Action Item August 24, 2010

To:Board of Trustees

From:Dean Lindquist, Superintendent of Schools

Subject:Trustee Appointment to Ad Hoc Committee –

Substitute Teacher Focus Groups

Originator:Dean Lindquist


That the Board select and appoint three (3) trustees to an Ad Hoc Committee – Substitute Teacher Focus Group for a term of September 2 – October 10, 2010.


Attachment: Letter of Invitation


The Alberta Teachers’ Association recently published a research report titled The Experience of Substitute Teaching in Alberta Schools. This report was very interesting in highlighting areas of issue for Substitute Teachers to effectively perform their role in the school and classroom.

Over the course of the school year, teachers are absent from their classroom for personal and professional reasons. During their absence, our system and students rely on the substitute teachers to maintain a high level of student learning as these individuals play a critical role in assisting our division in ensuring continuous improvement.

Context of the Recommendation:

A Focus Group is scheduled for the afternoon of September 15, 2010 to discuss issues around the role of substitute teachers. The purpose of the focus group is to hear from multiple stakeholders in determining how the system can support the role of substitute teachers in the classroom.

Invited stakeholders include: substitute teachers, teachers, principals, trustees and ESC personnel. Mr. Kurt Moench with the ATA will assist us in facilitating the focus group.


Although we do not receive a significant number of complaints from substitute teachers over the course of the school year, this process will assist us in gaining insight into the role of the substitute teacher, and to ensure that the substitute teacher is supported in fulfilling this important role in our schools.

Three trustees are requested to become part of the process. Their role will be to assist in defining the focus group questions, to participate in the focus group, and to review the final information along with the other members of the focus group.

Attachment: Letter of Invitation

July 16, 2010



I trust your summer is going well and you are taking time to relax and enjoy the summer weather.

We are currently planning for some of our initiatives and projects for the next school year. One of our initiatives is to review how the school system can support the work of substitute teachers throughout the division in order to ensure they are comfortable in the schools and that their work with students is valued and student learning is maximized.

Substitute teachers play a critical role in the education of GYPSD students while replacing teachers who are out of their classrooms for a variety of reasons throughout the school year. In our quest to move from “good to great” the role of substitute teachers is very important to support students and learning.

Given this important teaching role, it is imperative that we effectively communicate the needs of substitute teachers to all school staff in order to ensure that the role is rewarding and valued. The Alberta Teachers’ Association conducted research on the role of the substitute teacher and some very interesting information was collected. Some of the information pertained to remuneration and benefits, while other information delved into professional development, communication, working conditions, teaching assignments and scheduling.

I would like to invite you to participate in a focus group on September 15, 2010 at the Education Services Centre in Edson beginning at 12:00 p.m. and ending at approximately 4:00 p.m.

The following is a list of invitees to participate in the focus group:

  • Substitute Teachers 10 – 15
  • Principals – 3
  • Teachers – 3
  • Trustees – 3
  • ESC Staff – 3
  • ATA Representative – Dr. Kurt Moench

The purpose of the focus group is to review and discuss the role of the substitute teacher in Grande Yellowhead Public School Division. Specifically, we will be considering a number of questions within the focus group that will assist the school division in enhancing the role of substitute teachers. I ask that you please respond by August 31, 2010 to advise whether or not you are able to attend. You may respond by phoning Kathy Pozniak at 1-780-723-4471 (extension 104) or by email to or .

Lunch will be provided at the beginning of the focus group session. Mileage will be paid for all participants at division rates. Substitute teachers attending the focus group will receive 0.5 days substitute teacher pay.

If you would like more information prior to making a decision on your attendance, please contact me directly at 780-723-4471 (ext 103) or 780-723-1556 (cell) or by email at .

I am looking forward to some very interesting discussion and the development of priorities to support the work of substitute teachers within our division.


Dean Lindquist, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools


c:Dr. Kurt Moench

John Stitzenberger, Board Chair

Cory Gray, Deputy Superintendent

Nancy Spencer-Poitras, Assistant Superintendent - Learning Services