Requesting courses for the 2010-2011 school year


READ THIS FIRST, then read the “Course of Studies” Booklet (available on the Prep website under “Academics”) for descriptions of the courses on this form. These instructions will guide you as you request your courses for 2010-11. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to review your options with your guidance counselor. Ms. Durante will be available during the lunch hour to answer questions.

Request honors courses if you meet the prerequisites listed on this form and in the Course of Studies Booklet. Honors course requests require the approval of the department. All requests will be reviewed by your guidance counselor and must be approved by the administration.

All sophomores must enroll in six major courses, plus physical education and health.

1. All sophomores must take Physical Education 2 and Health 2 plus the following major courses:

The New Testament (#2000)

English or English 2 Honors

Latin 2 or Latin 2 Honors

Geometry or Geometry Honors

Chemistry or Chemistry Honors

A modern language

2.  Before requesting your English, Latin, Geometry and Chemistry courses, read the section “HONORS AND AP COURSES” on the first page of the Course of Studies booklet, then read the descriptions of those courses and note the requirements for the honors courses that are available to sophomores.

Honors course consideration: First, think about how you are performing in your freshman courses. As a general rule, if your average is below 87, it is advisable to request college prep courses for next year. If your average is above 87, you may request honors courses in those subjects in which you excel. How many honors courses? If you have none this year, consider applying for one or two honors courses for next year. If you have two honors courses this year and have done well, consider applying for the two honors courses in those subjects as well as one or two additional honors courses, keeping in mind that this will be a demanding course of studies. There is no formula that is right for everyone. You must find the course of studies that is best for you.

If you are not approved for an honors-level required course, you will be registered in the standard college-prep level of that course.

3.  Modern language consideration: You received information at an after-school Freshman Class Assembly regarding your options from the Modern Language Department. Please request the language you wish to study. You must request a second choice. Answer all the questions in the Modern Language section.

4.  Music and Art courses: The electives listed on the Course Request sheet are available to sophomores. If you have musical, vocal or artistic talent or an interest in music or the arts, you may request a course that will enhance your artistic skills and/or help you investigate your interests. Read the descriptions in the Course of Studies Booklet. See Ms. Klim, Mr. Caslowitz, Mr. Smith or Mr. Eleria for more information.

5.  AP World History: In 2010-11, Prep will offer one section of AP World History to sophomores. Enrollment is very limited with selection based on strong grades in English and World Civilizations and overall GPA. Students who request this course must have a keen interest in history and be willing to take a seventh major course. Students selected for AP World History will not be able to take music or art electives this year. As with all AP courses, students must sit for the AP test in May.

6.  Complete the Course Request Form.

Then, enter the course requests in POWERSCHOOL exactly as you have done on this form.

The only way to request your courses for next year is through PowerSchool.

See your counselor if you have questions about this.

You must SIGN the Course Request Form, have your parent sign it, and return it to the main office no later than TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 2010.




Name______HR_____Guidance Counselor______

After you have read the instructions and considered your options, circle your requests below. Then log on to PowerSchool. Go to “Course Registration.” You MUST enter your requests online to complete the course request process.

You will take all of the following courses (you will be registered automatically for them):

1. 2000 The New Testament 8020 Physical Education 7820 Health

Request one course in each set (if you are not approved for the honors level of a course you will be registered automatically in the standard college prep course):

2. 1020 English 2 or

1025 English 2 Honors (minimum grade of 90 in English 1 or 85 in English 1 Honors and departmental approval)

3. 2020 Latin 2 or

2025 Latin 2 Honors (minimum grade of 90 in Latin 1 and departmental approval)

4. 5020 Geometry or

5025 Geometry Honors (minimum grade of 96 in Algebra 1or 88 in Intermediate Algebra Honors)

5. 6030 Chemistry or

6035 Chemistry Honors (minimum grade of 90 in physics and math)


a)  Mark your first choice of a modern language below:

3020______French 1

3120 ______German 1

3220 ______Italian 1

3320______Spanish 1

3325______Spanish 1 Honors

b)  Mark your second choice of a modern language (it may not be the same as your 1st choice) below:

3020______French 1

3120 ______German 1

3220 ______Italian 1

3320______Spanish 1

3325______Spanish 1 Honors

Continue only after you have made two choices.

c)  Answer the following questions:

Have you had previous study in the languages you chose? Please explain:

I have had exposure to the ______language at home (explain: for example speaking, listening, reading, writing, etc.):



I lived in a country where ______was spoken; how long ______.

I studied the ______language (or languages) at school:

Name of school ______

Number of years I studied this language (grades)______

How often did the class meet? Once a week_____ Once a day______Other______


Semester Minor Courses - These courses meet half time for one semester. You may

request one of these courses each semester in addition to your six majors.

7487Songwriting and Arranging on the Computer 1

7488 Songwriting and Arranging on the Computer 2 (Semester 2 only)

7485 Music Synthesis and Production 1

7495 Music Synthesis and Production 2

7718 Sophomore Art

Music Performance Courses – Circle one or more of these courses. Some sections meet at lunchtime and/or or before or after school. These do not count toward your six majors. You may select up to four.


7502 Chorus

7482 Jazz Band

7480 Beginning Instrumental Music Lessons (additional fee for full year of music lessons)

8. History elective:

4025 AP World History

Sign below, then return to the main office no later than March 30, 2010:


Student Signature Parent Signature Date