Subject : Skills & Safety Passport System

Dear Valued Members

As part of initiative in line with ASPRI’s mission to assist members to achieve business excellence, ASPRI will be implementing the Safety & Passport system for workers/supervisors working in the process industry.

Objective :

The skills and safety passport is used by the contractors as a logbook for the registration and verification of all requirements connected with safety and skill training and qualifications.


Attached is a “data input file template”(excel file) for your input of all the workers skills and safety training records for compilation, verification and records in a databank. We appreciate if you could submit the completed data by mailing the data file to the following mail address to facilitate our preparation for the Skills & Passports for your company’s workers.

Please indicate your company name and contact person in your submission

The next phase would be primarily be divided as follows :-

a)verification of originals against copies / certified true copies

b)verification of datalist records for databank input

ASPRI will be scheduling and notifying the companies to send the documentations for the verification exercise. Once the verification exercise is complete, ASPRI will be preparing the issuance of passports and notifying the companies for collection.

Further Notes :

Roles & Responsibilities : Individual companies

Individual companies would

  1. Nominate & authorize a personnel that would be the approving and contact person representing the company in matters relating to the safety passport system. The person would facilitate ASPRI secretariat in administering, implementation, dissemination of vital information to the companies pertaining to matters arising of the system.
  2. Prepare and consolidate copies and originals in accordance to the data input file (refer sample) ready to be brought to ASPRI Secretariat office on the scheduled date (that will be informed) for verification purpose. The originals would be returned on the same day where possible.
  3. On the scheduled date, the company’s representative/nominee will bring down the originals and copies to the designated area where ASPRI Secretariat staff would verify the copies and retain for second stage verification/ record purpose.
  4. ASPRI staff would check and highlight any missing certifications to the respective company representative on the spot for company to take action.
  5. The certified true copies would be retained for further verification against the data list completed and submitted by the company. Any discrepancies would be highlighted and discrepancies report sent to the particular company and advise for new date for submission.
  6. Once the data checklist for company is complete, ASPRI would proceed with the
     allocation of passports per worker

 Pasting of photo to the serilize passport

 Update and record into databank

 Insert seals on passes

7. Upon completion for individual company, ASPRI would contact representative for

We thank you for understanding the procedures, roles and responsibilities for the Skills & Safety Passport System as an industry. To facilitate the administrative exercise we would like to remind your company co-ordinator the following points which could serve as a checklist prior sending any documents for verifications.

Note :

1 / Check that the data list is completed and updated correctly with worker’s name, identification number, certification number, training provider etc.
IMPORTANT : The data list serve as a authenticated record from the company where verification would be made.
2 / Please check that the submission, the correct supporting documentsand photographs are prepared in accordance to the data list. To facilitate the smooth flow of the process, it should preferably arrange in the order as listed in the data list.
3 / Please adhere to the schedule date for the verification of certified copies as given by ASPRI. ASPRI reserve the right to prioritize the schedules for companies due to the large amount of administration work involved.
4 / Ensure the declaration form is signed by the appointed authorize person which will serve to be the contact point for the company regarding the safety passport system.
5 / Do understand the volume of work involve and
Appreciate that ASPRI staff would endeavour to ensure smooth flow in the verification process. Your assistance and cooperation to our staff is greatly appreciated.
6 / Do not bring down the documents on different date other then the day scheduled for the company.
7 / Do not send any documents other than those relevant certifications indicated in the datalist submitted
8 / Do not damage, duplicate/fabricate or tampered with the passports given.

We hope the above information would be helpful to you. If you do have further queries, please email us at . We would also inform you in due time the scheduled date for your company to submit the documents.
