Preterite-Imperfectposter project* 30puntos
In pairs (no groups of 3+) you will tell a story using a comic strip, the preterite/imperfect, your creativity, and your own real-life experience. You will work together and can add events and characters as you see fit. Have fun but remember we want to learn from this.You will make 10 drawings and 2 sentences per drawing with correct usage of the preterite and imperfect to tell your story.You will show that you know how to conjugate the verbs in their different forms and that you can distinguish when each verb form should be used. Your group of two will share your original stories next week with the whole class. Make sure to use the verbs in the following ways:
- Single completed action in the past
- Series of events in the past
- Recount events that take place during a specific amount of time or a specific number of times in the past
- Express the beginning or end of an action in the past
- Describe mental or emotional reactions in the past
- Express habitual actions in the past
- Describe ongoing actions in the past
- Give background information about events in the past
- Tell time, age, and describe the weather in the past
- Describe mental and emotional states in the past
EX:“Por la mañana, Alejandro se despertó, se levantó, y se duchó.”
“Mientras bebía su café, alguien llamó a la puerta.”
The final product will be a poster with the 10pictures and at least 20 sentences. The pictures must be colored. You may also modify themas needed.
*You must also include a minimum of two IOPs and two DOPs
Preterite-Imperfect poster project* 30puntos
In pairs (no groups of 3+) you will tell a story using a comic strip, the preterite/imperfect, your creativity, and your own real-life experience. You will work together and can add events and characters as you see fit. Have fun but remember we want to learn from this. You will make 10 drawings and 2 sentences per drawing with correct usage of the preterite and imperfect to tell your story. You will show that you know how to conjugate the verbs in their different forms and that you can distinguish when each verb form should be used. Your group of two will share your original stories next week with the whole class. Make sure to use the verbs in the following ways:
- Single completed action in the past
- Series of events in the past
- Recount events that take place during a specific amount of time or a specific number of times in the past
- Express the beginning or end of an action in the past
- Describe mental or emotional reactions in the past
- Express habitual actions in the past
- Describe ongoing actions in the past
- Give background information about events in the past
- Tell time, age, and describe the weather in the past
- Describe mental and emotional states in the past
EX:“Por la mañana, Alejandro se despertó, se levantó, y se duchó.”
“Mientras bebía su café, alguien llamó a la puerta.”
The final product will be a poster with the 10 pictures and at least 20 sentences. The pictures must be colored. You may also modify them as needed.
*You must also include a minimum of two IOPs and two DOPs