PERS-42 DRUMBEAT (Reference)
Last Update: November2014
Submarine Division Officer (DO)
Officer Staff Pick-ups at Prototype
Post DO Shore Assignment
Submarine Department Head (DH)
Submarine DH Screening Frequently Asked Questions
Department Head Inventory and Detailing
Department Head School Timing and SOAC Slating
Post-Department Head Detailing
Submarine Executive Officer (XO)
Submarine CDR and Post-XO Detailing
Submarine Commanding Officer (CO)
Submarine Post Command/Major Command
Wardroom/CPO Planning Conferences (WPCs)
Additional Qualification Designators (AQDs)
Nuclear AQDs
Adjudication of Medical Issues
Tour Length, and Relief Policies
Detailing Window Guidelines and Rules
PRD Extensions Ashore
Internal Shifting of Personnel
Lateral Transfer Boards
Board Information
LCDR (Line) Selection Board Discussion Points
Record Update and Maintenance
Record Maintenance Resources
Officer Data Card & Officer Summary Report Updates/Corrections
Fitness Reports
Officer Photographs
Personal Awards
Officer Documents
Updating Contact Information
LDO Career Management and Progression
Other Information
Submarine Enlisted Matters
Operational Holds (OPHOLD) vs. Orders Modification (ORDMOD)
Custom Command Greeting to Prospective Gains in Their Orders
Career Navigator (NAVADMIN 149 & 150/13)
Why You and Your Sailors Need to Understand CMS/ID
PRD Management
Prototype Manning and Instructor Duty for Nuclear-Trained Personnel
Sea Duty Incentive Pay (SDIP) Changes
Information Systems Technician Submarines (ITS) Manning Update
PERS-42 Drumbeat (Reference)
Submarine Division Officer (DO)
Officer Staff Pick-ups at Prototype
To supplement the staff at the Ballston Spa and Charleston prototype sites to aid in enlisted student training, some officers will be selected to fleet up to the staff following their graduation from prototype. The total number of officers involved in this initiative and from which classes they are selected will be managed to avoid division officer manning shortfalls in the fleet. Officers participating in the program will serve on the prototype staff for one year following their graduation. These officers should be closely tracked with respect to meeting career gates in a manner similar to officers that have participated in the Immediate Graduate Education Program (IGEP) from their commission source.
Post DO Shore Assignment
When it comes time to rotate from sea to shore, many officers harbor anxiety because they are initially unfamiliar with the process. The following guide outlines this process:
Process Initiation: TheDivision Officer Tour and Engineer Qualification must be complete. This point of completion is guided by the nominal tour length of 36 months (including 12 months post-PNEO)and the Commanding Officer’s assessment of the officer’s readiness for Department Head.
PRD: The Projected Rotation Date (PRD) is the entering argument that defines the start of the detailing process. PRD is controlled by the Commanding Officer and can be affected by mission cycles, experience of the Wardroom, and operational commitments. Negotiations with the detailer regarding transfer dates must be fully vetted through the Commanding Officer prior to an officer officially playing a particular slate. Wardroom planning conference agreements are used by the Post-Division Officer detailer for the planning and organization of a particular slate. PRD extensions past the nominal tour should be made with careful regard for the tradeoff of real time experience and future career gate concerns (i.e. PERS-42 strives to ensure every Division Officer will serve at least 12 months as a DH before the officer is projected to be in zone for O4).
“The Slate”: The Division Officer Shore Detailer (PERS-421C) will post a listing of all jobs available each quarter. Each slate will post approximately 6 months prior to the quarter. For example, the 2nd Quarter slate (Apr – Jun) will post in October and close in December. The slate can be found under ‘Career Info’ on the PER-42 website. Preferences are submitted in a ‘Top 10 format and must be received prior to the slate closing.
- Each slate will be comprised of a variety of jobs to include: Flag Aide opportunities, Non-Traditional Shore Duty (NTSD), NROTC instructor, waterfront schoolhouse instructor (i.e. TTF, SLC, etc.), and overseas assignments.
- All known Jobs are listed- with priority for fill. All higher priority (1 is highest) jobs will be filled prior to offering lower priority assignments.
SLATE “Do’s and Don’ts”
- Failure to submit preferences for the slate associated with a given officer’s PRD will result in assignment based on historical preferences and the officer’s official record of performance. To avoid these situations, it is imperative that commands work to ensure that each of their Division Officers fully participate in the slate process, which includes communication with the detailer, submission of slate preferences, and feedback on slate options.
- NROTC and Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) assignments require original copies of transcripts submitted to PERS-42. Officers interested in these types of assignments must do this as early as possible. Additionally, officers should have greater than a 3.0 GPA to be competitive for these assignments.
