Submission Instructions: Please email this form, along with project plans/ schematics and all existingenvironmental documents to Shaminder Chawla at . Please use the following subject for the email: “New Project: Site Address.” In the body of your email, please note whether or not a pre-application meeting has been scheduled.

Primary Site Address:
Alternate Site Addresses and Names:
Borough, Block and Lot(s):
Site Area (square feet):
Current Usage of Property:
Is this an E-Designated or Restrictive Declaration Site?
E/RD Number(s):
Are there requirements for Hazardous Materials, Air Quality, and/or Noise?
Please list the Air Quality and/or Noise Requirements identified in the CEQR documents.
Development Description: Please include a brief description of the development, any planned excavation, uses by floor, build-out footprint, gross square footage of the proposed development, number of affordable and market rate residential units.
Project Contacts: Please include names, organizations, phone numbers, email addresses.
Owner/ Developer:
Environmental Consultant:
Noise Consultant:
Existing Project Environmental Documents: (e.g. March 2011 Phase I ESA by XYZ Company, January 2012 Spill Closure Report by ABC Company, etc.)
Known Environmental Concerns, Conditions, or Contamination:
Please include info on DEC Spills (Spill #, open/closed, DEC PM).
Project Timeline:
Due Diligence (property closing)
Financing Deadlines
Demolition (expected date)
DOB Filing (date/anticipated date)
Other agencies involved
Estimated date for shovel in ground
Other trigger dates
Additional Information:
MTA Involvement
Development Stats
Property Acquisition Costs:
Development Costs:
Permanent Jobs Created:
Construction Jobs Created:

Applicability: The New Project Submittal Form is designed for new E-Designation/ Restrictive Declaration Projects involving new buildings or substantial alterations, as well as prospective NYC Voluntary Cleanup Program Sites. Please do not use this form to submit a request for a Notice of No Objection (applicable to minor alterations). Please use the “Notice of No Objection Application” for all Notice of No Objection Requests. Please note that the previous “Project Submittal Cover Sheet” is no longer required.

Submission Instructions: Please email the completed New Project Submittal Form, along with project plans/ schematics and all existing environmental documents to Shaminder Chawla at . Please use the following subject for the email: “New Project: Site Address.” In the body of your email, please note whether or not a pre-application meeting has been scheduled.

E-Mail Submissions: Please note that OER’s email system typically rejects emails with total file sizes greater than 7 MB. If you send large files through a file transfer website (e.g. Dropbox, Box, etc.), please indicate this in your email when you send the New Project Submittal Form. If you do not receive a prompt response (typically within 24 hours), or you are sending large files, please confirm receipt.

Pre-Application Meetings: Upon receipt of the New Project Submittal Form, OER will assign a Project Manager and follow up to schedule a pre-application meeting if one has not already been scheduled. All project teams are encouraged to attend a pre-application meeting.

Pre-Application meetings are most effective when:

-Project plans/ schematics, as well as environmental documents are submitted in advance of the meeting;

-Property developers, environmental consultants (NYC VCP or hazardous materials projects), architects, mechanical engineers (Noise projects), acoustical consultants (noise projects), and any other relevant parties attend;

-Project team is prepared to discuss project timeline, details, and any agency involvement;

-Environmental consultants are familiar with Site history, Site inspection results, Areas of Concern, any Site-access constraints and are prepared to scope remedial investigations; and

-Project teams arrive on time (please allow sufficient time for parking and navigating security).

Development Stats - Please bring the information requested to the pre-application meeting. OER keeps this information confidential and aggregates this information to advanceour cleanup programs and financial incentives.