris: Karthala.
2-84586-388-8 $52
Effets du féminin-Variations narratives francophones / Carmen Boustani. Paris: Karthala.
2-84586-433-7 $41
L'auto-exotisme dans les littératures des Antilles françaises / Nathalie Schon. Paris: Karthala.
2-84586-450-7 $33
Le Français québecois, normes et usages / Bédard & Maurais, eds. Montreal: Guérin universitaire.
2-7601-3330-3. $24
La France d'outre-mer (1930-1960) / Jean Clauzel, ed. Paris: Karthala. 2-84586-423-X $74
Languages in contact / Uriel Weinreich. Berlin: deGruyter. 90-279-2689-1 $36
In addition, several titles that are not held at SFU are now out of print. The Library will endeavor to add copies of these to the collection as well, but exact costs are difficult to ascertain. However, this list further illustrates the fact that SFU has not been actively collecting in areas of interest to the authors of these sample courses.
La Francophonie / Ager & French, eds. Portsmouth, Assoc. of French Language Studies. OOP
Les Français et leurs langues : colloque tenu à Montpellier les 5, 6 et 7 septembre 1988 sous la direction / de Jean-Claude Bouvier ; actes rassemblés par Claude Martel. Aix-en-Provence : Publications de l'Université de Provence Aix-Marseille I, 1991. OOP
L'Etat et la planification linguistique / Andrâe Martin. [Quebec] : Governement du Québec, Office de la langue française, [1981]. OOP
Bilingualism and linguistic segregation in the schools of Brussels / Elisabeth Swing. Québec : Centre international de recherche sur le bilinguisme, 1980. OOP
Introduction au problème du bilinguisme. / Maurice van overbeke. Bruxelles: Labor, 1972. OOP
Plurilinguiseme : normes, situations, stratégie : études sociolinguistiques / Gabriel Manessy et Paul Wald. Paris : L'Harmattan, 1979. OOP
This is a “Topics” course that may have changeable content in the future. The Library is not currently collecting to support all the topics that are likely to be covered by future iterations of this course, although it is difficult to predict exactly what the content of the course might be. However, the Library’s current collecting activity has left significant gaps in even the recommended reading lists for the sample courses, without even supporting secondary research by students. This indicates that ongoing costs will be associated with this course. At an average price of $60 per book, and 30 books per year, this will amount to $1800/year.
The Library provides access to the following titles that would be useful for students in this course, either via a current subscription or through an aggregated database:
Dalhousie French studies
L'Express du Pacifique
Le Français moderne
French studies
Journal of French language studies JFLS
Journal of language and social psychology
Journal of social issues
Langage et société
La linguistique
Research on language and social interaction
Revue québécoise de linguistique
The Library has adequate serial holdings to support this course.
Bibliographic Tools
The Library has a current license for several databases that could be used by for finding research material for this course such as The MLA Bibliography, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, as well as more general sources such as CBCA Fulltext Reference and ERIC.
One-time costs: $560
The books from the sample reading lists that are not already in our collection should be purchased at a one-time cost of $260 plus $300 for copies of the out of print titles on the list (unpriced).
Ongoing costs: $1800
Notes: The materials required for this course are located in the WAC Bennett Library on the Burnaby campus. This assessment is based on the assumption that the course will be offered at SFU’s Burnaby campus. If the course were to be offered at SFU Surrey or Harbour Center, or as an off-campus course, additional Library costs would be incurred.
If you have any questions regarding this assessment, please don’t hesitate to contact me by phone (3263) or by email, .