- To receive orders to NPS, you must have your Academic Profile Code (APC). To get your APC calculated, apply online at
Slate Timing
PRD / Slate / Opens / ClosesDec-Feb / 1stQTR / 2ndWeek in July / 2ndWeek in Sep
Mar-May / 2ndQTR / 2ndWeek in Oct / 2ndWeek in Dec
Jun-Aug / 3rdQTR / 2ndWeek in Jan / 2ndWeek in Mar
Oct-Dec / 4thQTR / 2ndWeek in Apr / 2ndWeek in Jun
NTSD: There are several Non-Traditional Shore Duty (NTSD) opportunities available on each slate. These are considered ‘non-traditional’ due to the nature of the job (i.e. sea time, frontline GWOT support, etc.). NTSD jobs include ASW liaison for various destroyer squadrons (DESRON), amphibious squadrons (PHIBRON), expeditionary strike groups (ESG), and split tour to VA-class NEWCON. Officers assigned to an NTSD get a follow-on shore duty upon return. Returning NTSD participants get to choose their job off the applicable slate and are assigned prior to the slate closing. Alternatively, you may choose to play the slate as normal and receive a Homeport Guarantee for your Department Head tour. Follow-on assignment and tour length are subject to individual career milestone concerns. Specifically, follow-on tour length could be truncated based on projected LCDR and XO screening gates (i.e. the post-NTSD shore tour may be shortened from 24 months to 20 months). Division Officers, who are interested in a follow-on PCU or Prototype assignment, can rotate from their initial sea assignments at the 24 month point, provided they are PNEO qualified.
PCU Split-Tour Division Officer: The VIRGINIA class build cycle has reached a steady state. As we lay the keel for the new boats, the call remains to initially man the wardrooms with experienced officers. Each PCU will have 5 ‘split-tour’ division officers assigned. To be eligible for assignment, you must be submarine and PNEO qualified. Upon completion of Sea-Trials, each officer will continue on to a follow-on shore duty.
NPTU: Prototype duty is critical to the continued training of all new nuclear officers. Every slate will have NPTU Shift Engineer jobs listed and they will always be filled. Interest in these jobs continues to be less than required. This leads to officers being involuntarily selected for NPTU (i.e. a ‘red’ detail).
- A follow-on option is offered to all officers serving as Shift Engineer that are committed to returning as a Department Head. Shift Engineers may select one of the two follow-on options:
- After 24 months as Shift Engineer, you may participate in the NPTU Follow-On Option. This program affords you the opportunity to pursue further education. You remain attached to NPTU but no longer serve in the capacity of Shift Engineer. You will be allotted up to one year to complete graduate education and/or Joint Professional Military Education Phase I (JPME I). Upon completion of the Follow-On Option, you will proceed directly to SOAC.
- NPTU officers committed to Department Head, but not interested in executing the Grad Ed/JPME third year option can elect to forgo the follow-on option and proceed directly to SOAC. Officers that elect to do this will be offered their choice of homeport and preferential detailing for their Department Head assignment.
Shore Tour Length and PRD: With the exception of NTSD assignments, the nominal post division officer shore tour length will be 24 months. This length may be adjusted at the request of the service member by submitting a PRD Extension Request to PERS-42 for consideration. These requests should be submitted 12 months prior to the original PRD. Submitting any PRD change requests 12 months prior to the original PRD is beneficial to the member for several reasons: First, if the officer decides to proceed on to a Department Head Tour, this is the point where SOAC rosters are being generated, so there is flexibility with specific classes because they have not been filled. Second, it offers the opportunity for those that intend to resign to determine their PRD while they are still in the window to submit a resignation. Finally, submitting a request this far in advance prevents a request from being denied because a relief has been identified off the next Post-Division Officer Shore Duty Slate.
Your record: Personal performance plays a large part in shore assignments. Those performing well shall enjoy preferred consideration of their preferences. However, strong officers may be encouraged to play for high visibility jobs and other assignments where they are considered ‘good fits’. Junior officers should work with their commands to ensure that the detailer has the most current and up-to-date record of performance. This may require special letters or other correspondence to bridge gaps between reporting periods, provide insight into special recognition like Junior Officer of the Year, and to provide insight into suitability for specific jobs.
Submarine Department Head (DH)
Submarine DH Screening Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Department Head screening process?
The Submarine Force utilizes a two-look, “best qualified” screening process, meaning that the screening board will select a specific number of officers deemed most qualified for service as a Department Head. Each officer will have two opportunities to be selected. The screening boards convene each May to screen officers at approximately five and six years of commissioned service. Approximately 90% of junior officers desiring DH screen for DH.
Why is the two-look process necessary?
Dividing the screening process across two looks and spacing those looks approximately one year apart allows the Submarine Force to adjust quotas in response to changing retention trends. If only a single look were conducted, it would need to be delayed until shortly before most officers from that Year Group are scheduled to receive orders to SOAC. This would induce a much higher risk of setting a quota that unfairly and unnecessarily denies a number of interested officers the opportunity to continue as Department Heads. The two-look process allows the second-look quota to accurately account for the retention decisions made by those officers who were screened on the first look, and allows officers to have their screening status resolved well before they are required to make a decision about whether or not to request orders to SOAC.
Does it matter whether an officer is screened on the first or second look?
No -- all screened officers are treated the same for the purpose of detailing and future assignments. Whether an officer screens on the first or second look will not affect his or her options for Department Head assignment.
How many officers will screen for Department Head?
The minimum number of Department Heads required varies from year to year with changes in the Submarine Force of Record (FOR) (the size of the submarine fleet) and ship schedules, but is normally 115-120 officers per Year Group. The screening quotas for each Year Group will vary depending on the actual requirement and the predicted retention rate for that Year Group. Quotas will be set to allow the maximum number of officers an opportunity to screen and serve as Department Heads. For the average Year Group, most of the officers who are qualified and desire to serve as Department Heads will have the opportunity.
Which officers will the board choose to serve as Department Heads?
The board will thoroughly and impartially review each officer’s record using the same standards applied in other administrative screening and statutory boards. The specific platform on which an officer served or the number of patrols or deployments made during an officer’s Division Officer tour are not important. What is important, and has always been the foundation of the Submarine Force’s selection criteria, is performance during sea assignments.
How many officers who want to be Department Heads will not get that opportunity?
The number will vary from year to year based on retention trends, but the Submarine Force will do everything possible to minimize the number of officers who are not provided the opportunity to serve as Department Head in spite of the desire to do so. In most years the number should be small, but during periods of unusually high retention there are simply not enough Department Head positions available for all of the officers who may wish to serve.
Do officers need to be screened for DH before they can sign a COPAY contract?
No. COPAY rules have not changed, and there is no requirement that an officer be screened for Department Head before signing a contract; however, the officer must be recommended by his commanding officer. Officers who are placed “Not Cleared” for Department Head (DHNC) after their second look will have their nuclear qualifications removed at a date in accordance with existing policy. Officers who sign contracts before their Department Head screening status is resolved should understand all aspects of the eligibility and recoupment criteria as detailed in OPNAVINST 7220.11 (series).
Does signing a COPAY contract improve an officer’s chances of screening?
No. The screening board will objectively assess each officer’s potential to succeed as a Department Head based on his qualifications and performance as documented in his official record. Administrative factors such as PRD or whether or not the officer has signed a COPAY contract will not factor into the decision. To do otherwise could unfairly penalize those officers who become eligible for COPAY or make their career decisions later than some of their peers due to factors outside of their control.
What happens to officers who do not screen for Department Head?
Officers who are placed “Not Cleared” for Department Head (DHNC) on their second look will be able to complete their scheduled shore duty assignment. Officers placed DHNC will maintain eligibility for all Nuclear Officer Incentive Pays (and CONSUBPAY) until the first day of the next Fiscal Year following their final screening board (October 1st). Officers serving in nuclear billets will retain all nuclear qualifications until their detachment or until the first day of the next Fiscal Year following their final screening board (October 1st), whichever is later. Detailers will work closely with each affected officer to ensure that they fully understand their options, including potential lateral transfer to another community. PERS-42 will do everything possible to support each affected officer and to find a next assignment that is compatible with that officer’s skills and interests.
When can officers who do not screen for Department Head apply for lateral transfer?
Lateral transfer eligibility rules remain unchanged. Officers are eligible for lateral transfer after completing a Department Head tour, immediately after being placed “Not Cleared” for Department Head, or in certain other circumstances when this is in the best interest of both the individual and the Navy. Officers who are under an existing COPAY contract may not apply for lateral transfer until they are within one year of the contract’s expiration or they have been placed “Not Cleared” for Department Head. Officers who are contemplating lateral transfer should contact their detailers to discuss their options.
If I failed PNEO and subsequently passed the re-examination, will it negatively impact my chances of screening for DH?
No, PNEO scores and technical ratings are not considered by the Board. Engineer qualification results in the assignment of the Additional Qualification Designator (AQD) SN1, which is reflected on the bottom left of your Officer Summary Record (OSR). The Board only sees your Officer photo, OSR, and Performance Summary Record (PSR) when briefing your record. The briefer of your record will have read all of your FITREPs and awards (the exact same information that is available via the Online Military Personnel File (OMPF) feature of BUPERS Online (BOL)).